
i'd like to molest girls now but i don't think i'd get away with it-ben

wow, today as i was sitting in global studies listening to some psycho girl in front of me bitch the *entire* class through about her godforesaken D, i was inspired. on my old web page, i had a section called 'schtuff that perturbs me'. i just might have to reinstate this feature. ok, the right arm of my sweat shirt smells like boy. i'm confused. i haven't worn it in days & i don't believe it's ever been on a boy. yeah, anyway. that wasn't my schtick right there, the arm thing. rah.

anyway again, "cornell boy" has decided to call upon my sassy powers. in regards to his guitar playing he writes,
More often than not, the girls are impressed. Now, why is this? A simple question, but not one that is so simply answered.
well u've certainly got a point there matty.
Is it because of the music?
i'm a talent whore. music = hot. for me personally, music means a lot & can b terribly impressive. so the act of creating ur own is certainly worth gawking at
Is it the romanticism of a lone man and his guitar, gently strumming beautiful chords?
watching a guy totally get lost in the the music is awesome. when u can physically see the passion in a person, it's an even higher art form.
Is it that John Mayer plays guitar, so its attractiveness by association? I honestly don't know.
maybe for some... but they're likely to be 14. personally, i think johnny boy milks it. he's seriously the only young male i can think of who does not get hotter when he plays the guitar. but for those who 'dig him', i'm gonna go with his sensitive stylings being the key
But then I took the thought one step further. Would I want to impress girls who would be captivated by plucking some strings? Would I want to take back to my room someone who swoons at hearing Dave Matthews? An interesting proposition. Once again I make no attempt to understand the female psyche, but I know Miss Malone enjoys the guitar boys. Perhaps you can enlighten me on why the female species is fascinated with it.
rah. a bit of a generalization. clearly guitar is not the only thing that makes a person attractive. does it help? but of course, but it's not like it's the simple act of *gasp* holding the guitar that makes one suddenly the ultimate sex god. i dunno, gals hear cute little love songs a la guitar & wish that they were about them. imagine having ur own boy to write u songs *swoon*. however, i've asked girls if they've ever wished for this & surprisingly enough, they don't generally seem to. so don't worry musically challenged studs, ur not forever branded under a bad name.
But another thing is, what constitutes "playing" guitar?
more than the first 3 notes of a song is a good start. playing known stuff is nice, but writing ur own music. now that's where the hot comes in.
i dunno, perhaps for some gals it's not so much about the music as like, omg, my bf's in a band!!!! ha, i mean i'd think that was mad cool too, i must confess, but ehh... there's more to it, ha, i hope. yep, so uh, i dunno if that helped u at all... cuz we females b cah-razy. i can barely tie my own shoes.

awh, so mr rogers died today. though i wasn't exactly a fan, i feel as if a hunk of my childhood has been digested.

in an unrelated note, i like icecream.


what can i say, ppl seek out my blog for their daily dose of vitamin c. observe: after reading yur blog i realized that i miss you more than pineapples, when is yur spring break? -rachel. MORE THAT FREAKING PINEAPPLES!

So my final thought for today is as follows: having breasts and a vagina is not a prerequisite to cutting in front of me in the salad line. Sorry honey, it ain't happenin'. I value ranch dressing above mammary glands, and I don't see my priorities changing anytime soon. yet another pearl of wisdom from "cornell boy"

man, kim is one sexy beast alright. today we had one of the most profound conversations ever:

KJlove125: hmmm....wow i think that my mind is in a bad place
noel762: haha, i'm all up on that
KJlove125: grr?
noel762: roar?
KJlove125: shhh?......(yeah i dont know)
noel762: shabang bang?
KJlove125: shoo wada wada?
noel762: oogity boogity?
KJlove125: boom sha boom?
KJlove125: (hehe had to think of that one)
noel762: boom chicka boom chicka
noel762: ???
KJlove125: brusha brusha brusha?
noel762: oo oo ow oo ow?
KJlove125: bow chica bow wow?
noel762: ramina ramina woogity woo?
KJlove125: sha boom sha boom.......lada lada lada da?
noel762: hoot ba beh hoot hoot?
KJlove125: meow?
noel762: joan rivers?
KJlove125: old ladies?
noel762: hot sex?
KJlove125: monkey love?
noel762: 8 yr old boys?
KJlove125: umm...no 11?
noel762: *checks calander* nope, 8?
KJlove125: dana?
noel762: b. arthur?
KJlove125: midget boy?
noel762: *gets excited*
noel762: wifebeater?
noel762: with gravy?
KJlove125: grr? oh ew?
KJlove125: on the side?
noel762: slathered?
KJlove125: of yvonne
KJlove125: with butter?
noel762: with alice watching?
noel762: unecessarily?
KJlove125: at the door?
noel762: & jeff knocking?
noel762: pleading & crying?
KJlove125: and crying
KJlove125: haha
KJlove125: i think we found the six degrees of JEFF
noel762: :'( i'm jeff... oh boo hoo i'm so sad

ha, sorry jeff.

ok, now that i've merely quoted others, i shall leave you.

ps i like monkeys


today wasn't all that terribly exciting that i can recall at least. tacos AND nachos in one day though, so that was pretty amazing. we had a chorus concert & my voice was all up on that, so yeah, good times. it's the worst to b sick for a concert, so i was glad that my body decided to love me. a lotta ppl r hackin' it right now, bleh.

I'll just leave you with a thought for the rest of the night/tomorrow: as long as guys have to make the first move and ask for the first date, we'll make more in the workplace. Fair trade if you ask me. -stolen from "cornell boy's" blog. ha, this is another sexist sort of comment i enjoy. girls, i do believe the boy makes a point. man, i'm the worst feminist ever. but hey, i'm not a feminist.

ay, lindsay IMed me today to tell me that someone asked if she was a mexican. that's awesome.

lucia has this in her xanga. alas, we're the same bear yo...

Cheer Bear
You're the Care Bear cheerleader! Your spunky personality and optimisim lifts everyone's spirit. Though you want everyone to be happy, you stand your ground on issues you feel strongly about and this can bring disunity among your friends. Despite this, you are a true believer in working together.



oh man, it's still snowing out. rah.

yeah, so why am i awake now u might ask? well i took a nap before, though i don't fancy that word. yeah, i'm pretty wired. plus i got off the phone with smarcus about an hr ago. anyone that knows the gal, ha, even some who don't, know that she can certainly talk. this is most definitely true, but at the same time it can b so good to talk to her. smarcus is up on the stuff others don't always take note of, like my restrictive shyness, ha, & ya know, the 80 million dumb things i've said over the yrs. she tells me 'well honey, listen' & word, she knows me. that is COOL. ha, i love having friends that understand u. *mwuh*

yeah, so this evening i joined kim in a IM warning battle with jeff. come on, u know u've done it b4. yeah, well it was terribly amusing, & in fact ended up getting rather physical. & so it begins with kim asking me to IM jeff...

noel762: whoah buddy... what's with the bad ass warning level?
Jude713: little miss Kim
Jude713: warn her!
Jude713: she's mean to me
*i anonymously warn him*
noel762: mean, how so?
Jude713: 'cause she warned me
noel762: so i should warn her because she warned u
noel762: i'm gonna need more reasoning than than that
noel762: what r u warning me for?
*he warns me, twice*
Jude713: hey, she just told me she warned you and was gonna say I did it so you'd warn me!
*let us recognize that this makes no sense*
noel762: ya big skunk
*i warn him twice in retaliation*
Jude713: not cool
noel762: right back at ya
noel762: argh
Jude713: hey, not cool!
noel762: u warned me mr
noel762: yo, what the f JEFFFF
Jude713: lol.. that rhymed
Jude713: f and Jeffffff
noel762: ha, i know, hence the accent on the f's in jeff
noel762: *shakes head*
noel762: man, what will natalie think when she sees ur warning level? she's gonna think ur trying to solicate porn or something
*he loves natalie portman. we added the sn natalieportman to his buddy list & what do ya know, someone actually comes online under that name*
Jude713: yes.... or I could hide that fact by telling her that it was only a warning battle amongst friends
noel762: well that's no fun
noel762: & the italics might b construed as creepy porn man talk
Jude713: yeah, but atleast she won't find out about the porn thing that way
noel762: riiight....
Jude713: anywho, I'm done with you
noel762: wuss
Jude713: :-P
noel762: whateva, i said whateva

Auto response from Jude713: I am going to bed soon... ttyl peeps.

*he says he's going to bed, we continue to warn him*

Jude713: you people suck!
noel762: wahahaha
noel762: what can i say, i do what i can

Auto response from Jude713: Taking care of some business.....

noel762: gotta keep things interesting

*jeff ambushes my room. now he tries to overtake my keyboard as i type to kim...*
KJlove125: ummm check the away message
KJlove125: what does that mean?
KJlove125: what the hell?
*i try to warn her, but he keeps deleting my type*
noel762: f
noel762: effj
noel762: jfe
noel762: jff

yeah, so then kim comes in & we all laugh. but no, jeff decides to steal my candy, gum, ha, & a tea bag...? for his troubles. ya don't take chocolate from girls yo. kim & i ambush him as he tries to go up the stairs. kim almost gets crushed as i climb on his back, he slams me into the wall. ha, who even really knows. along the way marjani, colleen, & alice all find a way to get involved. this went on for about a half hr. meanwhile kiehl IMed & warned me in the spirit of jeff.

after the turmoil had passed, my stuff having been reclaimed of course, jeff IMs me under a different name...
jeffearled: you guys suck
*i warn him for old time's sake*
jeffearled: that was certainly uncalled for

& that my dears, was my night.



of course i know have virtually no recollection of anything i would have said b4. hmm...

filming alexis & emily's movie was cool. emily let us do a dance break down at the end, ha, word. i also got to scream, "chris, why r u in my fucking laundry?!" before it was even noon. hot dog alright.

i don't really feel like supplying the sordid details of the wked, actually. rah. ppl r cool for listening to me talk, specifically abby, cat, & colleen. there ya go, i'm giving u virtual props. now doesn't it make it all worth while?

lindsay has a bf! oh man my darling, ur making me feel old. i can remember back when she was little & i used to push her around in her walker. ha, then my aunt would inform me that her feet were like, scraping against the wood floor so that couldn't *possibly* b a good idea. oh sigh... see, even talking like this, makes me feel old, what r u doing to me kiddo?

Grace: yeah, i'm a tad nervous, but it'll be fiiiyyine
Me: understandably so
Me: ha, just don't give in to his lips w/o hearing his words
Grace: yes ma'am
Grace: that was so a mother/grandmother comment to a granddaughter/daughter

ok, that's the second time within 24 hours i've been called an old lady. jazmin decided at dinner that i'd make a terrific old lady. i mean at that pt, i was making a weird voice & such, ha, but what is that? yeah, so now our 'band' may b the old lady brigade. only time will tell i suppose.

i just had trick or treaters come to my door. i got a bottle cap & a hug out of it. ha, oh man...

someone sent this to me, err, ok:

i'm lovable and love people easily. i like making others
feel at ease, and people just can't help but have a good time when they're
around me. get some vicks and let the good times roll.

find out what kind of drug you are @
tara's website

lindsay = my cousin. lindsay is in 8th grade. ha, i totally forgot that she too could read my blog. i laughed when she told me that she could sympathize with the cleavage entry cause her friend has hahas that can get their own zip code. she quickly followed this with, did i just say that? yeah, so i read a little shout out to her new beau in her profile & decided to play the nosy older cousin. yep.

jazmin = jazmin lives in good ol' T2. she's from puerto rico. i always say that i'm gonna speak to her in spanish, but i dunno, it just doesn't happen. we kept agreeing that after 9 we were only allowed to speak spanish, but i don't think that's happened even once. word. i don't really know jazmin that well to really elaborate, but seems like a cool chick.


rah. i apologize for my absence. i realize that a day w/o ur being able to read my blog is practically a day not worth living.

my thanks go out to kim for being awake & roaming the halls at 530AM.

i haven't slept much lately... i should do that now. tomorrow i'll give ya something more enjoyable. *enthusiastic cheer*

rah infinity & beyond


Thank you Kim and Dana for giving me Natalie. You are good people. -jeff commenting on how Natalie Portman suddenly appeared on his buddy list- i am good ppl yo

man, i had a bagillion thoughts b4 when the internet was craptastic, now i'm at a loss. let's see... today today...

colleen managed to get orange soda to escape me. first i made her choke on a peach, but alas, the liquids take it to a new level. orange soda, allover my chicken nuggets & fries yo. it's actually kind of a nice change of pace to have someone get me. i don't think i've had the experience since 8th grade. today, it went something like this-
me (commenting to jeff on putting pepper on his mac & cheese): why are u putting pepper on that?
colleen (in a very low & serious tone): because we hate him
me: *laugh cover mouth laugh snort dribble laugh dribble choke dribble laugh*
colleen & jeff: laughter, laughter, & mo' laughter
(jeff is confused) did i miss something?
yep that's right kids, she barely did a damn thing. perhaps that's why it was so funny. i don't know, what can i say, i'm a laugher & everyone knows it.

yvone moved into the first floor *woo woo* it's where it's at alright.

every room i went into this evening seemed to b facing a diff't trauma. mostly a lotta boy jive. wth boys. i know that it's a general consensus that girls r complicated & that they tease & rah rah rah... but ay, u guys give us a run for our money, let me assure u. basically, RAH. i'll just leave it at that.

cornell boy said i'm sassy. steve said that b4 too, am i sassy? i think i like the sound of that.
sas·sy1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ss)
adj. sas··si·er, sas··si·est
Rude and disrespectful; impudent.
Lively and spirited; jaunty.
Stylish; chic: a sassy little hat.
-courtesy of dictionary.com
ok, aside from the first one, it's a positive word. but did u also know that it's a west african tree? don't say i never gave u anything. pearls of wisdom my dears, pearls of utter wisdom.

i'm starring in alexis & emily's movie on saturday, woo woo. being the guinea pig of their projects amuses me somehow.

oh, marina is "da bomb", even if she didn't get a chance to check out the entre.

wow, laura is on fire tonight. let us highlight some of her choice moments:
-aw that wouldve been nice of them in a 'lets watch dana almost die silently' type of way.
-confusion just breeds. it's like it finds you.
-laura: ive seriously been like a coke addict all day. my brain is *everywhere*. im like 'world issues, bush, look! a puppy! one time, when i was little, there was this monkey..'. it's weird. although its amusing to watch others stutter and blink in my wake of mass confusion.
me: like a hummingbird on crack, it seems
laura: haha yes. i like that description

ok, that's enough for tonight i suppose. wang chung, bring on the wked

laura = friend from home yo. when i think of laura, i think of my car. we do a lot of talking in my car. laura knows the floor plan of the mall like the back of her hand. whenever i get discombobulated, i think man, i should call laura... she used to throw out money, which completely baffled me. when i used quick math skills to estimate how much laura had thrown away since 6th grade, she was bloody amazed. yeah kids, dont do that. laura & i talk on IM all the time, it's a good thing.


at 11:48:07 PM on February 19, 2003 Kimberly said: "I AM NOT GOING TO DO IT I SWEAR.....I HEART YOU DANA MALONE!!!!!!!"
there u have it, she said she's not gonna do it. if she does, u r now motivated to punch her.
she then IMed me in disguise. she just wants to see me cry it seems. cry, i say.

oy, last night i told myself i wouldn't stay up past 3. i was working on my lovely radical political theory paper on marx & jive. yeah, i didn't finish it, so i got up early today to do so before class. ok, i finish at 1153, class is at 12. so i didn't even bother to get dressed or anything & i haul ass down there, only to find a note on the door that my freaking teacher is sick & we have no class. ?!?! ok, so yeah, i've got it out of the way & that's a good thing. but laksgo;weihgoawe argh, i didn't even know, it was just frustrating.

i can't really think of anything too crazy that went down today. i'm rather tired & such. rah.

abby thrives on silence. i think that's interesting. she said what music is for me, silence is for her. i can respect that. yeah, random thought.

I honestly can't imagine a girl who would want to be with another bunch of girls. It's a scientific fact that all girls hate each other, whether or not they want to admit it. You could be best friends, but the second they view you as a threat, you must be destroyed, by means of gossip most often. -this amused me. ha, girls r stupid. is this a common feeling among zee boys? makes me wonder. oh matthew, the way u phrase the things u do...

ok, i'll go respirate now


matt = cornell boy. i know he has a name, but i prefer to resort to location, for whatever reason. matt always insists that he is a wallflower, & only gets spunky under the influence. i think that if he abandoned that idea, he could spunk it up alright. matt can play the guitar, therefore he is a superhero. remember that kids.


MOFO! this bloody thing just ate my entry againnnn. roarrr... glad i didn't say much.

yeah, so i just finished a paper that was due in class about 2 hours ago *whoops* i'm really gonna stop being an ass though. i'm stuck playing catch up right now, rah. i've just been really busy.

yesterday was yvone's special day. HAPPY FRICKIN' BIRTHDAY YVONE! such a prideful asian

speaking of asians, i scored a kiss from lucia ;) 3 actually, ha! take that biatch. yeah, that was in regards to no one in particular, but i'm gonna go out & assume that i got asian action at late night & uh, u didn't... so ha!

late night was amusing, ha, ben shot a napkin onto a thug style table by accident. man, did he get shot a stone cold glare. we could have died yo, except wait, we had cake instead.

yeah, i don't have much to talk about right now, cuz basically, i'm tired of typing.

tony: hey, i know i could take you
me: right, right
m: t
m: a
m: l
m: k
t: what?
m: ur TALK
t: yes
t: it's true
t: sadly
t: but why do you have to crush my dreams?
m: & which dreams would i b crushing this evening?
t: the one where i get it on with you and marina at the same time

lucia = yet another tower folk. i wish i had the work ethic lucia has. hardcore alright. she wraps presents & folds clothing in a very anal retentive manner however. after i wrapped her christmas present in my normal way i was like awh, i dunno... & sure enough, she said she hadda rewrap mine cuz she just couldn't get it right. yep, that's lucia. she says she's a goddess. dissent? ok, we'll go with that.


i have barbara streisand porn. -jules

hmm... today i woke up feeling mad productive. let us exam the plunder:
1- brunch with marina. oh how the girls can chat.
2- oh god, what do ya know, colleen busts a move
3- a gal's gotta eat
4- i did read, i really did. i'm just so behind that it's essentially void.
5- IM madness- cat got a new puppy
6- oh hey, colleen
7- the asians invade
8- mac & cheese
9- here is now aiight

yeah, so uh, i suck, still, continuously. i let myself b distracted, i welcome distractions. i hold distractions close to me bossom alright. ay.

dude, my underwear drawer is where it's at. there was once again a showing this evening, the asians were intrigued. somehow i feel like i'm always the idiot who divulges more than everyone else does. i confess, there was breast talk yet again. man, seriously, i'm gonna have to try & go a day w/o mentioning breasts. or acting gay for that matter. colleen & i have now decided to try & molest yvone whenever possible. oh hush, u know she likes it. we picked her up today just cuz she looked small. heh, oh silly...

uhm, yeah, i should pretend to go to work now.... & AY i totally wrote an entry last night, it done got eaten. that's too bad though cuz i ain't livin' fo da past foo...


yeah, so today i slept through 2 of my classes. i am an ass, it seems.

HAPPY BDAY RACHEL & SMARCUS!! i realize it says the 15th, but to me, this is the night of the 14th, so yeah, a happy one to the both of u.

yeah, so i survived the day. i had candy for everyone, but i totally forgot to bust it out with all that sleeping late & jive. tomorrow. hey i got a rose w/o even being on a fox reality show. & my family? mailed me nothing. ha, i mean i love them, but wth is that, not even a hello? a phone call? where is the love? where is the love ppl? no candy from my daddy yo =( & i ain't talkin' douglas. rah, but on a side note, i think the reason i hate it so much is because it's a holiday all about expressing affections. so it's like, list of things i suck at. yep. rah indeed.

today kim, marijuani, & i passed by one of the guys from ithacapella. we were all like oh oh oh. ha, & alas, the obsession continues, for they tell me i am obsessed. hey, i can live with that. singing is awesome, & musical talent is mad hot. mad hot i say.

alright, i should retire. hope ur all still respirating. *mwuh* my darlings *mwuh*

marijuani = marijuani lives down the hall. i hadn't really talked to her much until recently. she listens to good music, & is the proud owner (well, in theory) of a new single. she wants to see colleen & i get totally wasted. i'm thinking... no. i can understand why ppl would desire this though, but i think we're set as it is. i have the gift of natural intoxication, what can i say.


yeah, so today wasn't exactly that productive *surprise surprise*

but... the AMAZING acapella wonders did combine to put on a fantastical show. of course, i am biased because i am a fan of all things choral. yeah, guys, seriously, sing. that is so hot. so hot. ithacappella is full of a bunch of dorky guys who are absolutely adorable by way of utilizing this skill. even the kid with the lisp is cute! ha... ay. love it love it love it. the chick's group was alright, but it was too sugar for me. bring on zee boys yo. voicestream?
colleen: oh that's right, u got a thing for the guys that sing...
me: yes, omg i don't even know him but i'm like impregnate me!
colleen: yeah, see there's i like him crazy, & then there's just insanity

'tis better to narrow it down, cuz after ithacappella's last concert i was announcing that i wanted all their babies, & yeah, that could take up some time.

yeah, so since that concert was my motivation for living today, i haven't much else to share. it's technically vday now, bleh, suck it vday. it freaks me out yo. smarcus sent me this cute rambling letter about how much she loves me. awh, smarc-dawg, i love u too. dude! at the concert *where else* this one guy in ithacappella got to sing to his gf "i can't help falling in love with u" with the other guys, on stage. man, if i were her, i'd have CRIED. that's so incredibly awesome. i *heart* boys singing acappella, wow.


yeah, just wow. i am so thankful for music, it seriously brings joy to my heart while song invigorates thy soul.

*heart heart heart*

matt = yeah, he disappeared. he did the hottest push ups i do believe i ever shall see. yeah, don't even get me started



i'm in a blah mood at this point in time. there's just a lotta stuff going on & i am not in serious mode. this whole work things really bites. if not for that, man, college would b truly amazing. everyday i question why i took classes that are so damn hard. i am an idiot.

this whole politics can suck it thing doesn't help either. i was talking to colleen about it & she was like hey, ur allowed to not do well in it if u hate it, then u'll move on to something u do like. no one's gonna b like rah, u suck, u did bad in that one politics class! i realize this, but argh. it was cool to talk to her though. sometimes it doesn't matter how much u go over something in ur head, it just takes someone to state the obvious to b like alright, so maybe i'm not a *total* idiot. she's a swell chick. though she reminds me of no one in particular, she has a someone i'd b friends with at home feel. i know ur reading this, so yeah, way to go. i bet u think ur like, famous now.

ha, no, yeah, i dunno... BAA!!

yeah, so douglas is my daddy. i don't recall how exactly that started, but it was decided at late night. man, late night burned like a laser alright. ok, so if ur name's not colleen, & u won't there, then u won't know. but trust me, it's a good burn.

dude, yvone made a "got rice bitch" asian pride sign thing. titania seemed to think my "more old ladies" one was inappropriate. oh bother. everyone did however enjoy my stick figure depiction of "no more runnin' from da po-lice". represent.

tomorrow night is the voicestream/ithacapella/premium blend concert. man, i am genuinely excited. men's acappella singing? *anticipates melting*

yeah, so there's a lot 'o' crap to address right now. once this wk is through, i anticipate things getting better. rah. rah rah rah.

douglas = douglas is from jamaica. he always seems a bit, i dunno, spacey or something, but not in a bad way. i don't really know him that well to give him some charming description, actually. he said something which made me bust out laughing earlier, but of course, i have no idea what it was. but go ahead & feel free to laugh yo-self silly.

ha, oh u...

titania = titania is our new RA this semester. for a while she kept stumbling upon colleen, kim, & myself doing stupid seemingly racist things. like blasting rap music & dancing thug style in an overly caucasian manner. how is this racist u ask? it's complicated, but it was a scene alright, OH YES!!. ha, yeah, it made us fall over in laughter a couple of weeks ago. i dunno, titania is cool. she's friendly, & she ordered pizza for us earlier. plus, she doesn't hate me or my luda. bitchin'


i am, i am the second coming of christ.-jeff at dinner.

dude, T2 dinners r a production. i always wind up eating way more than i need to survive, sorry 3rd world. the past 3 days i've been coerced, well not really, but coerced into drinking coffee. i don't wanna get addicted yo.

uhm, yeah, i dont really even remember today. i don't think it was anything to write home about.

i talked to grace earlier. i made a remark that i didn't know what to do other than laugh & she said, what else is new? i hadda let her have that one. yep.

i'm at a loss of what to say. but i still don't like february. it makes me apprehensive. friday is rachel & sarah's bday. i won't b home to convince myself that that's all it is. sarah wants me to come home though, but hey, she ain't dyin'. basically, that day can suck it. i haven't talked to anyone, other than sarah, who is anticipating it. hence the suck it.

rah, politics can also suck it.

ok, i'm done.

grace = grace & i have been friends since i believe 7th grade. we made up the ace cheer for volleyball last yr because we so coo, we so fly. one time, with grace's help, i got the team to cheer for cheese. grace & i have created theoretical bfs. mine's name is josh. she used to take pictures of me for photo projects in hs. grace is cool because even though we don't talk constantly, we can have a fabulous time when we do.


So, Dana, Abby, Sara and I were at dinner and we reached the conclusion that we are AWESOME APPLES! therefore, Valentine's day can SUCK IT!!!! (hehe...Oh I have been learning so much since I got here).... -yvone.

the apple thing is in reference to the analogy about chicks being like apples on a tree. essentially, it says that boys pick up the rotten apples on the ground because they're easy. meanwhile the really good apples are at the top, & those apples start to think that perhaps there's something wrong with them since they're not getting any play. but alas, they're just awesome apples, & it takes time to find the right boy. ha, & yeah, yvone's english really touches me in places i can't describe.

I DON'T WANNA B A POLITICS MAJOR!! *breathes deep*

i went kickboxing with kim today. dude, i felt so foreign at the gym. it was nice to exercise... i guess, ha, but i'm so obnoxious. i was looking around like ok, i'm not obese, why am i doing this? i'm sorry kids, i'm a bastard like that. everyone is beautiful, that's just my reasoning. besides, sarah & i feel that virtually everyone is pretty. as long as ur not an awful person, i can probably find something pretty in YOU! ;) ha.........................................BAH!

the next episode of "quabble" is sure to b littered with my laughter. that was amusing. i loved that they utilized my suggestion to do a skit in the tone of a religious program. oh yeah.

Clarissa Explains it All. Little brothers piss you
off and your best friend climbs up a ladder...
But of course that's not weird to you because
you're Clarissa Darling

What's Your 90's Nickelodeon Show?
brought to you by Quizilla

i took that quiz... yep, today was busy, but i wasn't really feeling it. until next time my children, next time...

hark! yvone mentioned some new names...

abby = i met abby through ic players costume crew & such. she's from minnesota *spoken with thick bobby's mom accent, of course) but she doesn't talk like that. she knows about tarot cards, i just found this out. abby's dad made her a tape of their fire burning cuz she said it was cold here. good times.

sara = sara lives in ma building. honestly, i don't really know her all that well cuz she's pretty quiet. she's actually also from minnesota. i see sara around a lot in passing on campus. she likes chocolate milk. man, i used to, until it tasted like beef.


rah! yeah, so i'm in a fantastic mood again. i really wish i could like, bottle my happiness & give it to others as gifts. man, that'd b sweet AND economical. so wow, i'm so behind. let us tackle the wked...

syracuse. that's where we b. alexis, emily, marina, & i stayed with alexis's brother friday night. his gf's cool. she made some lovely pasta which emily didn't eat cuz omg she doesn't like pasta. i seriously didn't realize such people existed. oy. we went to a photo show & saw her brother's comedy show. i do believe the best line was, "it says, 'i had unprotected sex last night with your mom and dad.'" i have no idea. sometimes it got a bit too vulgar for my liking. we got to go to dunkin donuts & drink a lotta snapple, ow ow!! dude, gas in ny is ridic- in jersey not only is it cheaper, but there's no chance of blowing urself up. excellent.

last night when we got back we just hung around. i never liked just hanging around until school. i suppose it's cuz i'm so busy most of the time that just sitting around & talking is all i can muster up the motivation to do, though i really do enjoy it.

my horoscope was kinda odd today, well, it's for the wk actually: ...they might discover that the giggly comic with the whimsical and philosophical sense of humor can turn into a person capable of real passion, too much passion for that matter, which could be unnerving... ha, swell.

i feel like a lot happened, & yet i haven't much to say...

oh yeah, then there was thursday. cleavage was the talk alright. steve started calling me cleave, then jer asked, "why r u calling her cleave?" & we laughed at him. silly jer. he just didn't get it. we watched some alien movie in tony's room. resurrection... was it...? ha, i dunno, i had never seen any of the alien movies. steve kept calling me a chatty cathy to which i responded that i could do whatever i wanted because i was the only one in the room with breasts. adam said that i did indeed have a point, tony concurred.

yeah, i don't think i had ever had my cleavage b such the talk b4, well ya know, aside from my ranting about it now. it's just so funny how guys r so perplexed by it, & the way that they totally don't seem to acknowledge that we can see when they sneak a peek. ha, i really do find it amusing. jer & tony argued that girls wouldn't wear such clothes if they didn't want guys to look. ok guys, when i get dressed, my deciding factor is not based on how many looks my breasts can score for the day. but yeah, i totally knew. i'll admit to that. if girls say that they have no idea, they're totally lying. just like they're lying about looking down chick's shirts. they totally do. I LOOK AT CLEAVAGE, U GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT? ha, alright, that was totally for the young men to revel in.

i'll stop now.

emily = apparently emily & i find too much joy in discussing things such as the ungodly span of west milford. i dunno. she's sarcastic as well, so that's fun. emily eats food based on texture. though i understand this, i really don't, cuz man i love food. she always thinks that my hair is really red, no matter what i do to it.

marina = marina is another one of my closest friends here at school. one time, we passed a cup like u would not believe. word. marina comes off as pleasant and aesthetically pleasing, which she is. she made me a mix cd with ludicris, guster, & lisa loeb... what a fanstasical span. yep, she's a keeper, ha.

steve = steve-dave. steve used to have fun curly hair, then he cut it. yeah, way to go buddy. ha, he's really really bad at hiding his checking girls out. steve told me that i have nice breasts. oh that steve, such a way with words...

i'm sorry, i'll stop talking about breasts at some point. haha! actually i won't.

jer = jer has a radio show i've never listened to. he's very into his music & has turn tables in his room. he told me about them one time. yep. everyone thinks jer is a nice guy. ha, i'm not saying that as if he isn't. his hair was green about a wk ago. jer always accuses me of being a cokehead. yep, that's our thing alright.

tony = tony completes my close friend circle. we bust on him cuz hey, he's a guy. tony & i share a terribly inappropriate sense of humor. he hopes that if he ever goes bald, he looks as good as patrick stewart. actually, tony wishes for a lot of things. like to b a hobo, with a hobo spear. sometimes it's best to just smile and nod. ha, tony is a good kid despite his lsd like aspirations.

adam = adam is tony's roommate. he has an excellent playlist representing quality 90s alternative rock. adam was on teen jeopardy with chauko george, but he doesn't like to talk about it. actually, there are a lot of things i don't really anticipate adam wanting to talk about. he's terribly quick witted though. i definitely think adam is a funny guy, though i sometimes fear he wants to murder me because i "can't control the volume of my voice". oh adam.


wow. i'm in a super mood. i mean, i'm generally in a fantasically positive mood 98 out of every 100 days, but yeah. just thought i'd share that with u, & u can't bring me down, foo.

yeah, so last night i didn't give u fine ppl the opportunity to indulge in a new entry, *sigh* i apologize for this. see, i was reading for environmental politics, which i thought i'd b interested in but it's actually a bunch of jigga jigga ur all gonna die blargh blargh the icebergs will murder u rah rah rah. so yeah, i was like boo hoo, weeding makes me so sweepy... *reading ya bitch* so yeah, i was like ok, well i'll just lay down for a 1/2 hr... this would mean i should have gotten up at like 1.15Am.... yeah, so i woke up at 7.30AM. nice. then i went back to sleep & woke up 10 minutes b4 i was supposed to b at choir. i had this weird dream that i was at kiehl's, only it wasn't really kiehl's, & his family owned a lobster cookie company...? yeah, exactly. when i tried to escape, my brother -also a kyle- appeared & he was all ha! we own one too!... i have no idea. they looked like big sugar cookies, just in case u wanted to know.

i look down girl's shirts. come on, it's distracting. i mean, i don't like, actively make a point to, but if ur hahas r popping out, i'm gonna look. i'm not gay, ha, though i probably joke about it a bit *too* much... but yeah, i'm not afraid to admit i look down other chick's shirts. i think all u other girls r liars. cat agrees with me. ps when i brought this up at dinner, i definitely saw u guys checking mine out. can't blame ya.

i am so not meant to b a politics major. what do u think i should do? seriously, all input is welcome. so far there's been a common trend, but if u weren't a part of attaining that prestigious data, then i don't wanna sway ya. word.

i'm going to syracuse tomorrow... & the day after that. we're staying there. HA! field trip. ok, that is all.

kiehl = kiehl always freaking calls me "jersey". one day, i'm gonna wreck him, & when he least suspects it. he's cool, but he could b evil. *boys with red hair always are* he hates system of a down, but he enjoys cereal. last wk when i couldn't feel my toes for like, oh, the whole week, i believe him to b the one who stepped on them. it was an accident... or was it?

kyle = not only the more traditional spelling, but my funky fresh little brother, sparky. this kid is a big spaz, & an accident. OH don't beat on me, it's true. he gives me a lotta material though. he's a good kid when he's not eating my books or chasing me with a steak knife. oh home...



yo yo. ya know i just went across the hall for a second when i thought i saw someone, whom i for whatever reason assumed to b kim, out of the corner of my eye & it gave me an idea. it'd b funny to sneak into ppl's rooms & change the channel to something completely obscure, like, breast exams or something. heh, yeaaa, i dunno.

yeah, so today, bah. classes last longer than my attention span, i zone out like nothing else alright. argh. ya know, a lotta times when i'm just sitting around laughing, getting my nonalcoholic drink on & my snack on with friends i'm like dude, this is like tv or a cheesy coke ad or something. college is awesome. if ur in college, & u don't think it's awesome, then ur not in the right place...cuz that ain't right. it's like everyone is so bogged down with studies & such that there's no time to b an ass in social situations. it's just a good time. i feel more relaxed a la school. it's what u kids would call "chill" & hey i'm hip to that jive.

the infamous american idol was on tonight. latino heat doesn't look like he's gonna make the cut. *sigh* this saddens me. well, not that deeply, but yeah. some guy came in my room & watched it with me & i had no idea who he was. well, actually, i knew of him kinda. he was at dinner with us the other night. but yeah, he asked if he could plz watch it with me so i was like err, sure, cuz i'm a groovy chick like that & yeah, when he left for a second after colleen came i was like like dude, who is this guy? she laughed at me.

oh, jeff is my hero of the day because he got my cinnamon raisen toast out of the evil toaster conveyer thing. he & ben seem to have an awful lot against the french. but then again, ben has an awful lot against most everything, that's his schtick yo. ha, he's a douche.

kim = often a partner in T2 crime. one time when we were throwing ice cubes off the balcony she hit a car. oh boy did we laugh. ice u say? no evidence, hello... yeah. kim likes to sing. she lost her sock last week so we stuck a note on the dryer. *sigh* it never came back... yep, i like kim, even if she's a sock short.

jeff = when i met jeff i didn't know if i was supposed to know him or not. i wasn't exactly social with the T2 community last semester so i just kinda assumed that he lived there & since i was a bastard i hadn't seen him. after going along with this for a couple of hours, i confessed that i had no idea who he was. ha, he didn't know me either. yep, he seems like a swell guy.

oh, & for the record, yvonne is really YVONE. i don't know how i could have possibly been so stupid...


triscuits, cheddar, & conan... heck yeah

yeah, so i should stop listening to fiona apple. she's a favorite artist of a forgotten era & listening to her seems to only make me somewhat depressed. being as that i already felt like ass yesterday, that couldn't have been a good idea. yeah, well i got *GASP* over 8 hours sleep last night, so i woke up all like whoah. the sun was literally shining today. good times.

hmm... nothing too crazy happened today. in radical political theory, oy, we pondered the reason for life. if being happy isn't the goal, then what is? "i mean, is shitting the point to life?" my professor inquired. i found that to b rather derogatory, however i'm sure colleen would have appreciated it.

ha, today i did some laundry, so actually that's pretty crazy. i remember telling smarcus that i wanted to have the kind of underwear that u wouldn't be ashamed to say was ur own if ya dropped it on the way back to ur room or something. yeah, mine is hot yo. just in case u ever wanted to know, i am not ashamed of my underwear. "everytime i come in here ur bra drawer is open," colleen said last wk, "ha, u have no shame." see. i mean it's not like i'm obsessed with it, & it's not like i have novelty ho bag "panties" but yeah.

hmm, remember when reading was actually an activity of leisure? wow, i used to really like to read. i was a literary animal alright. i have barely read a book since sophmore yr... well, until this college scene that is. i finished one for my environmental politics class the other day & as i closed it i was literally in awe of the act which had just transpired. too often i've got way too much reading on my plate. psha. i understand that the reason one attends college is for educational purposes, but could they not find a more entertaining way to present the material? for instance, if the main points of "the social contract" were set to an infectious pop melody, i'd b so up on that. or, if the relationship between the US & 3rd world countries could b expressed through interpretative dance. now that's a liberal arts education.

colleen = the other night it was established that colleen & i both felt the need to b frriends because we each found the other to b weird. she farts on people, i can't get down with that, but other than that she's a cool chick. we both have standards, & that's mad cool. we throw rocks at the dining hall window to try & freak ppl out. heh... yeah. she's got one of things things in which she's been known to detail stupid ass stuff i've said/done. oh man.


dude, i feel like ass & suddenly it feels as if the world has been enriched with complication & confusion. what the hell man. i'm a happy camper like, 98% of the time. perhaps if i weren't currently so dependent on tissues & tea, everything would b a bit brighter.

the month of february in general though, can suck it. it gets an unfair prejudice. there's really only one day which succeeds in making, like, 80% of the population feel like crap, but still. basically, i try to think of it as rachel & sarah's birthday. cat & i were saying how smarcus (sarah) is high maintenance fo life- a bday on valentine's day? jeepers, now there's a stigma boys. yeah, so usually none of that jive troubles me cuz i'm all like snap snap, but what can i say, diana ross has called the itch.

ya know, i never appreciated soup until i came here. grandma is all about it yo. i enjoy 'cream of' varieties. no need to b concerned with anything else. this also goes for cheese- cheese rocks my world aiight. seriously, when i take a slice of cheddar, everything does in fact get a little brighter.

name droppin' name droppin' oh oh name droppin'...

rachel = we have more inside jokes than i can keep track of. she says i'm her favorite person of the yr cuz OH we both have morals. gotta respect that. rachel likes turtles. we've been friends for a long time yo. if i don't know a vocab word, i ask rachel. if she doesn't know, whoah buddy.

smarcus (sarah) = i made her yo, well, the nickname that is. smarcus is a talker alright. sometimes she so crazy, but alas, much love. smarcus wants to kick the ass of anyone who makes me unhappy. if i had a bf, i'd hope he'd b as adoring as smarcus. ha, plus, according to rachel, she's always checking out my ass.

cat (al) = cat is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. i love her, as the T2 kids would say, like it's my j-o-b. we've been clean & clear since 7th grade. rachel says we're like a comedy act & that she's my straight man. we b slammin' aiight. she got me a cheesehead for my bday... ha, yeah

grandma = ha, grandma is awesome. man, she says the best stuff. whenever i call her she laughs for no apparent reason. one time when cat & i were at her house, she showed her which rooms different relatives had died in. oh grandma... she's lived with us for about 2 yrs i suppose. ha, i love grandma. even cat says, "i love u grandma!"

man... i have no sense of when i should sleep. well, i guess i do, but it's f'd. i have a headache.

today i helped alexis with her public service announcement. she forced me to b anti-recycling *gasp* it was cool though, aside from when i lost my voice... but yeah. i would love to do voices for cartoons or something. that would b hot. ha, i have no idea where i am headed in life. all i do is laugh & make like i'm ghetto. word.

we got subs & it totally sounded like the guy asked me what "feggies" i wanted. ok, so clearly this could be in references to vegetables & i could just be an idiot... ok, well yeah, that is what happened. diction ppl, diction.

ok, that's enough AM today.

alexis (a-lay-hahs) = first person i met to share the ithaca experience with. she likes movies & takes pride in calling which ones i shall enjoy. she impresses me when she wears necklaces cuz i used to do that & i enjoy it muchly... i've become dependant on ma shells.