
wow. i'm in a super mood. i mean, i'm generally in a fantasically positive mood 98 out of every 100 days, but yeah. just thought i'd share that with u, & u can't bring me down, foo.

yeah, so last night i didn't give u fine ppl the opportunity to indulge in a new entry, *sigh* i apologize for this. see, i was reading for environmental politics, which i thought i'd b interested in but it's actually a bunch of jigga jigga ur all gonna die blargh blargh the icebergs will murder u rah rah rah. so yeah, i was like boo hoo, weeding makes me so sweepy... *reading ya bitch* so yeah, i was like ok, well i'll just lay down for a 1/2 hr... this would mean i should have gotten up at like 1.15Am.... yeah, so i woke up at 7.30AM. nice. then i went back to sleep & woke up 10 minutes b4 i was supposed to b at choir. i had this weird dream that i was at kiehl's, only it wasn't really kiehl's, & his family owned a lobster cookie company...? yeah, exactly. when i tried to escape, my brother -also a kyle- appeared & he was all ha! we own one too!... i have no idea. they looked like big sugar cookies, just in case u wanted to know.

i look down girl's shirts. come on, it's distracting. i mean, i don't like, actively make a point to, but if ur hahas r popping out, i'm gonna look. i'm not gay, ha, though i probably joke about it a bit *too* much... but yeah, i'm not afraid to admit i look down other chick's shirts. i think all u other girls r liars. cat agrees with me. ps when i brought this up at dinner, i definitely saw u guys checking mine out. can't blame ya.

i am so not meant to b a politics major. what do u think i should do? seriously, all input is welcome. so far there's been a common trend, but if u weren't a part of attaining that prestigious data, then i don't wanna sway ya. word.

i'm going to syracuse tomorrow... & the day after that. we're staying there. HA! field trip. ok, that is all.

kiehl = kiehl always freaking calls me "jersey". one day, i'm gonna wreck him, & when he least suspects it. he's cool, but he could b evil. *boys with red hair always are* he hates system of a down, but he enjoys cereal. last wk when i couldn't feel my toes for like, oh, the whole week, i believe him to b the one who stepped on them. it was an accident... or was it?

kyle = not only the more traditional spelling, but my funky fresh little brother, sparky. this kid is a big spaz, & an accident. OH don't beat on me, it's true. he gives me a lotta material though. he's a good kid when he's not eating my books or chasing me with a steak knife. oh home...


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