
great sex toys? what r u looking at? -my dad walking in on a kazaa pop up ad. awesome.

yeah... so this wked warrants an oh man. ha, an oh man indeed... ay, let's see...
well we missed the first train into nyc that we were initially to take cuz sarah got directions only to forget them before even returning to our car. score! there were a couple of wrong direction mishaps, but other than that, oh boy was it kind to us. free meals & the like make for a happy gal aiight. this is a bonding experience said sarah. ha, u could say that... we're in the city, we're having a good time, so just fuck it said mike. ay, dude, i stubbed my toe at one point getting into the cab & didn't realize till back at the hotel that it was bleeding profusely. it was whacked, cat said my blood was pretty. it was strangely magenta colored. i dunno why. yeah, i thought i stepped on a berry perhaps. of course that makes no sense but what can i say, i was dead at the time. we had a good frickin' time. yeah!

i like mike. i hadn't spent a great deal of time with him b4, but i was glad to find that he's a good chap. he's with one of my bestest friends dammit, he'd best be. he ran down a cab, he fixed my toe, we shared quesadillas... good kid, good kid!

we came across the best 24 hr deli by our hotel that even had mistic & clearly canadian- whoah buddy. AND it was run by asians. hot dog! good stuff.

we didn't go to the london party. as the night went on, king micheal decided that we weren't allowed to. well, not entirely, there was reasoning involved... heh, oy. best for us to have stayed contained in our swank yet cheap hotel room, i feel. the beds were just so damn comfy, but ay, too many pillows. good to whack ppl off beds with though.

so yeah, i dunno what to say that would be of great interest to audiences young & old alike. my legs r so tired cuz we walked like nobody's biz. here are some facts i learned from our cultural experience to know & share:
-there are over 20 species of monkeys that live in the brazilian rainforest & nowhere else.
-cab drivers really are all foreign & crazy.
-the subway can be filled with merriment. there was an accapella group in the one. i so gave them change yo.
-at this rate of deforestation, in 40 yrs there will be no more rainforests. 95% have already been destroyed. eek!
-the oldest sea lion in captivity is at the central park zoo. she's over 30 yrs old & blind.
-mike & i don't like seaweed

& there u have it. like how i mixed up the validity of those statements? yeah, that's right.

ok, here's one for the kids u hp freaks-

You Are Minerva McGonagall

Eternal Magic : Which Harry Potter Professor are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
ha, mission accomplished


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