
at 11:48:07 PM on February 19, 2003 Kimberly said: "I AM NOT GOING TO DO IT I SWEAR.....I HEART YOU DANA MALONE!!!!!!!"
there u have it, she said she's not gonna do it. if she does, u r now motivated to punch her.
she then IMed me in disguise. she just wants to see me cry it seems. cry, i say.

oy, last night i told myself i wouldn't stay up past 3. i was working on my lovely radical political theory paper on marx & jive. yeah, i didn't finish it, so i got up early today to do so before class. ok, i finish at 1153, class is at 12. so i didn't even bother to get dressed or anything & i haul ass down there, only to find a note on the door that my freaking teacher is sick & we have no class. ?!?! ok, so yeah, i've got it out of the way & that's a good thing. but laksgo;weihgoawe argh, i didn't even know, it was just frustrating.

i can't really think of anything too crazy that went down today. i'm rather tired & such. rah.

abby thrives on silence. i think that's interesting. she said what music is for me, silence is for her. i can respect that. yeah, random thought.

I honestly can't imagine a girl who would want to be with another bunch of girls. It's a scientific fact that all girls hate each other, whether or not they want to admit it. You could be best friends, but the second they view you as a threat, you must be destroyed, by means of gossip most often. -this amused me. ha, girls r stupid. is this a common feeling among zee boys? makes me wonder. oh matthew, the way u phrase the things u do...

ok, i'll go respirate now


matt = cornell boy. i know he has a name, but i prefer to resort to location, for whatever reason. matt always insists that he is a wallflower, & only gets spunky under the influence. i think that if he abandoned that idea, he could spunk it up alright. matt can play the guitar, therefore he is a superhero. remember that kids.


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