
grandpa came over today, which of course allowed for even more humor to ensue from grandma.
example A:
grandma tells him that he should have an antique guy come to his house.
i don't need a guy, i'll blow it up
u heard it here first kids, grandpa's house is gonna blow.

example b:
grandma: i came back from the dead
grandpa: just like jesus

now for those of you who do not follow my family tree, it should be noted that grandma is my mother's mom, & grandpa is my father's dad. good times.

then later my dad chimes in with-
i haven't had hash since i was back home

& to think, it all started with talk of cooking eggs...

ps i gave the blog some political relevance... just... couldn't... help myself =P


so now that the amusement of being 15 has died, i've recently taken note of quite a few of u rockin' surveys in the blog. miss kala sent me one today, so why the hell not, no? ok then...

1. What time did you get up? no work today... so just before 11.

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? hmm... lunch is quite informal. who invented post its again?

3. Gold or silver? silver... though gold fancies me more

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? at the cinema, eh? hmm... i think starsky & hutch in good ol' georgia.

5. Favorite TV show: scrubs, conan, bernie mac (though i never seem to catch it)

6. What do you have for breakfast? a toasted creme cheese & jelly sandwich with iced tea.

7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? it's unfortunate that it's easier to list these folks than it is to list those i'd desire to eat with. who invented post its again?

8. What/Who inspires you? integrity, honesty, grandma clipping out coupons

9. What is your middle name? christmas in french, baby

10. Beach, city or country? probably country, actually.

11. Favorite ice cream? chocolate chip mint, coffee

12. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn? bbbuttttterrrr

13. Favorite color? well my room is mad amounts of orange. i'm also feelin' RED

14. What kind of car do you drive? i currently do not drive cars, but trucks. my poor baby is sick =(

15. Favorite sandwich? hmm... i like a lot of things. i get random cravings for meatball subs though.

16. What characteristics do you despise? lack of motivation/direction/inspiration, self pity, dishonesty, pettiness.

17. Favorite flower? tiger lillies, pansies

18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would it be? i wanna teleport to australia. west siiide. but i'd also fancy spending some time in italy.

19. What color is your bathroom? purple and green

20. Favorite brand of clothing? i'm a cheap bastard who is no longer 12 years old. i don't care so much about that schtuff.

21. Where would you like to retire? can't tire if ya haven't lived bubba

22. Favorite day of the week? i've always rather fancied thursday. it's the wked's eager young bro

23. What did you do for your last birthday? slept late since i didnt have a 730AM final for once, went out to eat with kim, ev, abby, kate, & jeremy for MEXICAN, shared my giant cookie with friends, gave my girls underwear. True Story.

24. Where were you born? wayne general

25. Favorite sport to watch? watching makes me antzy, i like to playyyy... maybe ice skating.

26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? well i ain't sendin' it to no one *ptooey*

28. What fabric detergent do you use? who even knows, is it on sale?

30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? the times i post these things should explain that without my saying

31. What is your shoe size? 8

32. Do you have any pets? i can quote the raven alright

now hot damn, was that not fun? & such a random ending...
have fun, loves~


this song has been in my head all day. i was singing it with spoons at the diner. woo woo.

Heart- "Alone"

I hear the ticking of the clock
I'm lying here, the room's pitch dark
I wonder where you are tonight
No answer on the telephone
And the night goes by so very slow
Oh I hope that it won't end though

Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone

You don't know how long i have wanted
to touch your lips and hold you tight
You don't know how long I have waited
and I was going to tell you tonight
But the secret is still my own
and my love for you is still unknown

Til now I always got by on my own
I never really cared until I met you
And now it chills me to the bone
How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone
How do I get you alone

good ol' 80s rock alright. then rachel corrupted us all with outkast. oh bother...


dude, classes start 3 months from today. messed up.
...i guess. ha, i'm not really sure how i feel about that one. here's a quiz-

Extroverted (E) 57.89% Introverted (I) 42.11%
Imaginative (N) 51.35% Realistic (S) 48.65%
Intellectual (T) 57.14% Emotional (F) 42.86%
Easygoing (P) 56.41% Organized (J) 43.59%
Your type is: ENTP
You are an Inventor, possible professions include - systems designer, venture capitalist, actor, journalist, investment broker, real estate agent, real estate developer, strategic planner, political manager, politician, special projects developer, literary agent, restaurant/bar owner, technical trainer, diversity manager, art director, personnel systems developer, computer analyst, logistics consultant, outplacement consultant, advertising creative director, radio/TV talk show host.
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

yeah? ay, i like how it implies i have a lack of emotions... always charming. but i ain't shy. ha, says so right there.

alright, work tomorrow... sleep callllls....


so perhaps i should add to my previous thoughts so as not to seem like a complete & total asshole wtih no regard for anyone's feelings but my own. hmm... i feel as if when ppl are changing, it's like when a girl is going through puberty. everyone can see those boobs darlin'- so dont try to hide. ie everyone can see my breasts! (leave it to me to create such a metaphor) but yeah. i'm wondering what home friends think things are like at school. i am no demon. i'll wonder if i'm overreacting to such things, but those who have u known u the longest tend to call u out the most. ay mamacita, ay ay. i love my friends, why can't it be as simple as that?

on a lighter note...
grandma's QOD:
more power to ya

ps lemonade + tuna + salsa = no good para the estomago


& sometimes, i'm completely inappropriate...

it's def a bizarre situation to blend the social life aspects of college me with those of what used to be hs me. mostly because ppl here aren't used to see me be so... free, shall we say, about things. i went to a party with cat last night, which was certainly a good time, but i think the girl was a bit taken aback by my behavior. i ain't frontin' kids. i'm not interested in sheltering behaviors at this point. such moments are what remind me that yeah, things have actually changed. i love my girls though, so it sucks to feel like i'm throwing them for a loop when such instances occur, but oy. the law says we're adults, so we'd best be treating eachother as such at this point in the game. i know that this is something which many of u have been expressing lately, that things are changing. and i know that some things which i say now may be hypocritical in comparison to past views, but ehh, what's to be done about that? ha, journey says, "don't stop believin'." keep on truckin' aiight...


revamped bloggin' alright...


i get my horoscope sent to me everyday in my email. while yes, i will admit to having some faith in the mystery of astrology, i can't say that i truly rely on keen horospopes. today mine said, Your love life is beginning to improve based on the talk out there about you. ...the talk? dude, that makes me sound like a HUSSY. let's have some sensitivity next time horoscope folk, no? ha, ay.

also, i just finished watching EdTV, which was better than i had anticipated, surprisingly enough. dude, how much would it suck for ur ex to be on tv all the time? not cool. i mean granted, i personally wouldn't want to be on tv all the time, but for those of u who haven't seen the movie, there r multiple scenarios in which this comes into play. for example, ed's gal who he's on the outs with gets to watch him make out with elizabeth hurley. rough. granted, the 'other woman' is generally not in such model form. but that's still rough... cuz ya know u'd watch it on occassion, ha, even though u know that nothing positive can possibly result. such is human nature. oh bother.

off tomorrow (today) ;)

fun for YOUUUU-


You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if
you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and
she should keep the chips and dip coming. - Alan, age 10

ha, yeah sexism

You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be
yelling at the same kids. - Derrick, age 8

Both don't want any more kids. - Lori, age 8

Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get
to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you
listen long enough. - Lynnette, age 8

When they're rich. - Pam, age 7

It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need
someone to clean up after them. - Anita, age 9

There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?
- Kelvin, age 8

Tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she looks like
a truck. - Ricky, age 10

apparently this young man is not a sisqo fan. oh sigh.


ripped straight out of lauryn's profile:

"If your boyfriend hates buying you tampons, he's an idiot. A child. A man buying tampons is a man who gets laid because there's not a man on this planet who needs tampons for himself. You should hold those tampons over your head and go, 'My ladyfriend is bleeding! I am a good boyfriend! I am taking care of her! We have sex on a regular basis and we're responsible about it so now she's on her period! Yes, that's right, we had another successful month of having sex without getting pregnant! Three cheers for me and my penis!'"

3 cheers indeed.

noel762: (ps u don't have a penis)
rAmcalley: yeah i d...
rAmcalley: oh SHIT

no tampons for ram tonight.


anybody know the technical shiz of it all?

sooo... if i switch my template, am i gonna lose all this quality bloggage? ie my entries shall all be deleted if i want new colors? i see that the ev monster has a new template, & none of the old jazz is there, but i'm not sure if that is by choice or not.
i know that i can change my current one, but as for the big switch? i gotta tell ya kids, i'm weary. ha, i know how much these ramblings mean to u on those late nights with nothing to do!
if u know the answer to this- plz drop a comment & let the shakin' it fast communinity know.
thank you,
the management

ps ev is not actually a monster


so yippee alright. work tomorrow... at my "real" work. psha. ha, i'd really prefer not to return to 'the place where happiness commits suicide' -as meg calls it. oof. we shall see i suppose... my aunt told me about a babysitting job. it'd basically involve taking 2 little boys to a beach everyday. *waiting for a call, hoping not to have to work 40 hrs of retail every wk* & once again, we shall see...

so ebay? i never really messed around with it before. i'm selling some books though, so i figured i'd see what was up for grabs... aaand then i'm bidding on vintage tees. yeah poverty.

no more jimmy fallon?! *faints a lil'* oh sigh indeed!

hmm... so i can't find some pictures which could be considered incriminating, aaand they're probably around my house somewhere. AWESOME. plus, this doesn't allow for as much scrapbooking fun. sigh sigh sigh.

dude, is it bad that i miss some aspects of the dhall? im still having big cravings for cottage cheese, & we so don't have any here. and fruit- i so want fruit. once again, negativo. ho hum...

hmm, thoughts have left me. olsens on screen. ha, later kids.


& today's completely out of context quote...
i have a small penis -rachel

gahhh! just missed dana carvey on leno. and for no good reason. not cool.

but random clips of walker texas ranger on conan? love it. they're talking about ratings ploys for sweeps wk, & conan speaks of a redecorating show called 'while u were wasted.' the premise? lockiong someone up with a case of vodka, & coming back the next morning to see what they did. & the host is like, u tried to cook eggs in ur toaster? i guess i was hungry i especially like the shoe in ur speaker guess it wasn't playing loud enough
& then there's a random mailbox. hot damn do i love conan. hot damn indeed.

ay, i was supposed to get my hair cut yesterday but then OH our hot water heater decided to spew h20 allover my basement instead. but no fear, magical mike & his plumber pal kevin were over in a flash to remedy the matter. no haircut though, for a barber michael is not. oh sigh.

so dude, i worked at vicky's secret today. they're remodeling, so i got to help sort through panties for hours on end. cat asked rachel & i if we'd like to do it, & i'm po' so i was like bring it. oh yeah, & then i frickin' love underwear. we were going through this one style, & i was like man, imagine if these were all mine... but then i realized that they were smalls & my non white girl esque ass would be just too much for them to handle. rachel responded with, that would be ur hell. all this underwear, & none of it fits.


and so i am home... hmm. it's a rather bizarre feeling knowing that i'm not just gonna be peacing out again in a couple days. it also makes me realize just how different i feel. oof.

i want a new job. i'm mucho tired of the craft story. yes, it's nice to have something to come home to, but i haven't exactly heard rave reviews lately. if only my car worked =( this would make the hunt easier, i feel. i think i may apply to be a substitute teacher. some folks back at school were talking about it, & it's a relatively easy way to score some cash. i'd want to do little kids though. not crazy little, but high schoolers are bitches. oh sigh.

cat & i went to visit her sister's new apartment today. totally got lost on the way home. score. oh, & then it was raining in a mad beastly way. that's always fun. high pressure driving, but other than that, a good time.

for those of you who do not blog, i shall tell u that they redid the site in a big way. i do believe i shall spruce up the old blog in the days to come. surely boredom will enter the picture at some pt since most of u home folks seem to still be partaking in schooling. oy.

gahhh i don't feel like looking for a job. i've had the same one forever. rahhhh. ha, i cant make enough sounds.

i always stay up so late. what is with my body? my family probably thinks i'm crazy.

though we all are, a little crazy, that is.

a part of me wishes i were going away next semester. not really to LA though, iii dunno. i'm really psyched for DC, minus my paranoia that i wont get into the program. i'd like to be doing it in the fall in a way, just cuz i want something totally different. i dunno, i'm not crazy looking fwd to next semester at this pt in time, i must confess. 18 credits? ehh. we shall see i suppose. but this way, i may do LA sr yr, in which case i'd be there with col. whoah ho ho. we shall see i suppose. my head tends to jump to 15 places at once... perhaps it was the rain.


this is not the same as kimberly's! though it will look similiar... we're friends. it happens.

: t2 : when was that pic? : skirts & boots : fatass : sexist humor : lauryn's bday : cortaca : monkeys : georgia love : ghetto van : mom's dance- not gonna lie! : hair dying fun : asians : thursday lunches : thanksgiving : katie- go in & see! : girls we roll with : dance party 2004 : ja rules at kelly's : random jungle juice : thought she was a he : hot teacher : dp dough man bob : porn star dancing : calling ourselves : boot boys beach party : acappella whores : falling in snow : 30 minutes=BEST show : ladies with tatoos : faux boyfriends : halloween : $1 : no shirt for marina : n&r's : breaker house : auction : late night with #4 & ManGina : backstage : stalker to friend : in the face : crack dealers : bruises from where? : our night w/t6D : SBX : mucho new friends! :

it's always so hard to remember... but there's a start. oh sigh... things are drawing to a close...


According to officials at the Social Security office, more and more parents are naming their children after cars. This past year there were 353 girls named Lexus and 25 girls named Infiniti. You know who I feel sorry for? The 3 girls named Hummer. -Jay Leno

well this was a rather enjoyable wked. weather = sooo nice. fabulous. hard to believe that in a wk, i'll be on my way home right now...

so ev agrees on this whole 'but at the same time' thing. i did a search through my blog (there's a feature, i didn't actually read the entries, that would be ridic) to find the phrase. it came up once, in the last entry. so i dunno man...

Readers of a London magazine voted Christina Aguilera the year's top role model. The name of the magazine is Skanky Ho Monthly. -Conan O'Brien

more ppl should have parties in basements. it's less crowded all around, authority figures can't find the craziness, and basements are generally not as hot as well, anywhere else. word.

ay, so last wk i def had a spurt of productivity. right now? not so much. gahhh the list of things to do remains the same my friends. granted, i could be tackling that matter right now. note this example of exemplification. ha, oof...

this is definitely different. religion + legos... for thee with ADD


so apparently i say 'but at the same time' a lot. kristin pointed this out to me the other day, lauryn concurred. no one has ever told me that one before, but in the 2 hours i was talking to kristin, i allegedly said it 7 times. oh bother.

oh, & don't get rides with crack dealers. that is all.