
wow, sorry kids. i've got some quotes to keep u goin'...

last night on the way to late night: everything that comes out of ur mouth reaches a new low.-ben in reference to my saying something about sex for money. yeah, ok ben.

& tonight: i'd feel safer if he was blacker. -ben at late night, commenting on douglas. oh how we laughed.

marina randomly insulted ben's mom. word.

hey, in jamaica they apparently call wife beaters marinas. when douglas informed us of this fact he neglected to mention that he was speaking in reference to the clothing, not the sally jesse rapheal studs.

jeff said if i walked in circles he'd follow me. douglas offered me his grilled cheese sandwich. como se dice "snap snap"?

in colleen's blog:
In my acting class we have to do this thing called Rock Star where you pick a rock star, lip sing, and imitate them. Our teacher wanted us to pick someone that was a challenge for them, someone unlike themselves. So who does Colleen pick? Well, Christina Anguilera of course! I have an outfit that is staggering to anyone who knows me. It includes fishnet stockings, high heels, short mini skirt that has shorts built in (thank god), a tacky camaflogue green/blue top and a nice red bra. These clothes arent mine....its mostly Dana. I dunno why she has all these whore clothes but God Bless her!

man... *shakes head & twitches a bit* i just don't know

also last night--
Ben: suck what? I am confused. be specific. it's not inherently obvious.
me: did u not say u were tired?
Ben: yes, and yet i am confused
me: ur a guy, ur supposed to b
Ben: what the hell does that mean?
me: confusion, 'tis ur destiny
Ben: you're a woman, and you're supposed to be makin me a sandwich but you aren't
Ben: or doing my laundry
Ben: or vacuuming
Ben: or having babies
me: well, my mom does say that i'm not domesticated enough
Ben: she's probably right
Ben: good luck finding a husband or wife if you can't cook and clean toilets
me: i appreciate that u allowed that statement to encompass my lesbian lifestyle choices
Ben: yes. i didn't want to offend you
Ben: i'm nice like that
me: didn't want to offend? oh benjamin, u r tired

today was the viewing of alexis & emily's film. gina IMed me & said i saw you today!!! you are the most awesomest dancer in the entire world dana. i was impressed OH! man, i'm so glad we got to have a dance party explosion. thnx gina.

alice's current away message: thanks to Dana I have a badass essay now yo! & this my friends, is why we shake it fast.

ok, i'm afraid that's about all i can offer right now cuz i'm mighty tired. ay, one more day of classes b4 break. i've got one midterm left to tackle & AY the same confusion as always, rah.

gina = gina wants to belly dance one day cuz i have this ghetto ass tape on it from like 1987. good times. it's rumoured that she said jeff is about 70% gay. i don't really know gina all that entirely well but she seems like a cool chick. she's in a band & dances salsa, & holy toledo, that's cool. apparently when ben was drunk he said that she could kill his best friend & he'd still think she was nice. damn.

alice = alice is my neighbor. she's from turkey & makes a lotta cool jewelry. alice can speak 4 freaking languages. man, i think that's awesome. she understands the importance of hugs. touch is important people. alice is an animal at the guitar. ha, she makes good sandwiches. 3 cheers aiight


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