
we should all b able to b happy all the time by putting pictures of starving children in our office or something -my prof for the evil class. ay, ya wanna hate the man, but he actually is a good teacher

i've seen dikes with hair b4 -jade in reference to the spike'n'dike tendency

alright, my apologies for leaving my fan base neglected. i've just been busy yo. friday, we played frisbee- freak yeah. saturday night- it's snowing- freak whaa? yeaaa... well saturday a bunch of us just rocked the hall yo. i dunno why we insist upon sitting in the hallway, but it's more amusing than one would think. colleen's blog details this a bit more. also, i had a magical moment using a plastic cup to mock ben in the style of his own mother. jade proclaims, "'ur daddy made me do it!' has got to b my favorite" word.

ooh! i got one of those lovely, random WHO R U? IMs today. ok ppl, when u IM someone, u should b the one answering this question. aiesh
ChainSawKittyKat (1:07:15 PM): who are you ?
ChainSawKittyKat (1:07:33 PM): your butt smells of rotten fruit and other produce
ChainSawKittyKat (1:08:42 PM): my bologana has a first name AND IT WONT TELL ME WHAT IT IS BASTARD!
ChainSawKittyKat (1:09:39 PM): you got the herp?
ChainSawKittyKat (1:09:43 PM): stef got the herp
noel762 (1:13:35 PM): yo
ChainSawKittyKat (1:24:11 PM): sup homie
noel762 (1:24:32 PM): nm
ChainSawKittyKat (1:24:41 PM): i like it in the bum
ChainSawKittyKat (1:24:53 PM): who i sthis is
noel762 (1:24:53 PM): so i've heard
ChainSawKittyKat (1:25:22 PM): uuhh
ChainSawKittyKat (1:25:24 PM): hello
ChainSawKittyKat (1:25:35 PM): my name is blimpo
noel762 (1:25:47 PM): sup
ChainSawKittyKat (1:26:19 PM): I'll tell you my bologana's first name if you tell me yours
noel762 (1:26:37 PM): well i don't really fancy bologna
ChainSawKittyKat (1:26:58 PM): do you like hot dogs or tacos?
noel762 (1:27:24 PM): i like innuendos
ChainSawKittyKat (1:28:27 PM): would you liek to play questions ?
ChainSawKittyKat (1:29:09 PM): perhaps your name is noel? or you just really like Christmas
noel762 (1:29:14 PM): i'd rather go pee, actually
ChainSawKittyKat (1:30:15 PM): have fun
noel762 (1:30:22 PM): always

bologana! yeahhh...

ok, i'll potentially write more later. i've got that infernal paper to write... sigh

You like to talk,
you like to run,
but most of all you like to have fun.

Which drug should you be hooked on? [now with pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

jade = friend of colleen's. i don't really know the boy that well but he seems nice enough. he pulls out random family guy & south park quotes, dresses well. ps- that's a hot ass name. i was gonna ask him about it but then i was like ehh... maybe later


BenNRoxie: where is everyone?
noel762: dead
BenNRoxie: good
BenNRoxie: ev and abby are dead?
BenNRoxie: ???
noel762: yes
BenNRoxie: good. the money is taped to the bottom of the leftmost sink in the girls bathroom
noel762: what money? what'd u do?
BenNRoxie: you made sure they were dead. you just ruined a cool mafia moment. you suck
noel762: i'm a girl ben
BenNRoxie: this is true
noel762: i thought u stole money from them or something
noel762: i have no idea
BenNRoxie: no. if you look at the conversation before you got all confused it looked like a badass mafia exchange
noel762: oh...
noel762: right, right
noel762: ya crazy italian
BenNRoxie: that's right

yeah, so i didn't write last night cuz i was up talking till sunrise. i'm in college, that's what i'm supposed to do. i really enjoyed last night though. we played frisbee & debated abortion all in the same evening. good times. i really enjoy talking to people about such things though. hearing other people's points of view is a good thing. the infamous they tell u that u learn so much about urself in college & that it's such a period of discovery & what not. i gotta tell ya, it's one cliche i can't argue

noel762: "Forget precision bombs, unmanned spy-planes and high-tech weaponry, the U.S. army is about to unveil its most unlikely mine detector -- all the way from San Diego, California, the Atlantic Bottle-Nosed Dolphin. At the southern Iraqi port of Umm Qasr, secured by U.S and British forces after days of fighting, soldiers made last-minute preparations on Tuesday for the imminent arrival of a team of specially trained dolphins to help divers ensure the coastline is free of danger before humanitarian aid shipments can dock. U.S. Navy Captain Mike Tillotson told reporters that three or four dolphins would work from Umm Qasr, using their natural sonar abilities to seek out mines or other explosive devices which Iraqi forces may have planted on the seabed. "They were flown over on a military animal transporter in fleece-lined slings," Tillotson said. "We keep them in a certain amount of water. They travel very well.""
ThatsASin: whoa
ThatsASin: well, at least this war will break some records for the cuteness factor
noel762: haha
noel762: now that's what we're goin' for
noel762: babies? ehh, too much controversy
noel762: ahh yes, aquatic life... bingo
ThatsASin: yeah, perfect

i hate needing quarters to do laundry. i'm po' as it is, now we gotta get specific?

ok, so when i woke up this morning there was a spider on my wall. 1- they creep me out, & 2- i won't kill it. kiehl said he'd kill it, but then he wasn't home. jeff said he's arachnophobic & douglas was like uhm, no. ben wasn't home. dana was at a loss. they're supposed to kill spiders. ha, oh man...boys are worthless, marina states. these r the chances for the boys to b MEN. ya know, killing bugs, opening jars, that's how it goes.

i love being outsiiiiide

oh right, lame quiz- this one's kinda freaky actually... ehh

You are Elizabeth Bathory. (The bloodcountess)
Legend tells us that you, this very rich,
beautiful and high born woman tortured and
murdered some 650 young women and bathed in
their warm blood to keep yourself beautiful.
In some stories, it is said you have drank their
blood as well. You were a sexual sadist on a
grand scale.
Ah vanity is your downfall. For shame!

Which Imfamous criminal are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

yeah, so i dunno how to take that one, but given the other results, it certainly could have been worse. & hey, everyone knows that i loves the ladies ; )


so? WWII didn't have a plot either -owen attempting to explain to jeff that transformers had a sensical plot

wow. i've been so on it today yo. dude, i finished my hw for this evening by 1230 in the afternoon, INSANITY. plus, i finished my web development project & it's due MONDAY. hot damn alright. hot damn.

tony: you're smart
me: = O
tony: i know
tony: i know
me: well thank u
tony: but, i can't deny it anymore, you're smart

ha! i hath prevailed

i wore my cat collar today. i was kinda surprised by how many people noticed. it's hot yo. & it's from my cat! *ahart*

actually i'm just making this up, but it sounds like it makes sense -my environmental prof trying to explain what a twain is

so only 2.5% of the earth's water is fresh water & most of that is in glaciel form. only .0008% is available for human use. meanwhile, flushing the toilet takes 23 liters. wtf

so today i got this project for global studies that i'm actually totally psyched about. how often does that happen? i just got the idea & i was like BAM! yep, it's gonna deal with investigating the perspective of an international student in the ic community at a time of war & how it impacts their life. i really think it'll b interesting. i like research, i'm such a loser like that

And for you conservative fascists who think I'm taking your side? Think again. Everyone still hates you. Even Jesus. That's right, the Son of God thinks you're all assholes. Because you are. Deal with it. -harsh words from mr cornell boy alright. this made me think of something else i read today--
every wk i get a lovely little schpiel about all the events going on. well check this:
What Would Jesus Say to J-Lo- This discussion is the first in a week- long program titled, "Conversations with Jesus", sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. (Textor 101, 8:00) what would jesus say... TO J-LO? ha, what the h man? matty told me that this may b theoretical, but still, who says that? he then proceeded to say that both the j-lo & the j-man r irrelevant. i told him that regardless of his religious stand pt he could by no means argue that jesus was irrelevant. he then proceeded to b a wise ass & said that he said 'to him'. he's still a skunk if u ask me, i don't want no mumblin'... & this is my blog so HA!

ay, i keep thinking that it's friday... ha, my blanket smells nice. i dunno, i just leaned over & i was like ooh, nice

& now for today's random stupid quiz... and what a classy one it is

Romantic movie! You probably won't star in a porno
anytime soon. You seem to be really into the
whole "love" thing...romantic sex
with perfumed sheets and candles all over the
place. You're probably a hopeless romantic. You
value sex and respect your partner too much to
do anything like porn. AWWWWWW! <3

What kind of porno would you star in?
brought to you by Quizilla


well, i do admire anyone who still has the guts to stuff their bra in high school -kala

oh man, so radical political theory never ceases to bite my ass alright. behold the final line in the nazi's eloquent critique- ...instead, i frequently did not understand why u were talking about what u were talking about at any particular time... *insert jaw drop here* what the h PAL? see, i actually tried on this one & i totally thought it was better... but alas, no... big fat C for dana. grr, suck it mr. i officially do not enjoy political theory, as if it weren't already clear

rah, so yeah, today... it's obnoxious cuz during the day i always think of like, 27 things to write about & then when i sit here i'm like err... yeah, that's right, i said 27. were u expecting more? well don't go anticipating me baby, i'm cah-razy. crazy like a.... *don't say fox, musn't say fox*... cantaloupe.

i actually slept for 8 hours last night. that's insanity.

speaking of 8, they say ur supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day. this is truly unfathomable to me. i drink way more water here than i did at home, & all it does is increase my bathroom utilization. like a river baby. i seriously can't imagine 8 glasses. ok, ha, maybe that was too much for ya... whatever, u know it's true

it rained today. yeah, it was kinda argh, but dude, it's been beautious, one musn't complain. besides, rain can b SLAMMIN'. it'll b cool once the thunder gets involved. ok, so when it rains, there r suddenly worms everywhere. i'm confused by this. ya never really see them on a regular basis, well unless ur gardening or something... ok, so i suppose u would if u fancied dirt, but still- when it rains there r gazillions. i seriously saw over 50 today walking from one building to the next, most of which were smashed. i'm wondering if this hurts their population. like, does the mother sacrifice herself to get the young to safety, only to see them crushed b4 her nonexistant eyes? i brought this up at dinner, & matty said that they flock to the pavement because they'll drown if they stay in the soil. i never really thought about that b4. i remember leaving dancing school one day when i was like, 5 & picking a worm up out of a puddle. the other girls jeered at me. *tear*

ok, so i'll admit to being a loser & watching american idol. it's so brady bunch variety style, ay. cheese? yes, but it's singing. so yeah, what the H was kimberly doing in the bottom 3 tonight? man, if julia didn't get kicked off i'd have stopped watching fo-eva. we don't need another nikki yo. sorry. i had to get it in there... u know u've watched it

oy. yesterday kim & colleen switched my key with yvone's. well hardy har har.

ok, i suppose i've had my fill for now... here's the cheesy quiz of the night:

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

lil' ol' me? perfect? well what do ya know? la la la la...

matty = friend of ben's. i called him yvone the other day & felt really bad. of course my laughing heartily for 2 minutes straight really helped to prove this sorrow. he seems pretty funny. heh, he's a safety patrol boy


i'll get one if u get one -me
let's do it -ben
tatoos of my name on ur ass? -marina

so i finished that paper at 106... class was at 110. schwing!

so we watched this video about the formation of the irrigation system in california today in environmental. hold ur horses, i know.. but yeah, they were talking about how there were no more salmon in the area nowadays. so then this old dude says, i think there r substitutes for eating salmon... u can eat cake ha, cake? that's awesome. way to go old dude.

yvone made me a new cell phone message. yeah, ppl r gonna hang up alright

i think i'm gonna start sticking some stupid quizzes in this thing. well, for this wk at least. we'll see...

god you dumbass.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

good times. there r more risque ones, but it's a bit early in the wk for that. lata


my dinner just fell on the floor awh, poor ryan...

Your Heart is Red

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

yeah, so i'm supposed to b writing a paper right now. i suck today.

sadly, i can't really think of anything fun & quirky that happened... glad i have these random & totally stupid procrastination aiding quizzes to share with u at least.

man, i need paula abdul's greatest hits. quality.

i'm gonna bring back quality, i've greatly replaced it with hardcore... quality was... quality

Which member of the Homestar Runner gang are you?

i don't think homestar runner is even funny most of the time. there's a commercial for marshmallows that's fairly amusing however. QUALITY!

ok, i'll attempt to stop sucking now... sigh


if she had just put out or whatever i'd have been a lot happier. possibly one of the most amazing things cat has ever said

yeah, so i've got a gallon of milk cuz i loves me some milk. this milk says it expires on the 26th. ok, earlier today, i pour myself a grand ol' glass... wtf, there r CHUNKS in it. man, i've seen too much milk go wrong in my day... too much. plus, now i'm sad cuz i've got cookies but awh, no milk.

oh man, i've gotta stop this...

hot dog, do i love cheese. cheddar cheese + triscuits rocks my world yo. truly. love it.

ok, when everyone else on ur buddylist has up an away message, perhaps one should take a hint... g'n


i still like monkeys

ay, i've got mad spanish hw to take on. what the h yo. in theory i really like spanish, but i take the class with such a half assed stride. i dunno man. i suppose i have this vision of everyone being terribly passionate & dedicated to their major... i don't think i'm gonna b like that...oh, i was thinking about minoring in spanish to help clarify that one... word

my blog sparks attention yet again yo-
NSA853LDK: hey
noel762: hi there
NSA853LDK: i was reading your blog...
noel762: uh huh
NSA853LDK: did ben and jeff really say they'd pay to have sex with you?
noel762: yes they did
NSA853LDK: ohhhhhh
noel762: ha, why do u ask?
NSA853LDK: it just got my attention reading that
noel762: well, what can i say
NSA853LDK: i dunno,you write about your underwear, just sparks my interest
noel762: delightful

sometimes i really wonder what ppl must think of me.

yesterday, i had my feet filmed. interesting.

yeah, so friday night was the international dance party. ha, oh man. some ppl r too much. i love dancing, just makes ya feel good to totally cut loose. judging from that movie alexis & emily made, tony said that i look like an idiot- ha! u've seen nothing! though i really don't care if i do. it's terribly amusing. ha, this is why sarah has like 50 billion pictures of me looking stupid, thank u dancing & ghetto style grooves. ppl don't tell me i look stupid though, everyone says i can dance. it's just such a good time, & u've gotta b confident about it. everyone can dance, i firmly believe this. it's just more amusing to watch some ppl... ha, like jeff. too many boys won't dance though. psha

ay, i'm attempting to get a better grasp on what i wanna do with myself- looking at courses & such. craziness.

ok, i should do something more productive now...


ay, crazy times yo...

yvone- would u pay to have sex with dana?
ben- definitely

yeah, so clearly things were kooky. somehow while sitting in the hallway, my underwear became the topic of discussion. it's common knowledge that my underwear drawer is generally open. why do u ask? i dunno, i'm not big up on shutting the drawers? i'm not used to having a room that is public access. plus i don't really care, i have nice underwear. ben confirmed this, stating that he likes my underwear & that it's going to waste. he suggests that i become a slut. interesting. this was when yvone inquired as to if he'd pay to have sex with me, jeff agreed that he would as well. later they both offered to molest me. uhm... down boys, down.

T2 is a crazy place.

today my environmental politics class was stormed by peace protesters. i'm not entirely sure how i feel about all of this. the war has started kids, let's get that much established. then some guy came in with his rottweiler saying that he was sorry, but he hadda bring him to class. my prof said it was definitely like the good ol' days...

i love cheddar

at late night, abby told me that she could see me as the next judy bloom. she pointed out however that my books may get too perverse & turn children into lesbians. but we need more of those she said. good to know.

heh, i copped a feel of ben's man boobs

yeah, so i got an email from Farm_Lovin called Like Porn with Girls and Horses? ha, what the h is that? seriously...

today i was catching up on cornell boy's entries & came across this- http://www.yourethemannowdog.com oh the things ppl will do...

alright, i should pretend to sleep now cuz i'm an ass & i don't actually sleep enough. sigh. ay, as i read over the things i've just nonchalantly typed, i see what abby means by perverse & am once again assured that college has certainly brought me more brash & sass... what up dawg


yeah, so today was rah for a multitude of reasons... RAH!

so what the h is up with the world these days? a gal can't even turn on la tele for a scripted distraction. air strike? err... oh bushy, what r u getting us into...

yesterday i dl'd a bunch of sarah maclachlan songs. i'm not a huge fan, i usually find her to b a bit too lilith, but ya know how sometimes u feel like an artist is speaking the song of ur soul suddenly? well i was inspired to relish in miss maclachlan's world. "possession" is a quality song.... but i'm feelin' "sweet surrender" as well, i dunno, i'm just likin' it suddenly. word.

kiehl's advice: chill the fuck out

ben wants to b a bad ass, but he's not. he has a comfortable bed. ha, i feel like i get way too up on ppl's bed's sometimes. i dunno, first i get tired of standing- i randomly sit in the hall sometimes- & then i'm like ehh, i'll just lie down. i dunno, i feel as if i've become more brash & sass since arriving here. not that the bed thing is particularly related, but yeah. oh, & no shoes on the bed, what IS that?

ahh, what the hell, let's throw in some sm-

Sweet Surrender

it doesn't mean much
it doesn't mean anything at all
the life I've left behind me
is a cold room
I've crossed the last line
from where I can't return
where every step I took in faith
betrayed me
and led me from my home

and sweet
sweet surrender
is all that I have to give

you take me in
no questions asked
you strip away the ugliness
that surrounds me
are you an angel
am I already that gone
I only hope
that I won't disappoint you
when I'm down here
on my knees

and sweet
sweet surrender
is all that I have to give

sweet surrender
is all that I have to give

and I don't understand
by the touch of your hand
I would be the one to fall

I miss the little things
oh I miss everything

it doesn't mean much
it doesn't mean anything at all
the life I left behind me
is a cold room



BenNRoxie: you should come see my sub
then shortly thereafter-
BenNRoxie: are your internal organs vibrating?
ok ben, what r u getting at?

yeah, so i had written but i was unable to publish for some reason. sleep tight kids, i'm tryin' here.

ur right, u r a very bad girl i told tony that i wanted to take that out of context & quote him on it. so yep, there it is. BAM!

ok, more later, spanish now RAH!

ps- today is very rah, i'm glad the sun is shining


on the way back to school-
kyle- "i'm hungry"
grandma- "oh, hang urself"

ok, so my fair public is DEMANDING that i update. what the h man, i'm sorry.

wow, it was absolutely gorgeous out today. right now, it feels like secret rendez-vous with ur lover weather, ya feelin' that? i'll hafta hop on that one day when the grass isn't so soppy. oh yeah, & when i have a lover. that's an interesting term to me, lover. it's either a) gay or b) extremely passionate or even c) old ppl slang. word.

yeah, so uh, speaking of gay... apparently colleen's friend was checking out my blog & informed her that if colleen were in fact a lesbian, she'd expect her to get with me. -yeah, totally thinks i'm gay. i'm not sure how to take that. at first i thought colleen was implying that i should get with her friend and i was like what? i'll let ya know when she gets here. yeah, that's right, come over here little lady and i'll let u know if i'd tap that ass.

oh sweet ambiguity, light my firrre

ha, i have no idea why i felt the need to torment right there. i'm sorry colleen's friend.

holy toledo MY VIDEO NEEDS TO GET SOME PLAY YO. shite.

yeah, so as i said, today was frickin' beautiful. such an intoxicating environment, oh happy st patrick's day, ha, while i think of it, but yeah. dude, it made me think of like, 50 billionty things. ya know how in bambi how they talk about getting twitterpated? this is so that weather. oh owl, i'm sure of it.

hurrah. so at dinner yvone brought up that i said i can feel my ass move when i go up stairs. owen then decided to check it out and see what was up with that. he said, "ya know ur ass really isn't that big though." now i'm just confused. apparently i touch it a lot...? ha, meghan randomly asked me why i do this. they laughed at me as i answered their questions logically.

ok, so tony, the boy who can make fists out of his feet, decided that my big toe is 'deformed'. i like my toes thank u. psha, i am so not down with that

my mom says that the next time i greet her, there had better b a slow mo hug involved. u think she just got jealous cuz the asian got one.

oof, i like school. like it indeed


proof that ben loves me, right here folks--


Auto response from noel762: BenNRoxie, it's ok, half the people in the world are below average too.

noel762: ok then
BenNRoxie: yeah
BenNRoxie: makin fun of me
BenNRoxie: bitch
BenNRoxie: i hay chu
noel762: well to b fair, it made fun of everyone & anyone
noel762: my hatred knows no bounds
BenNRoxie: i know that
BenNRoxie: i'm still gonna smack you when we get back
noel762: oh ben, i knew u loved me
noel762: :'(
BenNRoxie: i do

so HA! i'm not full of hatred though, i just thought that sounded spunky.

BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROWWWWWWW bitchochin' aiight. it's been an interesting week.


yo yo yo

yeah, so i'm at smarcus's bustin' it up on her new pc cuz RALPH i have no internet at my house cuz i b po'! yeaaa... so i haven't been up to much of crazy excitement but it's nice to b home & surrounded with ma girls. i'm here with cat & meghan now. *sigh* i have good friends. i really hope that everyone on break is spending it with quality friends. it's a good time.

yep. yeah, so i already don't remember the majority of anything that has happened. i'm disappointed though, i've yet to acquire any crazy grandma quotes. sigh oh sigh.

i'll probably bake cookies one day. freak yeah.

i drove my car for the first time in like 2 months today. oh car, how i love thee. ha, he's just such a mess. & the way my mom left the tank on empty? ooh, charming...

ha, i clearly have no idea on what to share. there r no crazy dorm room antics. oh. the other night cat & sarah started conspiring how to combine our characteristics to make one hot mama yo. ha, i entered the room to hear, "it's gonna have ur body, with sarah's breasts, & my hair... ooh, & my lips!" when i asked how this came about cat commented that as i was leaving the room she was like word, u have a nice ass. ha, yep. what can i say, i will give our baby back, yo. today we decided that the baby will also have meghan's smile, & perhaps her laugh since the rest of us all laugh stupid. good freaking times.

alright, i'm gonna stop ignoring everyone now. much love, much love


this is everything a lesbian should b. -colleen in reference to yvone at lunch. sing it.

ay, ha, do i even remember today? not particularly... i always feel like i should have been cracked out at times like this, but alas, i'm just really tired.

Cat: YO
Cat: u'll be here tomorrow
me: that i shall
me: & for a whole week
Cat: finally
Cat: missed ur guts

that's right kids, ima comin' home. bring on the love aiight.

dude! i have preteen dream stalkers! well, it may be a teen, & there may only be one, but dude. lindsay told me that i'm funny, & ppl have agreed with her. perhaps this stalker is after both me *and* my family. lay off yo, she's got blue eyes.

i'm still perplexed by this whole red head thing. i really think i have reddish brown hair. brown i say. i love red, yes, but my hair is primarily brown. tony, chris, & steve all disagree with this. what the h man. i mean i'm not against it, it just, as i said, perplexes me.

Loneley lil punk.

What punk are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
for the record, i by no means condone the smoking in this image. that's repulsive yo. rah. check out 'the devil' punk. good times.

alright, well i'll b home for the next wk so i can't guarantee any regular bloggin'. i know, i know... i'm sorry, but what can i say. i hope that everyone at IC has a fanfreakingtastic break, that kim gets better, colleen finds a ride home, etc, etc. i'm addicted to this life, i know that even in a wk i'm gonna b all sigh sigh.

i made titania a sign for RA appreciation day that says, "OUR RA IS HOT!" & ooh, it's got fire. i heard her awh!ing at it. snap. that's snap aiight.

alright, i heard this song earlier & i was like awh, billy, the things u do. i shall share it with u all as i know retreat back to my midterm. rah, have a good one my dears, a good one indeed...

The Longest Time

Oh, oh, oh
For the longest time
Oh, oh, oh
For the longest time
If you said goodbye to me tonight
There would still be music left to write
What else could I do
I'm so inspired by you
That hasn't happened for the longest time

Once I thought my innocence was gone
Now I know that happiness goes on
That's where you found me
When you put your arms around me
I haven't been there for the longest time

Oh, oh, oh
For the longest time
Oh, oh, oh
For the longest time
I'm that voice you're hearing in the hall
And the greatest miracle of all
Is how I need you
And how you needed me too
That hasn't happened for the longest time

Maybe this won't last very long
But you feel so right
And I could be wrong
Maybe I've been hoping too hard
But I've gone this far
And it's more that I hoped for

Who knows how much further we'll go on
Maybe I'll be sorry when you're gone
I'll take my chances
I forgot how nice romance is
I haven't been there for the longest time
I had second thoughts at the start
I said to myself
Hold on to your heart
Now I know the woman that you are
You're wonderful so far
And it's more that I hoped for

I don't care what consequence it brings
I have been a fool for lesser things
I want you so bad
I think you ought to know that
I intend to hold you for
The longest time


wow, sorry kids. i've got some quotes to keep u goin'...

last night on the way to late night: everything that comes out of ur mouth reaches a new low.-ben in reference to my saying something about sex for money. yeah, ok ben.

& tonight: i'd feel safer if he was blacker. -ben at late night, commenting on douglas. oh how we laughed.

marina randomly insulted ben's mom. word.

hey, in jamaica they apparently call wife beaters marinas. when douglas informed us of this fact he neglected to mention that he was speaking in reference to the clothing, not the sally jesse rapheal studs.

jeff said if i walked in circles he'd follow me. douglas offered me his grilled cheese sandwich. como se dice "snap snap"?

in colleen's blog:
In my acting class we have to do this thing called Rock Star where you pick a rock star, lip sing, and imitate them. Our teacher wanted us to pick someone that was a challenge for them, someone unlike themselves. So who does Colleen pick? Well, Christina Anguilera of course! I have an outfit that is staggering to anyone who knows me. It includes fishnet stockings, high heels, short mini skirt that has shorts built in (thank god), a tacky camaflogue green/blue top and a nice red bra. These clothes arent mine....its mostly Dana. I dunno why she has all these whore clothes but God Bless her!

man... *shakes head & twitches a bit* i just don't know

also last night--
Ben: suck what? I am confused. be specific. it's not inherently obvious.
me: did u not say u were tired?
Ben: yes, and yet i am confused
me: ur a guy, ur supposed to b
Ben: what the hell does that mean?
me: confusion, 'tis ur destiny
Ben: you're a woman, and you're supposed to be makin me a sandwich but you aren't
Ben: or doing my laundry
Ben: or vacuuming
Ben: or having babies
me: well, my mom does say that i'm not domesticated enough
Ben: she's probably right
Ben: good luck finding a husband or wife if you can't cook and clean toilets
me: i appreciate that u allowed that statement to encompass my lesbian lifestyle choices
Ben: yes. i didn't want to offend you
Ben: i'm nice like that
me: didn't want to offend? oh benjamin, u r tired

today was the viewing of alexis & emily's film. gina IMed me & said i saw you today!!! you are the most awesomest dancer in the entire world dana. i was impressed OH! man, i'm so glad we got to have a dance party explosion. thnx gina.

alice's current away message: thanks to Dana I have a badass essay now yo! & this my friends, is why we shake it fast.

ok, i'm afraid that's about all i can offer right now cuz i'm mighty tired. ay, one more day of classes b4 break. i've got one midterm left to tackle & AY the same confusion as always, rah.

gina = gina wants to belly dance one day cuz i have this ghetto ass tape on it from like 1987. good times. it's rumoured that she said jeff is about 70% gay. i don't really know gina all that entirely well but she seems like a cool chick. she's in a band & dances salsa, & holy toledo, that's cool. apparently when ben was drunk he said that she could kill his best friend & he'd still think she was nice. damn.

alice = alice is my neighbor. she's from turkey & makes a lotta cool jewelry. alice can speak 4 freaking languages. man, i think that's awesome. she understands the importance of hugs. touch is important people. alice is an animal at the guitar. ha, she makes good sandwiches. 3 cheers aiight


i forgot to pack up my room -marina commenting on what would happen if we all had a cah-razy time the night b4 we were to b picked up by zee rents at the end of the yr...

let the quoting continue, wahaha!

today abby's away message said dana is my friend. damn straight yo. granted, i gave her chocolate, but dude, that's friend worthy. chocolate is like *ahh* (angels sing) college is making me a more generous person, i feel.

another satisfied customer- kimberly writes:
holy jesus dana!...I read your blog and i must admit i did lol at least three times...You're a hoot...keep up the good work old gal! (i love how i made it in there many times, that sparked my attention...and some other stuff ;-) ;-) (*and by that i mean wink wink*) and served to convince me that you may fancy me just a little....is this true or perhaps a false pretense....only time can tell until tonight then! ;-)........................................! just fill in the dots as you will, skys the limit on this one suga!!!!):-*

oh yeah, she sooo wants me *nods slowly & with great confidence*

yeah, so yvone featured me in her blog. *gasp gasp* i thought this was awesome:
My friend Dana....
Dana wants to put me in a box....???...Yeah...that's right..she wants to put me in a box and go AHHH while shaking the box...I don't know if I should be flattered or scared...She also wants to make a calendar with my pictures....Dana is crazy, but she is my friend...She doesn't make much sense...but we still love her....

ok, i believe i'm through quoting others now. yeah, so today when i woke up my back was all like rah, as it still is. this reminded me that that's on the list of reasons as to why having a bf would b a good thing- massages. who did i used to say this with? i loose track of my own ramblings i'm afraid... i'm not even an old biddy yet. but whatever, it's still true.

ay, i need to stop being so damn responsible, i'm young, i must roarrr. entice me or something.

dude, alexis got her movie back- ya know, that lovely film i costarred in with chris. ha, it amused me terribly. marina's slow motion slap, chris's shifty eyes... it's quality. i know nothing about the actual film aspects of the project, so i thought it was fun. i was so psyched for the dance party at the end, man, that was hot. it basically consists of chris being a goofy sort of fairy, marina just standing there staring straight at the camera & smiling, & my being totally g to da hetto. WORD. alexis said she'd get me a copy. score.

yeah, so yesterday i believe...? colleen came in asking me for ho clothes. apparently she was directed here. i love that. i mean did i have them yes, but by no means do i dress like a ho. when i asked as to why one would expect me to have such items, she said well ur bras r always hanging out. i dunno kids, have ur underwear drawer visible on a regular basis & suddenly u've got ho potential, what up. but anyway, she has to dress like christina aguilera for her acting class or something. oh yeah, i hooked her up alright. alriiiiight.

i'm coming home on friday morning. that is WHACKED. i saw a dog today, & was once again reminded that i have one. that's always a good time.

remember animaniacs? well in the immortal words of mindy, ok, i luv ya, buh bye!



see this glass? hell exists-yvone's startling reasoning skills. man, i love my asian. i wanna put her in a box & b like ahh!! she just amuses me terribly. today i decided that she should have a calender like those babies. it should b her with different flowers involved. man, that'd b damn cute. my asian is damn cute. *don't worry lucia, ur still a sexy motha*

eek, i just broke a christmas light. don't put them under chairs, i say

yep, so it definitely sounds like it was a crazy time up in T2 last night, though i'm still kinda glad i didn't see it. man, if i had a dollar for everyone who has said they're never gonna do that again over the wked... well, i'd have $4. but i'm po' yo, so that'd b awesome.

well today liz, this cool gal from the 3rd floor, wanted me to go check out rugby. i totally wanted to but no one else would go & i was afraid they'd make me play & i'd die. ben says i'm too feminine for such a sport. rah.

ya know what rocks? chocolate pudding.

oy, my room was invaded this evening. it started out with ben... soon followed by yvone. then suddenly over the course of the night abby, kim, jeff, alice, jazmin, marjani, & fred all got involved. needless to say, i stopped working. ben said that my productivity needed to b stopped. way 2 go ben.

ha, speaking of ben... yeah, so he got totally trashed last night. colleen & kim decided to play a trick on him *ooh ooh* ha, yeah, so ben now has an entire box of tampons scattered throughout his room. on the hands of his clock, in his coffeepot, dangling from the ceiling... oh man. such a sight would certainly make any drunken ben a douche.

i'm going home at the end of the wk. this is absolute insanity. i really hate that i can feel how fast this is all going by as it's happening. college is awesome, allow this to b stated. it's hard for me to say 'the following is what i have learned' but it's just been such an experience. simple things, from hearing ppl talking on the phone in different languages outside my door, to falling over laughing in the hallway... & oh right, to classes... ha, this is a good time. if ur not having a good time at college, then seriously, u should b questioning what ur spending ur money on. i'm just so glad for everyone who's been a part of it.

awh, yes, so that can b my sentimental diddy of the evening. i shall leave u with a quote i'm stealing from multiple ppl's profiles:

Each of us is propelled through life by a restless, inexhaustable need for affection. Why else do we trudge off to work every morning, or withhold farts, or decorate our bodies with precious gems, or attend church, or smile at strangers, or pluck out body hair, or send valentines, or glance into mirrors, or forgive...or do any of a trillion large and small behaviors that constitute the totality of the human trial on this planet?
--Tim O'Brien


i can't think of a quote, honestly. perhaps baby killaaaaaaa *see colleen's entry for more info*

oy. so today i didn't really do a damn thing. i rolled outta bed around 130 & talked in the hallway for a while about how apparently "drunk ppl invaded" our dorm last night. excellent. apparently the vending machine suffered the most. rah. so then i went to lunch with kim, we had some girl talk, como c'est wha wha!, then i came back, took a shower NAKED NAKED & watched "shanghai noon" w/ colleen, kim, & rachel. once we started watching we realized that oh man, this movie had asians, we needed yvone. then marjani came in & it was a regular par-tay. i got back to my room & came to the startling conclusion that hot dog, i had missed the sunlight.

yeah, so blah blah blah i felt restless. this evening i was like roarrr i have pent up energy rah rah rah!! tony asked me if i wanted to come over & b irresponsible so i was like fo shizzy. yeah, well everyone was fine & fancy free for a while, but alas, i ended up being responsible. i don't think i can help it. it was alright though, every day is certainly an experience. then i got back here & jazmin was telling me about the craziness in T2 yet again. *gasp gasp* apparently, some ppl need to learn how to get their drink on. oh man. i dunno, i wanna keep this clean for the children -this is a blog for zee ppl- but uh, crazy times.

yep, so now it's 5AM & i'm still quite awake. everyone else however, is passed out. BITCHIN'.

i shall leave u w/ some fiona apple cuz this song was in ma head earlier when i was feelin' all resssstlesssss...


I'm gonna make a mistake-
I'm gonna do it on purpose
I'm gonna waste my time
Cuz I'm full as a tick
And I'm scratching at the surface
And what I find is mine
And when the day is done, and I look back
And the fact is I had fun, fumbling around
All the advice I shunned, and I ran
Where they told me not to run, but I sure
Had fun, so
I'm gonna fuck it up again
I'm gonna do another detour
Unpave my path
And if you wanna make sense
Whatcha looking at me for
I'm no good at math
And when I find my way back,
The fact is I just may stay, or I may not
I've acquired quite a taste
For a well-made mistake
I wanna mistake why can't I make a mistake?
I'm always doing what I think I should
Almost always doing everybody good
Do I wanna do right, of course but
Do I really wanna feel I'm forced to
Answer you, hell no
I've acquired quite a taste
For a well-made mistake, I wanna
Make a mistake, why can't I make a mistake
I'm always doing what I think I should
Almost always doing everybody good

yeah, so don't go psychoanalystic *word?* on me now. i try to limit the fiona play, as i've stated before. but alas, i'm no longer making sense, what was R u looking at me for?...



i was gonna quote marina today... unfortunately i can't remember what it was. but i'm sure it was very gay. literally. but yeah, woo!

ay. i'm not sure if a day goes by that i am not faced with some sort of confusion. not in the dumb blond hair twiddler way, no offense err, yeah, but ...yeah. laura & abby both told me that confusion seems to seek me out. abby pointed out that this could b because i'm analytical, & i would never deny that. but rah.

now for those of u who took part in this fine friday with me, u 2 can vouche that whoah, what was that? just in general. so what better way for us to all "chill" yet still say "yo, what's goin' onnn?" than to seek solace in the fixx? *slaps knee* well ya got me alright. bring it:

One Thing Leads to Another

The deception with tact, just what are you trying to say?
You've got a blank face, which irritates
Communicate, pull out your party piece
you see dimensions in two
State your case with black or white
But when one little cross leads to shots, grit your teeth
You run for cover so discreet, why don't they:
Do what they say, say what you mean
One thing leads to another
You told me something wrong, I know I listen too long
But then one thing leads to another

The impression that you sell
Passes in and out like a scent
But the lung face that ynu see comes from living close
to your fears
If this is up then I'm up but you're running out of sight
You've seen your name on the walls
And when one little bump leads to shock miss a beat
You run for cover and there's heat, why don't they:

Do what they say, say what they mean
One thing leads to another
You told me something wrong, I know I listen too long
But then one thing leads to another.
One thing leads to another

Then it's easy to believe
Somebody's been lying to me
But when the wrong word goes in the right ear
I know why you've been lying to me
It's getting rough, off the cuff I've got to say enough's enough

Bigger the harder he falls
But when the wrong antidote is like a bulge on the throat
You run for cover in the heat why don't they

Do what they say, say what they mean
One thing leads to another
You told me something wrong, I know I listen too long
But then one thing leads to another
One thing leads to another (repeat)


Oh incidentally, I would like to thank Dana for her insight on the guitar issue. What would I do without that "sassy flava"? gee, thanks "cornell boy". ha, i love how our conversations r nestled away in the blog world.

ay, ok, i'll sleep now.