
oh man, it's still snowing out. rah.

yeah, so why am i awake now u might ask? well i took a nap before, though i don't fancy that word. yeah, i'm pretty wired. plus i got off the phone with smarcus about an hr ago. anyone that knows the gal, ha, even some who don't, know that she can certainly talk. this is most definitely true, but at the same time it can b so good to talk to her. smarcus is up on the stuff others don't always take note of, like my restrictive shyness, ha, & ya know, the 80 million dumb things i've said over the yrs. she tells me 'well honey, listen' & word, she knows me. that is COOL. ha, i love having friends that understand u. *mwuh*

yeah, so this evening i joined kim in a IM warning battle with jeff. come on, u know u've done it b4. yeah, well it was terribly amusing, & in fact ended up getting rather physical. & so it begins with kim asking me to IM jeff...

noel762: whoah buddy... what's with the bad ass warning level?
Jude713: little miss Kim
Jude713: warn her!
Jude713: she's mean to me
*i anonymously warn him*
noel762: mean, how so?
Jude713: 'cause she warned me
noel762: so i should warn her because she warned u
noel762: i'm gonna need more reasoning than than that
noel762: what r u warning me for?
*he warns me, twice*
Jude713: hey, she just told me she warned you and was gonna say I did it so you'd warn me!
*let us recognize that this makes no sense*
noel762: ya big skunk
*i warn him twice in retaliation*
Jude713: not cool
noel762: right back at ya
noel762: argh
Jude713: hey, not cool!
noel762: u warned me mr
noel762: yo, what the f JEFFFF
Jude713: lol.. that rhymed
Jude713: f and Jeffffff
noel762: ha, i know, hence the accent on the f's in jeff
noel762: *shakes head*
noel762: man, what will natalie think when she sees ur warning level? she's gonna think ur trying to solicate porn or something
*he loves natalie portman. we added the sn natalieportman to his buddy list & what do ya know, someone actually comes online under that name*
Jude713: yes.... or I could hide that fact by telling her that it was only a warning battle amongst friends
noel762: well that's no fun
noel762: & the italics might b construed as creepy porn man talk
Jude713: yeah, but atleast she won't find out about the porn thing that way
noel762: riiight....
Jude713: anywho, I'm done with you
noel762: wuss
Jude713: :-P
noel762: whateva, i said whateva

Auto response from Jude713: I am going to bed soon... ttyl peeps.

*he says he's going to bed, we continue to warn him*

Jude713: you people suck!
noel762: wahahaha
noel762: what can i say, i do what i can

Auto response from Jude713: Taking care of some business.....

noel762: gotta keep things interesting

*jeff ambushes my room. now he tries to overtake my keyboard as i type to kim...*
KJlove125: ummm check the away message
KJlove125: what does that mean?
KJlove125: what the hell?
*i try to warn her, but he keeps deleting my type*
noel762: f
noel762: effj
noel762: jfe
noel762: jff

yeah, so then kim comes in & we all laugh. but no, jeff decides to steal my candy, gum, ha, & a tea bag...? for his troubles. ya don't take chocolate from girls yo. kim & i ambush him as he tries to go up the stairs. kim almost gets crushed as i climb on his back, he slams me into the wall. ha, who even really knows. along the way marjani, colleen, & alice all find a way to get involved. this went on for about a half hr. meanwhile kiehl IMed & warned me in the spirit of jeff.

after the turmoil had passed, my stuff having been reclaimed of course, jeff IMs me under a different name...
jeffearled: you guys suck
*i warn him for old time's sake*
jeffearled: that was certainly uncalled for

& that my dears, was my night.


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