
so now that the amusement of being 15 has died, i've recently taken note of quite a few of u rockin' surveys in the blog. miss kala sent me one today, so why the hell not, no? ok then...

1. What time did you get up? no work today... so just before 11.

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? hmm... lunch is quite informal. who invented post its again?

3. Gold or silver? silver... though gold fancies me more

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? at the cinema, eh? hmm... i think starsky & hutch in good ol' georgia.

5. Favorite TV show: scrubs, conan, bernie mac (though i never seem to catch it)

6. What do you have for breakfast? a toasted creme cheese & jelly sandwich with iced tea.

7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? it's unfortunate that it's easier to list these folks than it is to list those i'd desire to eat with. who invented post its again?

8. What/Who inspires you? integrity, honesty, grandma clipping out coupons

9. What is your middle name? christmas in french, baby

10. Beach, city or country? probably country, actually.

11. Favorite ice cream? chocolate chip mint, coffee

12. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn? bbbuttttterrrr

13. Favorite color? well my room is mad amounts of orange. i'm also feelin' RED

14. What kind of car do you drive? i currently do not drive cars, but trucks. my poor baby is sick =(

15. Favorite sandwich? hmm... i like a lot of things. i get random cravings for meatball subs though.

16. What characteristics do you despise? lack of motivation/direction/inspiration, self pity, dishonesty, pettiness.

17. Favorite flower? tiger lillies, pansies

18. If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would it be? i wanna teleport to australia. west siiide. but i'd also fancy spending some time in italy.

19. What color is your bathroom? purple and green

20. Favorite brand of clothing? i'm a cheap bastard who is no longer 12 years old. i don't care so much about that schtuff.

21. Where would you like to retire? can't tire if ya haven't lived bubba

22. Favorite day of the week? i've always rather fancied thursday. it's the wked's eager young bro

23. What did you do for your last birthday? slept late since i didnt have a 730AM final for once, went out to eat with kim, ev, abby, kate, & jeremy for MEXICAN, shared my giant cookie with friends, gave my girls underwear. True Story.

24. Where were you born? wayne general

25. Favorite sport to watch? watching makes me antzy, i like to playyyy... maybe ice skating.

26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? well i ain't sendin' it to no one *ptooey*

28. What fabric detergent do you use? who even knows, is it on sale?

30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? the times i post these things should explain that without my saying

31. What is your shoe size? 8

32. Do you have any pets? i can quote the raven alright

now hot damn, was that not fun? & such a random ending...
have fun, loves~


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