
man... i have no sense of when i should sleep. well, i guess i do, but it's f'd. i have a headache.

today i helped alexis with her public service announcement. she forced me to b anti-recycling *gasp* it was cool though, aside from when i lost my voice... but yeah. i would love to do voices for cartoons or something. that would b hot. ha, i have no idea where i am headed in life. all i do is laugh & make like i'm ghetto. word.

we got subs & it totally sounded like the guy asked me what "feggies" i wanted. ok, so clearly this could be in references to vegetables & i could just be an idiot... ok, well yeah, that is what happened. diction ppl, diction.

ok, that's enough AM today.

alexis (a-lay-hahs) = first person i met to share the ithaca experience with. she likes movies & takes pride in calling which ones i shall enjoy. she impresses me when she wears necklaces cuz i used to do that & i enjoy it muchly... i've become dependant on ma shells.


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