
cat said that cher would be the first person to be frozen cuz her body is so plastic. she said that she'd get frozen in the ocean. i pointed out that the ocean doesn't freeze & we all started laughing. i really didn't get how these two things connected though, sarah & rachel agreed. we kept inquiring & alas, cat recognized that this made no sense. i impersonated cher falling off her yacht into the frozen ocean by way of a rampant hair flip/turn back tiiiiime thang. we laughed heartily. yeah cher. thanks for the good times.

ay, RIP ryan... God bless. heartache for many this wk.

eek, seriousness... yeah, so thnx to everyone who's been a pal lately & even just listened to my ramblings. i often feel as though questions can lead to burdensome answers, so thank u for taking the time out to care. i don't like to let the blog drift into waves of sentimentality, but i just haven't felt too terribly chipper lately & for multiple reasons. let us hope for good times for all with this new month of august. leo & virgo pull through... or ya know, perhaps we just need some more cher.


so when i got dressed today, trying hard to abide by my work's stupid dress code i was thinking this, but leave it to kyle to bring it home:
my brother- you're skinny dana
me- uh... gee thanks
the 10 yr old at his best- ...but your butt's big. your body's like straight straight straight big butt! it just like, sticks out
me- thanks kyle
kyle- what? it's true!
& there u have it folks. i've got back. the 10 yr old even knows it.

today i hadda move the stupid tshirt aisle from one stupid side of the store to the other stupid side of the store. at first i was kind of intimidated by this, cuz the baskets of tshirts r heavy & i'm weak. but alas, i finished with impressive time. oh yeah, who's theoretically buff aiight

ryan on sour cream & onion potato chips:
ha, every time you eat one of those your breath weeps silently
well put

sarah called me today at 9AM. dude, when am i ever willingly awake at 9AM? screw that yo

i want brownies... however, i have no brownies. snap. snap snap snap.



oh andy...

boy do i like icecream. go icecream, go.

I know I'm worth the big money -jeff

yvone has a link to emotion eric in her blog. today i decided to check it out for the first time. "killing me softly with his song" is my new desktop background. check it.

all i've eaten today is breakfast food. multiple meals of breakfast food. well, 2... but still. i suppose i'm in theory catching up for all the times i've eaten things like cheese or brownies for breakfast instead... which is most days. oh bother.

i'm gonna find some icecream. lo siento mamasita, i just haven't felt like sharing lately. sigh.

ps don't worry, i still like monkeys


today at my trabajo...
a young couple debates upon whether or not to get a piece of fabric (seemingly too small) to cover their couch with:
gal- well, what do you think? should we get it?
guy- i dunno, it's your decision.
gal- why is this my decision?
guy- you buy fabric, i buy motor oil.
now there's a man


ya know what? other people suck, they really do -craftmaster flex

here's is what "is up":
- i lost over $100 to taxes this week. i know i get some back, but what the h man?
- i'm in a sheryl crow listening mode
- nick made me join friendster
- i made a cheese omelette

hot damn!


i peed on it... that's what happens in the world. people urinate on couches.-my lovely mother

"crazy in love" is such a dance around & shake it song. oh oh oh. shazaam! i say this cuz i just heard it, but aerosmith has actually been in my head. oh that big mouthed steven tyler, he so cool. today i downloaded hole in my soul & falling in love (is hard on the knees) from nine lives. yeah man. Take a walk outside your mind. Tell me how it feels to be the one who turns the knife inside of me they be cool aiight. cat's gonna see em next month. kudos to brian for scoring that one.

i had to hit it-good ol' grandma

my mom thought i called her an ass at dinner. that was awesome.

kala: i am in your blog!!! what what! that's like an electronic academy award nomination or some shit

what happened to all the angry chicks in music? michelle branch & happy now just can't compare with old school alanis. what the h man, what's with all this? let's get brash, let's get sass ladies. i wanna see some real driven music.

today i applied for columbia house's dvd club... we'll see how that goes. i currently only have 3 dvds... that's not exactly much of a collection. oh bother.

so according to recent poll results, it looks like hillary would totally win the democratic nomination if she decides to run fo' prez. insanity. oh oh, so who misses bill now?

do the monkey, do the monkey, monkey monkey- that's alright -the wiggles. sing it, FOO

looks like i can't escape them...

Brown Eyes

What Color Eyes Should You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
brown eyed girl...

the sugar cubes will melt no more...

wow, i talked to a ton of ppl today. abby, marina's mom ;) marina, emily... i got kim's voice mail *sigh* then i went out with miss lola & got 2 shirts for under 7 bux. yeah clearance. thennn i finally got to chill it with kala who i haven't seen since frickin' january. we went to the good ol' diner with her brother, & ran into joey & katie there. oh social bug, though bite doth sting...

hmm... so yeah. ryan sent me this. whacked.

& ok col, no more talk of urination por favor. do it for the children.

oh! so holy crap- kala is friends with this guy who's partied with bob saget. say what, u say? partied with bob? well... her chum goes to harvard, so i suppose it's cool to have good ol' saget there? ...or something? well anyway, bob called john stamos' house & left him some whacked out messages of everyone there yelling & making fun of him & what not. apparently they're like bff. what?! that's amazing. kala's brother asked, "who would wanna be friends with bob saget?" we laughed. meanwhile, kala inquired as to what bob's feet were like. apparently, despite the connection, her friend did not know. how unfortunate.

hurrah hurrah, let's get physical, physical...

ehh, or political
morally deficient
Threat rating: Medium. Your total lack of decent
family values makes you dangerous, but we can
count on some right wing nutter blowing you up
if you become too high profile.

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
ooh... terrifying


...once upon a time there was a young lady who remembered fondly a little word called RESPECT...

last night i dl'd daniel bedingfield's album. all i hear these days is lite fm & rock alternative. i wanted some stupid pop. he's a brit. let's check it out cuz i'm not in the mood to write. this one is a nice little diddy, though it def sounds better sung cuz of all that good ol' rhyming. oh bother:

- "Honest Questions"
Can you see
The honest questions in my heart this hour
I am opening like a flower
To the rain
And do you know the silent sorrows of a
Never ending journey through the pain

Do you see a brighter day for me
Another day
A day
Do you wonder what's in store for me
The cure for me
The way
Oh look down and see the tears I've cried
The lives I've lived
The deaths I've died
Would you die them too
And all for me

(You say)
I will pour the water down upon a thirsty barren land
And streams will flow
From the best of your bruised and broken soul
And you will grow like the grass
Upon the fertile blades of Asia by the streams
Of living water you will grow
Oh.. you will grow

Do you know
The story from the start
And do you know me
Like you've always told me
Do you see the whispers in my heart against your kindness
My eternal blindness
Do you see

Do you see a brighter day for me
Another day
A day
Do you wonder what's in store for me
The cure for me
The way
Oh look down and see the tears I've cried
The lives I've lived
The deaths I've died
Would you die them too
And all for me

(You say)
I will pour the water down upon a thirsty barren land
And streams will flow
From the best of your bruised and broken soul
And you will grow like the grass
Upon the fertile blades of Asia by the streams
Of living water you will grow
Oh.. I will pour the water down upon the thirsty barren land
And streams will flow
From the best of your bruised and broken soul
And you will grow like the grass
Upon the fertile blades of Asia by the streams
Of living water you will grow
Oh.. you will grow

did someone say asia?

EARTH is your chinese symbol!

What Chinese Symbol Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


i'm trying to use reverse psychology on my uterus by wearing white pants. - meg

ya know what gets me? artificial grape stuff. tastes bloody nothing like real grapes. what the hell is that? who decided that it was ok for fake grape to be NOTHING like real grape? did it once upon a time taste like grapes? in which case those folks got jipped. i remember my mom packing me "grape drink" a couple times back in 7th grade. i traded it with cat for chocolate milk. boo ya.

i was talking to yvone earlier & she asked me if i was interested in radio. she said they're always looking for ppl. dude, i'd tototally do a radio show, but i think it'd be more amusing with another person. anyone wanna do a radio show? ha, i wanna be involved next semester dammit! i seemingly enjoy burrowing myself in overcomplication.

i hate when ppl sneak celery into things... like tuna fish or turkey salad. what the h. i didn't ask for celery bits. celery does however burn more calories to eat than it actually puts in u. cra-zy. (...but celery bits still suck)


the best friend -all i want is for someone to hold me & tell me that everything's gonna be okay.
old bum- *hug* everything's gonna be okay.

yep, tonight i watched the wedding singer. drew barrymore is just so darn cute. also, i think that movie is the cutest adam sandler can get. i find him to be a bit obnoxious, but what can i say, 80s hair & hopeless romanticism just work for him i guess.

yeah, so i have a bruise with a motive. i don't know where it came from, i don't know where it's been, but it apparently wishes to consume my leg. of course my super porcelain nature doesn't make it any less noticeable either. ha, i even tried putting cover up on it. it's just so darn purple. perhaps it's my ultra super blackness tryin' to come out. my left calf is all sup jigga & only gaining strength from my repression. this is the leg attached to the magenta bleeding toe might i add... yeah? yeah? girl, u know it's true

i haven't talked to any ic kids in a while now. sigh. we got one of the 8 million bills, or "invoices", the college loves to send out the other day & it was missing some lovely loans, awards, & jive. yeaaa gotta get that worked out. anyone else's fucked up? gah, i've already had so many stupid registrar issues. it's like ok, u know i'm po' now could ya stop waving each semester over my head. what the h. i can't imagine not going back to school. let's just not go there bubba.

sigh, i'm glad for this wked.

i dl'd the donna's spend the night. repetitive? yes, but brash girls with guitars can be amusing i suppose. i wasn't initially impressed, but take it off has been in my head. they're all about the drinkin', smokin' & sexin' talk. this one is most obviously entitled, take me to the backseat. observe:
Don't wanna be your friend,
Don't try to take me home
This won't happen again
Just take me to the backseat!

You don't wanna get high
I don't wanna get low
So c'mon, let's go
And get on it, yeah
Honey, please
Just take me to the backseat!

*gasp* so apparently girls aren't always prim & proper =O

ha, k, i think i need some icecream. later kids.

Middle Ages
You come from the Middle Ages. Your soul came from
a time when dragons, knights, war and
Princesses ruled the land.

Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla

& to think, in marriage & family jr yr, i totally planned a renaissance style wedding... mommy, i'm a princess!

~shudders~ man, do i hate those shirts...

great sex toys? what r u looking at? -my dad walking in on a kazaa pop up ad. awesome.

yeah... so this wked warrants an oh man. ha, an oh man indeed... ay, let's see...
well we missed the first train into nyc that we were initially to take cuz sarah got directions only to forget them before even returning to our car. score! there were a couple of wrong direction mishaps, but other than that, oh boy was it kind to us. free meals & the like make for a happy gal aiight. this is a bonding experience said sarah. ha, u could say that... we're in the city, we're having a good time, so just fuck it said mike. ay, dude, i stubbed my toe at one point getting into the cab & didn't realize till back at the hotel that it was bleeding profusely. it was whacked, cat said my blood was pretty. it was strangely magenta colored. i dunno why. yeah, i thought i stepped on a berry perhaps. of course that makes no sense but what can i say, i was dead at the time. we had a good frickin' time. yeah!

i like mike. i hadn't spent a great deal of time with him b4, but i was glad to find that he's a good chap. he's with one of my bestest friends dammit, he'd best be. he ran down a cab, he fixed my toe, we shared quesadillas... good kid, good kid!

we came across the best 24 hr deli by our hotel that even had mistic & clearly canadian- whoah buddy. AND it was run by asians. hot dog! good stuff.

we didn't go to the london party. as the night went on, king micheal decided that we weren't allowed to. well, not entirely, there was reasoning involved... heh, oy. best for us to have stayed contained in our swank yet cheap hotel room, i feel. the beds were just so damn comfy, but ay, too many pillows. good to whack ppl off beds with though.

so yeah, i dunno what to say that would be of great interest to audiences young & old alike. my legs r so tired cuz we walked like nobody's biz. here are some facts i learned from our cultural experience to know & share:
-there are over 20 species of monkeys that live in the brazilian rainforest & nowhere else.
-cab drivers really are all foreign & crazy.
-the subway can be filled with merriment. there was an accapella group in the one. i so gave them change yo.
-at this rate of deforestation, in 40 yrs there will be no more rainforests. 95% have already been destroyed. eek!
-the oldest sea lion in captivity is at the central park zoo. she's over 30 yrs old & blind.
-mike & i don't like seaweed

& there u have it. like how i mixed up the validity of those statements? yeah, that's right.

ok, here's one for the kids u hp freaks-

You Are Minerva McGonagall

Eternal Magic : Which Harry Potter Professor are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
ha, mission accomplished


stealing ben's away message...
jeff(8:02:30 PM): I bought a toaster oven
Auto response from ben (8:02:30 PM): Zzzz...oh, it's you, Zzzz
jeff(8:03:36 PM): I know you must've been concerned about that for next year... but now you won't have to
jeff signed off at 8:03:45 PM.

ha, oh man... ya know, i miss my boys

hurrah. business + weird mood = no recent blogging

** Why English Is So Hard To Learn **

** A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.

** After a number of Novocain injections, my jaw got number.

** At the Army base, a bass was painted on the head of a bass

** He could lead if he would get the lead out.

** I did not object to the object being moved.

** I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.

** I shed a tear when I saw the tear in my clothes.

** Since there is no time like the present, he thought it
was time to present the present.

** The bandage was wound around the wound.

** The buck does funny things when the does are present.

** The dump was so full it had to refuse refuse.

** The farm was used to produce produce.

** The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.

** They were too close to the door to close it.

** When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.

ha, johnny says we (as in the rest of the world) blame everything on the british.., well uh, that's why.

went to nyc yesterday. met some london folk & had my first ride on the subway. oh what do ya know, goin' back tomorrow. i could so never live there. as london boy gaven said, 'the ppl don't smile enough here! if i lived here, that would be my goal, to make them smile more'. right on. smile dammit

i really hope we get to see a musical. man do i love musicals. ha! i saw a billboard of caberet with jon secada. como se dice creepy? ha, oy

i've got a patriot bandaid on my toe. now that's hot ;)

happy birthday david hasselhoff! ow ow!

today a paula abdul song came on & janet commented on how she had been married to 'that mighty ducks guy'. thank u! i piped. dude, i so knew that. paula & emilio were an item yo. someone else actually remembers.

oh shut up, u do care.

i've got that stacie orrico song in my head. she was a muy popular christian singer u know.

ooook. i don't really feel much like writing. i haven't exactly been terribly cheery lately quite honestly, but alas, i shall be gone for a couple days so i wanted to give u fine kids something to chew on. places to go, ppl to see...

& what's that? quizzes to take?!

ha, this one is quite amazing indeed...

Exotic Dancer
You're Exotic Dancer Barbie. You have some moves,
and will do anything for a few bucks. Take it
off girl, but keep it PG-13 please.

If You Were A Barbie, Which Messed Up Version Would You Be?
brought to you by Quizilla


put a shirt on before u take someone's eye out with those things- brad pitt as sinbad, commenting on a large black man's mega nipples. best line in the whole damn film that the kids won't even understand. boo ya.


so fucking a. i just wrote a glorious entry when a random power surge hit. gone. every last bit. *shakes a fist* gah! now i'm not inspired/afraid it will just happen again. damn... good stuff too...

here's an email instead. screw u power surge. grr...

** Warnings from Product Labels **

**On a Duraflame fireplace log:
"Caution - Risk of Fire."

** On a compact disc player:
"Do not use the Ultradisc 2000 as a projectile in a catapult."

** On a 35-mm camera:
"When operating the selector dial with your eye to the view-
finder, care should be taken not to put your finger in your
eye accidentally."

** On a propane blowtorch:
"Never use while sleeping."

** On an air conditioner:
"Avoid dropping air conditioners out of windows."

** On a vacuum cleaner:
"Do not use to pick up anything that is currently burning."

** On a mattress:
"Do not attempt to swallow."

** On a book of matches:
"Contents may catch fire."

** On a Batman costume:
"Warning: Cape does not enable user to fly."

** On a bottle of hair coloring:
"Do not use as an ice cream topping."

hmph. & a beach house? psha. what's that about u? i am so mo' po'


hmm... so i may be working at ren fair. interesante. i'll get to dress up & see some breasts. score! ha, yeah... cat's boss wants lots of lovely ladies so alas it seems as if i'll be working there on zee wkeds in august with she & miss smarcus. we'll be in the leather shop though, so that kinda troubles me... animals :/ i'll hafta be trying to convince ppl to buy products i don't approve of. this is why it is a hmm...

more weird dreams last night. i woke up thinking about cutting fabric. what the hell.

i think my hair grew rather muchly... perhaps it's just cuz i constantly pull it back for work that i take note of it more so when it's actually down, but oy.

ay, i hadda get up at 7 this morning cuz of our lovely shitastic meeting a la work. yeah, nothing positive... that is unless u consider a reward hotline for turning in dishonest employees to be. goodness gracious. retail is a beast yo. save yourselves.

sarah made me a sandwich today. i was all yeah, that's right bitch. well, actually cat & i just stopped in at the deli where she works. but i was still all like yeah, u'd best be makin' me that sandwich bitch. ...ya know, or more like thanks...bitch. ehh, maybe i didn't even call her a bitch since it was free. but ya know, bygones.

ima paint my room orange. i love orange. it's bright & cheery but not yellow. charming. charming i say.

holy crap, this very page is orange. :0 no frickin' way!

i feel like i should meditate or something. my head just feels so crammed with jive, i don't even know. oof... the deli makes u smell like meat

argh, this seems very journal esque. i'm sorry blog. i like to have anecdotes to share, stories to tell... but alas, trivial facts. lo siento mama. pero esta mama no es una loca "ho". ay pardon. *shakes head & turns to leave*


hurrah hurrah!

so i think i'm less stressed at school or something. like i don't rock back & forth & think oh god oh god oh god or anything, but i dunno. for the past 3 nights, at least, i've been having some whacked out dreams. i'm sleeping, but it's like my brain just can't stop thinking or something. often times they seem really pointless too... sarah says that a similiar thing has been happening to her, & last night we both woke up at the same time apparently... weird yo. what's up with ma mind these days?

the other day at work i overcharged some guy. he had brought some piece of foam in to exchange & i plum forgot about it when i rang him up. well later he came back in to return what he had bought (that didn't work either) & i was like awh, i'm glad u came back! so i told my manager about it, & all was resolved. see, god wants u to have that $3.49 i told him. no, god just doesn't want me to cover my chairs he said. teehee haha we all chuckled. so blah blah blah, the guy leaves. then some lady on the other line, ha, who actually looked kinda mean was all excuse me. & i'm thinking oh great... ha, cuz ppl suck. but then she says, i just wanted to say that that was a very nice thing u did. that was very honest & i believe u will be blessed for it. awh, how nice is that? then later in reading yvone's blog she wrote- Dana is as honest as they come! The legal system and the post offices appreciate her honesty! holla.

awh, so speaking of yvone- she got the hello kitty lollipop i mailed her. i was afraid that it would arrive all sliced & diced or something. glad ya liked it kiddo! & i have no qualms with posting the pic of us & abby. we look hot yo! ha...
& also- no, i did not realize that valerie from 90210 shares my name. the mom on the growing pains does as well, actually... AND she frickin' knows KIRK CAMERON!! oh snap!

i went out with this girl i used to work with the other night, megan. it was coo. ha, we went to macy's & they had this mass sale. she told me to help her pick out some sexy underwear, but everything she liked was just so darn cute. i was like uhm, this says it's a school night, shh! don't tell mom! i told her that i'd have to take her to vicky's. she said she was gonna bust a rib laughing. oh that megan... good kid, good kid!

ha, last night conan had a joke that went something like this- so apparently some major weight loss companies have offered reuben studdered $1 million to lose 100 pounds. yeah, & apparently clay aiken's father has offered him $1 million to kiss a girl. somethin' funny about that boy. (jiggles that conan jiggle) ha! i love him

1 wk till the nyc wked, ow ow!!

the other day i was putting all my mp3s on a play list when i came across the voicemail messages i have recorded. oh col, midget town... ha, i still can't help but laugh at the fact that yvone suggested "midget town" as a viable motion picture choice. oh my goodness. good times indeed.

this quiz is rather amazing.

I am a mall Santa.

Which cat that thinks it's human are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

look ev- i'm a kitty! u can be a kitty, too!


Take me now, baby, here as I am
Hold me close, try and understand
Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe
Love is a banquet on which we feed
-10,000 maniacs. yeah, so the words to the chorus are:
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to lust
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us

i heard it today & thought hot damn, i need to look that up. i dunno, it just always gets me... now u know

so today my dad tore down my ceiling. uhm, yeah. i didn't know this was gonna go on, so that was cool. now as some of u may know, my bedroom is only affectionately deemed as such, for there is no bed in the room. i don't really even go in there. basically, it's just where my clothes live. now suddenly, it's the home improvement project of the year. my dad is on vacation so he's all into breaking err, fixing stuff. i mean it's nice & what not, but why now? i don't live there half the time and i don't even care. my mom says not to say that, but it's true kids. it would be nice to be able to have ppl over again though. plus i get to paint it however i desire, i am told. oh yeah, it's gonna be bright.

so there's this guy at my work who seems shall we say... really gay. he constantly pages me for stupid things & such, so amanda started joking that he liked me. now as i said, really gay. then he wrote me a note the other day. he's like do u know what jk means? & i'm all yeaaa... so he stuck it in my register drawer. *ahem* my dearest dana, there are no words to express how much i love you... jk yeah, who does that? of course amanda thought this was the greatest thing ever. score for me. the gay kid likes me. yeah!

so i like to start off paragraphs with so. meghan backed her car into her house this morning. oof, what's goin' around?

SO i hear charles barkley is a chunker now? ha, i had no idea. at hotmail yesterday it was all chubby guys chicks love. who knew?

i called my boss fat on the intercom yesterday. yep, that was awesome.

...she's not actually fat

...it was an accident

...she thought it was funny

...it was still awesome

noel762 (8:44:15 PM): As valedictorian for her high school, actress Jodie Foster delivered her graduation speech in French.
noel762 (8:44:20 PM): how pretentious is that?
ThatsASin (8:44:22 PM): oh, that bitch
noel762 (8:44:26 PM): haha
ThatsASin (8:44:27 PM): wow, i used to like her, too
noel762 (8:45:37 PM): psha
noel762 (8:45:51 PM): unless she went to school in quebec, i don't wanna hear it
ThatsASin (8:45:56 PM): haha, right on
noel762 (8:46:06 PM): & even if that's true, that makes her a ..canadian
ThatsASin (8:46:30 PM): ha, and there's no excuse for that
noel762 (8:47:37 PM): *shakes head in disgust*
noel762 (8:47:42 PM): ya know what gets me?
noel762 (8:47:51 PM): celine dion singing our national anthem
noel762 (8:47:56 PM): don't we have our own damn singers?
noel762 (8:48:38 PM): my old boss told me that it was an honor or something, that i should b appreciative
noel762 (8:49:06 PM): but ya know what? maybe if whitney laid off the crack we wouldn't b looking north of the border
ThatsASin (8:49:37 PM): hahaha
ThatsASin (8:49:39 PM): so true
noel762 (8:50:00 PM): i dunno, it just gets me
noel762 (8:50:20 PM): we listen to lite fm at my work so on the 4th they were playing it & i couldn't help but ask why
noel762 (8:50:41 PM): if our country is so great, then why's a canadian singing the song? i just don't get it
ThatsASin (8:52:47 PM): haha
ThatsASin (8:53:12 PM): maybe it's just to illustrate the fact that everyone thinks america is great. there is no other choice.
noel762 (8:53:41 PM): yeah nationalism
noel762 (8:53:56 PM): i dunno... it just perturbs me

here bud, this one's for the kids-
You are NEMO!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla


hmm, i don't particulary feel like typing, so here's a convo with laura instead. she enjoys being bloggified

so... apparently she feels that her car is possessed. christine-esque. oy vey.
(slightly edited for time & space)
LolaAnn816 (11:06:30 PM): well, i have a theory now.
LolaAnn816 (11:06:42 PM): this car and i have ben pitted against each other since my dad got it
LolaAnn816 (11:06:45 PM): i dont like it, it doesnt like me.
LolaAnn816 (11:06:50 PM): we glare at each other
LolaAnn816 (11:06:53 PM): i hate it
LolaAnn816 (11:06:58 PM): ill admit im not nice to it
noel762 (11:06:58 PM): uh huh
LolaAnn816 (11:07:24 PM): and now im convinced
LolaAnn816 (11:07:27 PM): that it ORCHESTRATED this
noel762 (11:07:31 PM): right...
LolaAnn816 (11:07:31 PM): to get back at me
LolaAnn816 (11:07:40 PM): since me and the car are essentially vying for my father's affections
noel762 (11:07:49 PM): well given that it's a machine, u'll find this case hard to prove to daddy dearest
LolaAnn816 (11:08:37 PM): its done this bec it knows my father will be angry
LolaAnn816 (11:08:39 PM): but what it DOESNT know
LolaAnn816 (11:08:50 PM): is that my fathr is still ultimately more concerned with my and my car
LolaAnn816 (11:08:56 PM): ie the pontiac that holds my fathers heart
noel762 (11:09:00 PM): i c
noel762 (11:09:21 PM): well gee, i bet the honda's oil just started bubbling once it caught sight of that forgiveness
LolaAnn816 (11:09:32 PM): oh, im sure its angry
LolaAnn816 (11:09:35 PM): probably seething
LolaAnn816 (11:09:38 PM): 'thwarted again'
LolaAnn816 (11:09:40 PM): oh litle honda.
LolaAnn816 (11:09:44 PM): you ut your nose to spite your face
LolaAnn816 (11:09:45 PM): and now
LolaAnn816 (11:09:51 PM): not only have ytou not accompished anything
LolaAnn816 (11:09:55 PM): but youre even uglier now, too!
LolaAnn816 (11:09:58 PM): HA! MUAHAHAH!
noel762 (11:10:31 PM): yikes
LolaAnn816 (11:10:37 PM): however now i will be pulling out the big guns.
LolaAnn816 (11:10:45 PM): im not quite sure what thoe are yet
LolaAnn816 (11:10:49 PM): but ill figure something out
LolaAnn816 (11:10:58 PM): spray some noxious odorant in there maybe
LolaAnn816 (11:11:03 PM): or ill throw mud at it.
noel762 (11:11:05 PM): right, right
LolaAnn816 (11:11:09 PM): ill let the dog pee on the tires
LolaAnn816 (11:11:12 PM): yeah
LolaAnn816 (11:11:15 PM): thatll REALLY piss it off.
LolaAnn816 (11:11:22 PM): *plots*
noel762 (11:11:22 PM): ooh
noel762 (11:11:27 PM): that one stings
noel762 (11:11:31 PM): let the dog inside
LolaAnn816 (11:11:34 PM): yes. well.
noel762 (11:11:35 PM): have him sit his testicals on it (*her dog has massive testicals which are somehow always in all too clear of view)
LolaAnn816 (11:11:40 PM): muhahaha!
LolaAnn816 (11:11:44 PM): brilliant!
LolaAnn816 (11:12:00 PM): and ill bring phoebe in it (*her other dog)
LolaAnn816 (11:12:10 PM): her horrible breath will dissuade the bastard from ever messin with me again
noel762 (11:12:26 PM): well now this is just down & dirty
LolaAnn816 (11:12:33 PM): one has to do what one has to do.

there's a woman in the frame shop at my work who could very well be mrs clause. chew on that one...



wow, i just had a legitimate craving to hear a christina aguilera song- "cruz". creepy

my dad lost his glasses. ha, that went over well...

i watched sleepless in seatle this evening. 3 thoughts- 1 i wanna go to the top of that there empire state building 2 i wanna see an affair to remember 3 love perplexes me. it is an endless source of discussion & an alluring factor for seemingly all of humankind.

i had 5 bug bites, not 4. sigh indeed.

i saw a preview for a new movie with miss mandy moore. baby, would u walk with me home? gosh darnit is she cute. this time it looks like she's trying to be more of a bad ass than in her last church girl adventure. way to go mandy, expand those horizons. neutrogena!

You represent... naivete.
You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

hmm, so i need to be protected, eh? apparently not everyone is aware that i am a street figh ta ta ta... aiiiieeeeeyah

...uh, yep


ya know what sucks? waking up & realizing that ur already in a bad mood. *slams head into wall* ayyy... dios mio

i had some weird ass dreams last night. in one, sarah kept insisting that she was dead, but i kept telling her that if she were dead we wouldn't b able to see her or touch her. i dunno, i remember getting really upset about it in the dream. perhaps this added to the craptastic emotions thus far, thinking that one of my closest friends was dead. sexcellent. there was also some weird revolving glass door that made some ppl look like soda bottles when they were on the other side. my grandpa was there & he was helping to judge who looked like a soda bottle cuz a person's presence effected the glass like oil on water. there were also 2 attractive young females who came through the door holding babies, who i had assumed to be theirs, smiling warmly. after everyone came in we all went into some large room which was previously unseen to watch some play. first it took a while for them to turn down the lights, but then the curtain of the stage had a bizarre wind going on & was blowing up so that we could see the cast all standing there in greek esque costumes. i don't remember much more of it than that but uh, yeah?

...ok, time for work, most unfortunately. i need a hug.

cat's a dirty mexican -my brother

omg, 9.5 bloody hours at work today... good lord. u wouldn't believe how many people have absolutely no concept of measurement. a woman was getting 3 pieces of fabric. 4,7, and 25 yards in size. the pieces have to be at least 100 inches, are those 100 inches? *shakes head in disgust* please america, please... & to think, no days off till tuesday... it just doesn't end...

grandpa & cat came over for dinner today. not together of course, ha, that'd b freaky. bugs. ughhh. 4 bites for me, 3 for cat. speaking of which, we got these flowers in at work that were all cobweb looking. well- apparently they were infested with spiders. ehhhh. biting spiders at that. 5 ppl at another store hadda go to the hospital cuz hey, they're from china & who knows what's goin' on. ehhhh... i don't like bugs as it is. they were discarded of, naturally, but there's still question as to if any of them may have escaped... comforting, no?

my car hit 150,000 miles today. go baby, go

"Last week, the Supreme Court ruled that sex between two men is, in fact, legal. Not only that, the Supreme Court also ruled that sex between two women is very exciting. As a result, experts say this decision could add an hour to Zeigfried and Roy's show."
-Conan O'Brien

last night i watched conan for the first time in a while. it was a repeat, but brendan was on. brendan fraser that is. i'm not particulary fond of using yum to describe a person, but oy, brendan is yum alright. apparently a lotta ppl think he's weird looking... perhaps i have messed up taste or something, i dunno, but yeah, it was amusing. conan makes me laugh out loud alright. *sigh* conan + brendan = ooh la la ...yeah, they're not gay, just oh so chic... ha, or something.

awh, so i heard that barry white has left us. my first thought was awh, poor col & her friend's mom. (she used to have him on her door) *tear*

beyonce is hot.

i'm not a big fan of fireworks. i dunno, i just don't get it. cat said that it's cuz i'm jaded, old people still think they're cool. ha, my little cousins used to cry at the sound of 'em. oh lindz, u know u did... a la tele special- molly simms said president boosh & carson daly said they were in ny silly instead of city... yeah live tv, yeah!
but yeah, happy fourth kiddies

wanna know who's awesome? this man.

harry connick jr... *swoon*

i just heard one of his songs & it reminded me yet again that yep, harry connick jr is frickin' awesome. sing it.

alright, enough i say! later my darlings


The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed. -Carl Jung

so hey man, i'm apparently a word warrior. yep, that's right, an internet quiz said so & therefore it *must* be true:
Denver, you are a WORD WARRIOR!
This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take and unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary.

ooh, yay. ha, is it not ironic that there's a typo in that schpiel? i cut & paste it. i am a warrior, i can spell... dammit.

hmm...today. ay, i've been doing a lot of talking lately with a bunch of different people. perhaps my biorhythms are requesting it or something. meghan asked me to go dancing tonight, which probably would have been good for me, but alas- stupid ol' work tomorrow. & on a day of independence! psha

"In a speech last week, president Clinton complained that the Bush Administration is erasing all of his accomplishments. Today, the Bush Administration said all they did was steam clean the rug in the oval office."
-Conan O'Brien

speaking of biorhythms, ryan had some dream that he & i found some house in PA with old ceramic dolls. that same day i thought i saw him at my work, which makes absolutely no sense. oh yeah, crazy, right?
ha, or i LIE

well apparently my hair must look rather natural cuz no one seems to be really questioning. who knew that attempting to put in blonde streaks would blend my brown with ma red? well that's what happens when ur hair is too dark for ur dye kiddies. cat really wants blonde in her hair for whatever reason, but it turned red yo. i love red, but she don't. (yes, doesn't, i know... i'm a frickin' warrior REMEMBER?) apparently this is my fault? psha miss catherine, i know how to dye hair. i dunno, i think it looks fine, however not as expected. crazy dark haired fool

i got OW OWed at this evening. he was probably 14, but that's cool. i feel like that as a woman, i should find such acts degrading. ...but yeah, feminists, i just don't get u. ha, i suck.

evanescence is not linkin park with a chick, for the record. i dunno why i fancy them, but i do. it's probably just a phase, but ehh, they're no linkin part foo

in brian, who i don't feel like explaining, 's IM info (yeah grammar) he's got

i dunno why exactly i find this to be amusing. the still is in reference to his IM having been like that about school too. i dunno, he's the first person i heard use the 'like whoa' lingo. i'm still unsure as to how i feel about it

i don't find the whole list to be amusing enough to post, so here are just a few:
** Inflatable Furniture:
Nothing boosts the ego more than sitting on a couch and
popping it.
** Crayons That Smell:
Oh, good, let's give kids another reason to eat them.
** Those Crocheted Kleenex Box Covers:
Kleenex does not get chilly.
** Rubber Clothing:
Because you shouldn't bounce if you fall down the stairs.
** Doggie Sweaters:
Fido is not Mr. Rogers, nor does he want to be Mr. Rogers.
** Thong underwear:
Nothing leads to insanity faster than a perpetual wedgie.

yeah, so thongs really are crazy though. to me, wearing one is almost like a planned event. well, not an event per se, but ya never stop being aware that whoah buddy, ur wearin' a thong. ur ass is, let us say, like whoa. i always loved those girls in hs who'd have them hanging out of their pants. oh yeah, cuz that's sexy. i dunno, i suppose i just don't see the allure of having ur ass hanging out like that. to me, attaining them was more out of curiousity than of a great need to have my rear exposed to the elements. ugh, but still, i say them instead of one... perhaps i too have gotten caught up in their web of seduction. is it really a perpetual wedgie? yes, yes it is. ppl say that "you can't feel it", but ya know what, after a while ya don't feel ur watch either. oh it's there buddy, that thong is up yo ass. & when u remember, cuz u will remember, u will acknowledge this. no panty lines? yes. no wedgie? they lie my darlin', oh they lie.
ay, me & the underwear...
i'm sorry

You are Peace
You are Peace.

You are at peace with your self and the world
around you. You have balance in your life and
exude tranquility from every pore of your body.
People are constantly asking you "what is
your secret?"

What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Auto response from GirlySchmo: I know I told you I'd be true, but Dana got a big ole butt, so I'm leavin' you. *see ya*

well hello there ma sexy baby love. what up.

so today a whole bus load of senior citizens invaded my work. senior citizen discount day of course. i remember megan, who i used to work with, saying that they were so rude & that there were so many of them that they made her cry. i'll admit, i was a bit afraid when i saw all that white hair hobbling its way through the door, but all was well. they're funny though. they get annoyed when their big whopping 10% off discount isn't applicable. *it can't be used in addition to sale items*. so they'll get a picture frame or something that's 30% off & get annoyed that they "don't get anything for being a senior". math people. math. there was one old guy that ya just know was the bad ass joker of the group. he kept talking about how this older woman in front of him was holding up the line & he whacked her with the chair pad he was purchasing. when i told him that his total was $9.59 he looked at his watch & said no, it's 2:36 so that's all i should hafta pay. ooh, tricky tricky, no? he even had one of those jazzed up i'm-too-good-for-pushing-wheels-so-i-use-this-nifty-joystick wheelchairs. word. this was an amusing senior. man, i'm gonna b such a cool old lady.

some girl bought gum today & offered me a piece. i declined, but i thought that was so sweet cuz she was just a random shopper. 3 cheers for her yo, for that was extremely cool.

& after all these months, there is still love-
oceanica83 (11:21:34 PM): dana, i just needed to tell you how entertaining i find your blog to be, and i appreciate the work you put into it every post. kudos.
noel762 (11:23:06 PM): awh shucks
noel762 (11:23:07 PM): thnx abby
oceanica83 (11:23:15 PM): no prob bob

ever have everything make sense & then in one instance what was sensical is no more? yeah man. take that one back to full house.

i just got off the phone with alexis =) good times. though i don't actively OMG MISS MISS MISS ic friends, good golly is it good to talk to them. alayhas was/is my first ic connection *tear tear* ha.... i'm up for calls kiddies.

ook, i think i'm gonna attempt to scurry up some food, & then most likely frolic on to sarah's. holla.


ps- this is bloody awesome. i may have shared it with some of u previously... because it is bloody awesome

Popular Songs Translated Into Japanese and Then Translated
Back into English

=Eminem, "Without Me": "There Is No I"

=P. Diddy, "I Need A Girl (Part Two)": "As For Me The Girl Who
Is Needed (As For Section Two)"

=The Calling, "Wherever You Will Go": "As For The Place Where
You Go Being Wherever"

=George Strait, "Living And Living Well": "To Live Well,

=Pink, "Don’t Let Me Get Me": "Me The Fact That I Am Obtained
Does Not Have To Be Permitted"

=Ludacris, "Move Bitch": "Portable Female Dog"

=Darryl Worley, "I Miss My Friend": "I Let Escape My Friend"

=The Hives, "Hate To Say I Told You So": "I So Called To Hatred
You Who Are Said"

=The Strokes, "Hard To Explain": "In Order To Explain Eagerly"

=Bruce Springsteen, "Born To Run": "It Can Withstand The Fact
That It Moves"

holla BACK