

i'm in a blah mood at this point in time. there's just a lotta stuff going on & i am not in serious mode. this whole work things really bites. if not for that, man, college would b truly amazing. everyday i question why i took classes that are so damn hard. i am an idiot.

this whole politics can suck it thing doesn't help either. i was talking to colleen about it & she was like hey, ur allowed to not do well in it if u hate it, then u'll move on to something u do like. no one's gonna b like rah, u suck, u did bad in that one politics class! i realize this, but argh. it was cool to talk to her though. sometimes it doesn't matter how much u go over something in ur head, it just takes someone to state the obvious to b like alright, so maybe i'm not a *total* idiot. she's a swell chick. though she reminds me of no one in particular, she has a someone i'd b friends with at home feel. i know ur reading this, so yeah, way to go. i bet u think ur like, famous now.

ha, no, yeah, i dunno... BAA!!

yeah, so douglas is my daddy. i don't recall how exactly that started, but it was decided at late night. man, late night burned like a laser alright. ok, so if ur name's not colleen, & u won't there, then u won't know. but trust me, it's a good burn.

dude, yvone made a "got rice bitch" asian pride sign thing. titania seemed to think my "more old ladies" one was inappropriate. oh bother. everyone did however enjoy my stick figure depiction of "no more runnin' from da po-lice". represent.

tomorrow night is the voicestream/ithacapella/premium blend concert. man, i am genuinely excited. men's acappella singing? *anticipates melting*

yeah, so there's a lot 'o' crap to address right now. once this wk is through, i anticipate things getting better. rah. rah rah rah.

douglas = douglas is from jamaica. he always seems a bit, i dunno, spacey or something, but not in a bad way. i don't really know him that well to give him some charming description, actually. he said something which made me bust out laughing earlier, but of course, i have no idea what it was. but go ahead & feel free to laugh yo-self silly.

ha, oh u...

titania = titania is our new RA this semester. for a while she kept stumbling upon colleen, kim, & myself doing stupid seemingly racist things. like blasting rap music & dancing thug style in an overly caucasian manner. how is this racist u ask? it's complicated, but it was a scene alright, OH YES!!. ha, yeah, it made us fall over in laughter a couple of weeks ago. i dunno, titania is cool. she's friendly, & she ordered pizza for us earlier. plus, she doesn't hate me or my luda. bitchin'


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