
so perhaps i should add to my previous thoughts so as not to seem like a complete & total asshole wtih no regard for anyone's feelings but my own. hmm... i feel as if when ppl are changing, it's like when a girl is going through puberty. everyone can see those boobs darlin'- so dont try to hide. ie everyone can see my breasts! (leave it to me to create such a metaphor) but yeah. i'm wondering what home friends think things are like at school. i am no demon. i'll wonder if i'm overreacting to such things, but those who have u known u the longest tend to call u out the most. ay mamacita, ay ay. i love my friends, why can't it be as simple as that?

on a lighter note...
grandma's QOD:
more power to ya

ps lemonade + tuna + salsa = no good para the estomago


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