
well, i do admire anyone who still has the guts to stuff their bra in high school -kala

oh man, so radical political theory never ceases to bite my ass alright. behold the final line in the nazi's eloquent critique- ...instead, i frequently did not understand why u were talking about what u were talking about at any particular time... *insert jaw drop here* what the h PAL? see, i actually tried on this one & i totally thought it was better... but alas, no... big fat C for dana. grr, suck it mr. i officially do not enjoy political theory, as if it weren't already clear

rah, so yeah, today... it's obnoxious cuz during the day i always think of like, 27 things to write about & then when i sit here i'm like err... yeah, that's right, i said 27. were u expecting more? well don't go anticipating me baby, i'm cah-razy. crazy like a.... *don't say fox, musn't say fox*... cantaloupe.

i actually slept for 8 hours last night. that's insanity.

speaking of 8, they say ur supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day. this is truly unfathomable to me. i drink way more water here than i did at home, & all it does is increase my bathroom utilization. like a river baby. i seriously can't imagine 8 glasses. ok, ha, maybe that was too much for ya... whatever, u know it's true

it rained today. yeah, it was kinda argh, but dude, it's been beautious, one musn't complain. besides, rain can b SLAMMIN'. it'll b cool once the thunder gets involved. ok, so when it rains, there r suddenly worms everywhere. i'm confused by this. ya never really see them on a regular basis, well unless ur gardening or something... ok, so i suppose u would if u fancied dirt, but still- when it rains there r gazillions. i seriously saw over 50 today walking from one building to the next, most of which were smashed. i'm wondering if this hurts their population. like, does the mother sacrifice herself to get the young to safety, only to see them crushed b4 her nonexistant eyes? i brought this up at dinner, & matty said that they flock to the pavement because they'll drown if they stay in the soil. i never really thought about that b4. i remember leaving dancing school one day when i was like, 5 & picking a worm up out of a puddle. the other girls jeered at me. *tear*

ok, so i'll admit to being a loser & watching american idol. it's so brady bunch variety style, ay. cheese? yes, but it's singing. so yeah, what the H was kimberly doing in the bottom 3 tonight? man, if julia didn't get kicked off i'd have stopped watching fo-eva. we don't need another nikki yo. sorry. i had to get it in there... u know u've watched it

oy. yesterday kim & colleen switched my key with yvone's. well hardy har har.

ok, i suppose i've had my fill for now... here's the cheesy quiz of the night:

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

lil' ol' me? perfect? well what do ya know? la la la la...

matty = friend of ben's. i called him yvone the other day & felt really bad. of course my laughing heartily for 2 minutes straight really helped to prove this sorrow. he seems pretty funny. heh, he's a safety patrol boy


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