
BenNRoxie: where is everyone?
noel762: dead
BenNRoxie: good
BenNRoxie: ev and abby are dead?
BenNRoxie: ???
noel762: yes
BenNRoxie: good. the money is taped to the bottom of the leftmost sink in the girls bathroom
noel762: what money? what'd u do?
BenNRoxie: you made sure they were dead. you just ruined a cool mafia moment. you suck
noel762: i'm a girl ben
BenNRoxie: this is true
noel762: i thought u stole money from them or something
noel762: i have no idea
BenNRoxie: no. if you look at the conversation before you got all confused it looked like a badass mafia exchange
noel762: oh...
noel762: right, right
noel762: ya crazy italian
BenNRoxie: that's right

yeah, so i didn't write last night cuz i was up talking till sunrise. i'm in college, that's what i'm supposed to do. i really enjoyed last night though. we played frisbee & debated abortion all in the same evening. good times. i really enjoy talking to people about such things though. hearing other people's points of view is a good thing. the infamous they tell u that u learn so much about urself in college & that it's such a period of discovery & what not. i gotta tell ya, it's one cliche i can't argue

noel762: "Forget precision bombs, unmanned spy-planes and high-tech weaponry, the U.S. army is about to unveil its most unlikely mine detector -- all the way from San Diego, California, the Atlantic Bottle-Nosed Dolphin. At the southern Iraqi port of Umm Qasr, secured by U.S and British forces after days of fighting, soldiers made last-minute preparations on Tuesday for the imminent arrival of a team of specially trained dolphins to help divers ensure the coastline is free of danger before humanitarian aid shipments can dock. U.S. Navy Captain Mike Tillotson told reporters that three or four dolphins would work from Umm Qasr, using their natural sonar abilities to seek out mines or other explosive devices which Iraqi forces may have planted on the seabed. "They were flown over on a military animal transporter in fleece-lined slings," Tillotson said. "We keep them in a certain amount of water. They travel very well.""
ThatsASin: whoa
ThatsASin: well, at least this war will break some records for the cuteness factor
noel762: haha
noel762: now that's what we're goin' for
noel762: babies? ehh, too much controversy
noel762: ahh yes, aquatic life... bingo
ThatsASin: yeah, perfect

i hate needing quarters to do laundry. i'm po' as it is, now we gotta get specific?

ok, so when i woke up this morning there was a spider on my wall. 1- they creep me out, & 2- i won't kill it. kiehl said he'd kill it, but then he wasn't home. jeff said he's arachnophobic & douglas was like uhm, no. ben wasn't home. dana was at a loss. they're supposed to kill spiders. ha, oh man...boys are worthless, marina states. these r the chances for the boys to b MEN. ya know, killing bugs, opening jars, that's how it goes.

i love being outsiiiiide

oh right, lame quiz- this one's kinda freaky actually... ehh

You are Elizabeth Bathory. (The bloodcountess)
Legend tells us that you, this very rich,
beautiful and high born woman tortured and
murdered some 650 young women and bathed in
their warm blood to keep yourself beautiful.
In some stories, it is said you have drank their
blood as well. You were a sexual sadist on a
grand scale.
Ah vanity is your downfall. For shame!

Which Imfamous criminal are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

yeah, so i dunno how to take that one, but given the other results, it certainly could have been worse. & hey, everyone knows that i loves the ladies ; )


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