
so? WWII didn't have a plot either -owen attempting to explain to jeff that transformers had a sensical plot

wow. i've been so on it today yo. dude, i finished my hw for this evening by 1230 in the afternoon, INSANITY. plus, i finished my web development project & it's due MONDAY. hot damn alright. hot damn.

tony: you're smart
me: = O
tony: i know
tony: i know
me: well thank u
tony: but, i can't deny it anymore, you're smart

ha! i hath prevailed

i wore my cat collar today. i was kinda surprised by how many people noticed. it's hot yo. & it's from my cat! *ahart*

actually i'm just making this up, but it sounds like it makes sense -my environmental prof trying to explain what a twain is

so only 2.5% of the earth's water is fresh water & most of that is in glaciel form. only .0008% is available for human use. meanwhile, flushing the toilet takes 23 liters. wtf

so today i got this project for global studies that i'm actually totally psyched about. how often does that happen? i just got the idea & i was like BAM! yep, it's gonna deal with investigating the perspective of an international student in the ic community at a time of war & how it impacts their life. i really think it'll b interesting. i like research, i'm such a loser like that

And for you conservative fascists who think I'm taking your side? Think again. Everyone still hates you. Even Jesus. That's right, the Son of God thinks you're all assholes. Because you are. Deal with it. -harsh words from mr cornell boy alright. this made me think of something else i read today--
every wk i get a lovely little schpiel about all the events going on. well check this:
What Would Jesus Say to J-Lo- This discussion is the first in a week- long program titled, "Conversations with Jesus", sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. (Textor 101, 8:00) what would jesus say... TO J-LO? ha, what the h man? matty told me that this may b theoretical, but still, who says that? he then proceeded to say that both the j-lo & the j-man r irrelevant. i told him that regardless of his religious stand pt he could by no means argue that jesus was irrelevant. he then proceeded to b a wise ass & said that he said 'to him'. he's still a skunk if u ask me, i don't want no mumblin'... & this is my blog so HA!

ay, i keep thinking that it's friday... ha, my blanket smells nice. i dunno, i just leaned over & i was like ooh, nice

& now for today's random stupid quiz... and what a classy one it is

Romantic movie! You probably won't star in a porno
anytime soon. You seem to be really into the
whole "love" thing...romantic sex
with perfumed sheets and candles all over the
place. You're probably a hopeless romantic. You
value sex and respect your partner too much to
do anything like porn. AWWWWWW! <3

What kind of porno would you star in?
brought to you by Quizilla


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