
we should all b able to b happy all the time by putting pictures of starving children in our office or something -my prof for the evil class. ay, ya wanna hate the man, but he actually is a good teacher

i've seen dikes with hair b4 -jade in reference to the spike'n'dike tendency

alright, my apologies for leaving my fan base neglected. i've just been busy yo. friday, we played frisbee- freak yeah. saturday night- it's snowing- freak whaa? yeaaa... well saturday a bunch of us just rocked the hall yo. i dunno why we insist upon sitting in the hallway, but it's more amusing than one would think. colleen's blog details this a bit more. also, i had a magical moment using a plastic cup to mock ben in the style of his own mother. jade proclaims, "'ur daddy made me do it!' has got to b my favorite" word.

ooh! i got one of those lovely, random WHO R U? IMs today. ok ppl, when u IM someone, u should b the one answering this question. aiesh
ChainSawKittyKat (1:07:15 PM): who are you ?
ChainSawKittyKat (1:07:33 PM): your butt smells of rotten fruit and other produce
ChainSawKittyKat (1:08:42 PM): my bologana has a first name AND IT WONT TELL ME WHAT IT IS BASTARD!
ChainSawKittyKat (1:09:39 PM): you got the herp?
ChainSawKittyKat (1:09:43 PM): stef got the herp
noel762 (1:13:35 PM): yo
ChainSawKittyKat (1:24:11 PM): sup homie
noel762 (1:24:32 PM): nm
ChainSawKittyKat (1:24:41 PM): i like it in the bum
ChainSawKittyKat (1:24:53 PM): who i sthis is
noel762 (1:24:53 PM): so i've heard
ChainSawKittyKat (1:25:22 PM): uuhh
ChainSawKittyKat (1:25:24 PM): hello
ChainSawKittyKat (1:25:35 PM): my name is blimpo
noel762 (1:25:47 PM): sup
ChainSawKittyKat (1:26:19 PM): I'll tell you my bologana's first name if you tell me yours
noel762 (1:26:37 PM): well i don't really fancy bologna
ChainSawKittyKat (1:26:58 PM): do you like hot dogs or tacos?
noel762 (1:27:24 PM): i like innuendos
ChainSawKittyKat (1:28:27 PM): would you liek to play questions ?
ChainSawKittyKat (1:29:09 PM): perhaps your name is noel? or you just really like Christmas
noel762 (1:29:14 PM): i'd rather go pee, actually
ChainSawKittyKat (1:30:15 PM): have fun
noel762 (1:30:22 PM): always

bologana! yeahhh...

ok, i'll potentially write more later. i've got that infernal paper to write... sigh

You like to talk,
you like to run,
but most of all you like to have fun.

Which drug should you be hooked on? [now with pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

jade = friend of colleen's. i don't really know the boy that well but he seems nice enough. he pulls out random family guy & south park quotes, dresses well. ps- that's a hot ass name. i was gonna ask him about it but then i was like ehh... maybe later


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