
hurrah hurrah!

so i think i'm less stressed at school or something. like i don't rock back & forth & think oh god oh god oh god or anything, but i dunno. for the past 3 nights, at least, i've been having some whacked out dreams. i'm sleeping, but it's like my brain just can't stop thinking or something. often times they seem really pointless too... sarah says that a similiar thing has been happening to her, & last night we both woke up at the same time apparently... weird yo. what's up with ma mind these days?

the other day at work i overcharged some guy. he had brought some piece of foam in to exchange & i plum forgot about it when i rang him up. well later he came back in to return what he had bought (that didn't work either) & i was like awh, i'm glad u came back! so i told my manager about it, & all was resolved. see, god wants u to have that $3.49 i told him. no, god just doesn't want me to cover my chairs he said. teehee haha we all chuckled. so blah blah blah, the guy leaves. then some lady on the other line, ha, who actually looked kinda mean was all excuse me. & i'm thinking oh great... ha, cuz ppl suck. but then she says, i just wanted to say that that was a very nice thing u did. that was very honest & i believe u will be blessed for it. awh, how nice is that? then later in reading yvone's blog she wrote- Dana is as honest as they come! The legal system and the post offices appreciate her honesty! holla.

awh, so speaking of yvone- she got the hello kitty lollipop i mailed her. i was afraid that it would arrive all sliced & diced or something. glad ya liked it kiddo! & i have no qualms with posting the pic of us & abby. we look hot yo! ha...
& also- no, i did not realize that valerie from 90210 shares my name. the mom on the growing pains does as well, actually... AND she frickin' knows KIRK CAMERON!! oh snap!

i went out with this girl i used to work with the other night, megan. it was coo. ha, we went to macy's & they had this mass sale. she told me to help her pick out some sexy underwear, but everything she liked was just so darn cute. i was like uhm, this says it's a school night, shh! don't tell mom! i told her that i'd have to take her to vicky's. she said she was gonna bust a rib laughing. oh that megan... good kid, good kid!

ha, last night conan had a joke that went something like this- so apparently some major weight loss companies have offered reuben studdered $1 million to lose 100 pounds. yeah, & apparently clay aiken's father has offered him $1 million to kiss a girl. somethin' funny about that boy. (jiggles that conan jiggle) ha! i love him

1 wk till the nyc wked, ow ow!!

the other day i was putting all my mp3s on a play list when i came across the voicemail messages i have recorded. oh col, midget town... ha, i still can't help but laugh at the fact that yvone suggested "midget town" as a viable motion picture choice. oh my goodness. good times indeed.

this quiz is rather amazing.

I am a mall Santa.

Which cat that thinks it's human are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

look ev- i'm a kitty! u can be a kitty, too!


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