
i'd like to molest girls now but i don't think i'd get away with it-ben

wow, today as i was sitting in global studies listening to some psycho girl in front of me bitch the *entire* class through about her godforesaken D, i was inspired. on my old web page, i had a section called 'schtuff that perturbs me'. i just might have to reinstate this feature. ok, the right arm of my sweat shirt smells like boy. i'm confused. i haven't worn it in days & i don't believe it's ever been on a boy. yeah, anyway. that wasn't my schtick right there, the arm thing. rah.

anyway again, "cornell boy" has decided to call upon my sassy powers. in regards to his guitar playing he writes,
More often than not, the girls are impressed. Now, why is this? A simple question, but not one that is so simply answered.
well u've certainly got a point there matty.
Is it because of the music?
i'm a talent whore. music = hot. for me personally, music means a lot & can b terribly impressive. so the act of creating ur own is certainly worth gawking at
Is it the romanticism of a lone man and his guitar, gently strumming beautiful chords?
watching a guy totally get lost in the the music is awesome. when u can physically see the passion in a person, it's an even higher art form.
Is it that John Mayer plays guitar, so its attractiveness by association? I honestly don't know.
maybe for some... but they're likely to be 14. personally, i think johnny boy milks it. he's seriously the only young male i can think of who does not get hotter when he plays the guitar. but for those who 'dig him', i'm gonna go with his sensitive stylings being the key
But then I took the thought one step further. Would I want to impress girls who would be captivated by plucking some strings? Would I want to take back to my room someone who swoons at hearing Dave Matthews? An interesting proposition. Once again I make no attempt to understand the female psyche, but I know Miss Malone enjoys the guitar boys. Perhaps you can enlighten me on why the female species is fascinated with it.
rah. a bit of a generalization. clearly guitar is not the only thing that makes a person attractive. does it help? but of course, but it's not like it's the simple act of *gasp* holding the guitar that makes one suddenly the ultimate sex god. i dunno, gals hear cute little love songs a la guitar & wish that they were about them. imagine having ur own boy to write u songs *swoon*. however, i've asked girls if they've ever wished for this & surprisingly enough, they don't generally seem to. so don't worry musically challenged studs, ur not forever branded under a bad name.
But another thing is, what constitutes "playing" guitar?
more than the first 3 notes of a song is a good start. playing known stuff is nice, but writing ur own music. now that's where the hot comes in.
i dunno, perhaps for some gals it's not so much about the music as like, omg, my bf's in a band!!!! ha, i mean i'd think that was mad cool too, i must confess, but ehh... there's more to it, ha, i hope. yep, so uh, i dunno if that helped u at all... cuz we females b cah-razy. i can barely tie my own shoes.

awh, so mr rogers died today. though i wasn't exactly a fan, i feel as if a hunk of my childhood has been digested.

in an unrelated note, i like icecream.


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