

yo yo. ya know i just went across the hall for a second when i thought i saw someone, whom i for whatever reason assumed to b kim, out of the corner of my eye & it gave me an idea. it'd b funny to sneak into ppl's rooms & change the channel to something completely obscure, like, breast exams or something. heh, yeaaa, i dunno.

yeah, so today, bah. classes last longer than my attention span, i zone out like nothing else alright. argh. ya know, a lotta times when i'm just sitting around laughing, getting my nonalcoholic drink on & my snack on with friends i'm like dude, this is like tv or a cheesy coke ad or something. college is awesome. if ur in college, & u don't think it's awesome, then ur not in the right place...cuz that ain't right. it's like everyone is so bogged down with studies & such that there's no time to b an ass in social situations. it's just a good time. i feel more relaxed a la school. it's what u kids would call "chill" & hey i'm hip to that jive.

the infamous american idol was on tonight. latino heat doesn't look like he's gonna make the cut. *sigh* this saddens me. well, not that deeply, but yeah. some guy came in my room & watched it with me & i had no idea who he was. well, actually, i knew of him kinda. he was at dinner with us the other night. but yeah, he asked if he could plz watch it with me so i was like err, sure, cuz i'm a groovy chick like that & yeah, when he left for a second after colleen came i was like like dude, who is this guy? she laughed at me.

oh, jeff is my hero of the day because he got my cinnamon raisen toast out of the evil toaster conveyer thing. he & ben seem to have an awful lot against the french. but then again, ben has an awful lot against most everything, that's his schtick yo. ha, he's a douche.

kim = often a partner in T2 crime. one time when we were throwing ice cubes off the balcony she hit a car. oh boy did we laugh. ice u say? no evidence, hello... yeah. kim likes to sing. she lost her sock last week so we stuck a note on the dryer. *sigh* it never came back... yep, i like kim, even if she's a sock short.

jeff = when i met jeff i didn't know if i was supposed to know him or not. i wasn't exactly social with the T2 community last semester so i just kinda assumed that he lived there & since i was a bastard i hadn't seen him. after going along with this for a couple of hours, i confessed that i had no idea who he was. ha, he didn't know me either. yep, he seems like a swell guy.

oh, & for the record, yvonne is really YVONE. i don't know how i could have possibly been so stupid...


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