
today wasn't all that terribly exciting that i can recall at least. tacos AND nachos in one day though, so that was pretty amazing. we had a chorus concert & my voice was all up on that, so yeah, good times. it's the worst to b sick for a concert, so i was glad that my body decided to love me. a lotta ppl r hackin' it right now, bleh.

I'll just leave you with a thought for the rest of the night/tomorrow: as long as guys have to make the first move and ask for the first date, we'll make more in the workplace. Fair trade if you ask me. -stolen from "cornell boy's" blog. ha, this is another sexist sort of comment i enjoy. girls, i do believe the boy makes a point. man, i'm the worst feminist ever. but hey, i'm not a feminist.

ay, lindsay IMed me today to tell me that someone asked if she was a mexican. that's awesome.

lucia has this in her xanga. alas, we're the same bear yo...

Cheer Bear
You're the Care Bear cheerleader! Your spunky personality and optimisim lifts everyone's spirit. Though you want everyone to be happy, you stand your ground on issues you feel strongly about and this can bring disunity among your friends. Despite this, you are a true believer in working together.



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