
triscuits, cheddar, & conan... heck yeah

yeah, so i should stop listening to fiona apple. she's a favorite artist of a forgotten era & listening to her seems to only make me somewhat depressed. being as that i already felt like ass yesterday, that couldn't have been a good idea. yeah, well i got *GASP* over 8 hours sleep last night, so i woke up all like whoah. the sun was literally shining today. good times.

hmm... nothing too crazy happened today. in radical political theory, oy, we pondered the reason for life. if being happy isn't the goal, then what is? "i mean, is shitting the point to life?" my professor inquired. i found that to b rather derogatory, however i'm sure colleen would have appreciated it.

ha, today i did some laundry, so actually that's pretty crazy. i remember telling smarcus that i wanted to have the kind of underwear that u wouldn't be ashamed to say was ur own if ya dropped it on the way back to ur room or something. yeah, mine is hot yo. just in case u ever wanted to know, i am not ashamed of my underwear. "everytime i come in here ur bra drawer is open," colleen said last wk, "ha, u have no shame." see. i mean it's not like i'm obsessed with it, & it's not like i have novelty ho bag "panties" but yeah.

hmm, remember when reading was actually an activity of leisure? wow, i used to really like to read. i was a literary animal alright. i have barely read a book since sophmore yr... well, until this college scene that is. i finished one for my environmental politics class the other day & as i closed it i was literally in awe of the act which had just transpired. too often i've got way too much reading on my plate. psha. i understand that the reason one attends college is for educational purposes, but could they not find a more entertaining way to present the material? for instance, if the main points of "the social contract" were set to an infectious pop melody, i'd b so up on that. or, if the relationship between the US & 3rd world countries could b expressed through interpretative dance. now that's a liberal arts education.

colleen = the other night it was established that colleen & i both felt the need to b frriends because we each found the other to b weird. she farts on people, i can't get down with that, but other than that she's a cool chick. we both have standards, & that's mad cool. we throw rocks at the dining hall window to try & freak ppl out. heh... yeah. she's got one of things things in which she's been known to detail stupid ass stuff i've said/done. oh man.


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