
on the way back to school-
kyle- "i'm hungry"
grandma- "oh, hang urself"

ok, so my fair public is DEMANDING that i update. what the h man, i'm sorry.

wow, it was absolutely gorgeous out today. right now, it feels like secret rendez-vous with ur lover weather, ya feelin' that? i'll hafta hop on that one day when the grass isn't so soppy. oh yeah, & when i have a lover. that's an interesting term to me, lover. it's either a) gay or b) extremely passionate or even c) old ppl slang. word.

yeah, so uh, speaking of gay... apparently colleen's friend was checking out my blog & informed her that if colleen were in fact a lesbian, she'd expect her to get with me. -yeah, totally thinks i'm gay. i'm not sure how to take that. at first i thought colleen was implying that i should get with her friend and i was like what? i'll let ya know when she gets here. yeah, that's right, come over here little lady and i'll let u know if i'd tap that ass.

oh sweet ambiguity, light my firrre

ha, i have no idea why i felt the need to torment right there. i'm sorry colleen's friend.

holy toledo MY VIDEO NEEDS TO GET SOME PLAY YO. shite.

yeah, so as i said, today was frickin' beautiful. such an intoxicating environment, oh happy st patrick's day, ha, while i think of it, but yeah. dude, it made me think of like, 50 billionty things. ya know how in bambi how they talk about getting twitterpated? this is so that weather. oh owl, i'm sure of it.

hurrah. so at dinner yvone brought up that i said i can feel my ass move when i go up stairs. owen then decided to check it out and see what was up with that. he said, "ya know ur ass really isn't that big though." now i'm just confused. apparently i touch it a lot...? ha, meghan randomly asked me why i do this. they laughed at me as i answered their questions logically.

ok, so tony, the boy who can make fists out of his feet, decided that my big toe is 'deformed'. i like my toes thank u. psha, i am so not down with that

my mom says that the next time i greet her, there had better b a slow mo hug involved. u think she just got jealous cuz the asian got one.

oof, i like school. like it indeed


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