
gah, i had hoped that coming back to school would magically make me feel better... something is harassing my soul

sooo abby's a liar. her hair is still blonde. liar.

i have a fucking quiz tomorrow. i am so not appreciative of this. what were u THINKING? oy vey. con law of course so ya know it'll be a doozy. joy of joys.

i'm really glad i changed my major. i know i haven't really done anything for it yet, but i just am.

oh yes, last night... hmm... i can't say that i was thoroughly amused. mike is a swell chap, & i had no qualms with anyone there, but there just wasn't a vibe. it'd also be nice if one of my friends didn't become disgustingly incoherant the night before i leave for once. girl power was not present. i just wasn't feelin' it. perhaps it's just the kick that i'm on. gah, i was fine before i went home, from what i recall at least... going home just doesnt make me feel all warm inside. i'm sorry for those like ev & lauryn who look forward to it so since i seem to take it for granted, but i just don't like being there. did i loathe it when i lived there? no, but i knew of nothing else. something in me has changed. a lot has happened within the past yr. also, most of my friends are always there. being away gives u something that commuting cannot. i just feel different from the lot of them, & i don't always know what to do about it. oh sigh.

my musicmatch jukebox keeps playing religious bands. what up yo. i bet it was the stacy orrico which tipped it off.

i get outkast in my head... not right now though. but i do.

Your soul is bound to the Solitary Rose: The

"When I wake up alone, the shades are still
drawn on the cold window pane so they cast
their lines on my bed and lines on my

The Solitary Rose is associated with loneliness,
melancholy, and patience. It is governed by
the goddess Merope and its sign is The Sword,
or Unrequited Love.

As a Solitary Rose, you may be summed up as a
hopeless romantic. You desire love and have so
much love to give, but thing just never seem to
work out the way you want them to. In life,
you can be very optomistic, even when things
are gray and nothing works out to your

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla

Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail. -1 Corinthians 13: 4-7


ahh yes... the mp3 fun of my home computer...
luscious jackson in da hizzy:


If you need me to be sweet
then I can give you what you need
'cause I know you never came first baby
I'm so tired of my guns and my vanity
I'd like to trade them in for some sanity
and I know it didn't come too easy
It didn't come easy to me either
from the freezer to believer in love

Well I got ladyfingers baby
I got kidgloves
baby I got heart

I bet you didn't know that I could treat you right
that underneath the armor
there's another girl
she's standing with a suitcase
ready to run
in case you're wondering
why she's so quick to come and go
why she's so quick to come and go
she might be new, she might be old
she might be scared as hell
she might not be so bold
she might not be so bold

i've always liked that song. they used to use it on the real world: hawaii, though they'd never let the actual lyrics come in. oh bother. just thought i'd share

list of ppl who can't wait to get back HOME:
*raise hand high, flails it about violently* THIS GIRL!

oy vey. so... i worked today. blehhh. it wasn't all that horrible considering that it was just one day. but still, it was unexpected & i didn't want to. my drawer was inexplicably short, so that pissed me off. i always feel guilty even though i didn't do anything. sigh. what can i say, it's been a while.

rah rah rah... so tonight? goin' to mikes. awww yeah buddy. party time up in herr.

snow yvone?! ay ay! 'tis ithaca indeed

ha, & col- my friend kala saw the massive bea arthur in ur blog & decided that u must be fabulous. good times.

ook... laterrr...



ahh! harry connick jr's holiday special was on earlier this evening. he is so cool. ha, he's so corny at the same time, it's adorable.

i feel like being one of those jerks who goes shopping tomorrow, however, there is probably no one to accompany me. there's also nothing i need or want... & i'm po'. oh bother. i wanted to get my ear pierced again though... yeah pain.

a tic tac quiz? ha, oh yvone... i hope u aren't going mad--
You are Orange.
You are outgoing and optomistic. You always try to
find the bright spot in everything. You are
energetic and people are naturally attracted to
you. However, you are not always sure of what
your purpose or goals are.
Most Compatible With: Fresh Mint

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

optImistic... good god ppl, spelling counts... & ya know, it's funny that it says ppl r attracted, cuz come now, who eats the orange ones?


a man is just a grown up boy -my grandma, said by her mother. ha, such hope, no?

hurrah hurrah hurrah! hmm... let's see. yesterday was rather busy. i got shot in the arm, oof. trying that hepatitis b thing yet again. i won't hafta get all 3 shots again though, so that's cool.

RIP scruffy the pauper :'(
awh, now i have no guinea pigs. scruffy was awesome. he had a huge ghetto booty & one black nostril. i dunno what happened to him, but i got in a fight with my mom about it. i mean come now, this is my second pet to mysteriously die while i am away. what am i supposed to say? he was perfectly fine the last i saw him. *sigh* =(

so i just took another crack at registration & actually found relative success! i've got:
intro to mass media
the digital workplace
islam & politics
persuasive argument (writing)
intro to media prod

woo woo!! this made getting up at 730 a bit more worthwhile.

today i've got mad baking to do. pies & such. thanksgiving rocks. food rocks. yeah!

later kiddies...


it's ok to get high if ur angry -grandma of course

hmm... so let's see. went to the MET yesterday. it was both amusing & *gasp* educational at the same time. no way. then we went to see sarah's play. they did "othello," ha, with an asian moor. it was long, but i like that play. iago is an awesome villian. then we went to the cast party. i thought everyone i knew left me at one point, & had an uncomfortable allow me to get wasted, give u a massage, and attempt to have my way with u situation. teenage boys? seriously now... alcohol should not be scoring for u. that's really pathetic. have some ethics. plus, i'm not stupid. let's get that out there. gah!

& speaking of which... grandma also said:
don't forget to measure your husband's thing
uhm...? she meant waist. yeah. i know. grandma laughed, grandma cried... grandma lost her teeth.
it was awesome.


this evening i went out to dinner with my parents. our waitress' name was dana, & that kept throwing me off. we had some mighty fine calzones & the man at the table next to me said, at least half the people in the world today aren't worth the gun powder it would cost to blow them to hell. it was hard to retain the calzone at that point.

my room is cold ~shudders~

goin' to the MET tomorrow ;) yeah culture


we should be there between 12 and 1... -my mom. yep, guess who's still here?

it's pretty nice out today. ic has a way of bringing on the blue sky when the parents are in town. oh you...

yeah, i'm done with my whopping one class today, pero mis padres son "mia". oh bother. as the aspect of going home is actually upon me, i mean, i'm not gonna hate on it. (we'll disregard that i hafta get a shot, eek) i hope to get my hair cut... no one has responded as to what color i should dye it.... freaks! (this means do it) oy. tomorrow i'm going to nyc with cat, then sarah's play is in the evening. it's always a good feeling to be with those who really know u. my mom could tell that i wasn't crazy excited to return... a part of me feels bad about that. i've decided that going home is kinda like a maintenance job for a car. in order to keep it running, ya gotta fix it up once & a while, add some new filters & fluids, & then BAM! back on the road. i like drivin' alright. holla.

anyone ever heard of/listen to justincase? or texas? musicmatch jukebox hooks me up alright. i rather fancy the radio feature. so much so, that i just gave them a plug. yeah buddy.

ok, i shall leave u... it's not like this is crazy interesting to read in the first place, but now i'm just rambling. have a good one kiddies ;)

i must eternalize lauryn's haiku before it is completely erased from my ghetto style board

christian princesses

messiah loves all
especially your mama
thumbs up for jesus

*end scene*

In Philadelphia, a man exposed himself to a group of Catholic High School girls who then chased him, knocked him down, and kicked and punched him. Afterwards, the man said he normally has to pay extra for that.
-Conan O'Brien

so chinese checkers is a western invention... lies! it's apparently based on the english game halma, and is thought to have gotten its name from the star on the chinese flag.

home tomorrow... well, well

Is he the one for me?

As with people marriages, this shouldn't be taken lightly. It's never easy figuring out if you've found your soul mate.

so apparently, it can cost anywhere from $7.95- $200 to MARRY YOUR PET! My, what a lucky spoilt pet yours must be. You'll be married online, get an 'I married my pet' t-shirt, and as well as the normal certificate, you'll receive a hand embroidered, personalised wall plaque to always remind you of your special day.* ** err...? check it out the disclaimers and such are amazing.
ryan: yeah, i'd have to think things over... and i'm sure my cat would be jealous and it'd be a big mess
look. out.

have a great break everyone, woo woo!!


f u, man. i'm totally still wearing flip flops.


ya know, men r like cheese. some r mild, some r sharp ...but at the end of the day, ur never sorry they end up on ur cracker -maya "just shoot me". i just randomly tuned into that because i like cheese. i must say, i'd prefer triscuits to be in the equation.

so home just keeps on approaching. hopefully this time i can see meghan, kala, & grace cuz oy, i didn't see any of them last time. but bleh, the break just feels like it fucks with my momentum. plus, i've got work to do over it. my life is def here at this pt. i loves my fam & i loves ma girrrls... but yeah. bleh.

i wanna get my hair cut... & i feel like dying it, ha, any requests? do tell.


so today my writing prof is talking about how in interviewing a person, u can find out more about their character than they say. he uses this example:
i have this really funny story of when i went hunting and shot this deer but it didn't really die
that's the hardest i ever laughed in that class, cuz don't u see? it's not funny. it's not funny at all.

shooting the show tonight was so amusing. i got to be camera, which i had never done before. matt alexander hosted, & that alone is AMAZING. ha, check it out wednesday night at 1030 ;)

bleh, i've got 8 million things to do for business tomorrow... not cool

yvone- STOP CALLING YOURSELF A BAD FRIEND. seriously. we all heart u so much... at least i know i do =) BUT EVERYONE ELSE DOES, TOO! we understand that u've got a lotta work. u focus on ur own stresses so much that u don't always realize that everyone has stuff to do. it's not ur fault & ur fault alone. it takes 2 to tango darlin', so ya don't always hafta feel bad about not talking to anyone. other ppl get busy too... though maybe not quite as busy as u.... but uh, ya know. i dunno if that really made any sense. just know that i still think ur awesome & that ur not a bad friend.

You are Form 2, Angel: The Pure.

"And The Angel rose as holy protector for
all that was created. She fought with honor
and valor to serve the good of the world. But
the coming of the mankind was her downfall; and
end to purity."

Some examples of the Angel Form are Michael
(Christian) and Hercules (Greek).
The Angel is associated with the concept of virtue,
the number 2, and the element of wind.
Her sign is the zenith sun.

As a member of Form 2, you are a person of your
word. You generally keep your promises and
give everything you do your best. Although
some people see you as overbearing sometimes,
you know that you have to stay true to yourself
and do what's right. Angels are the best
friends to have because they are brutally

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

ha, & was it really necessary for her to be *that* naked?


hmm... well the wked was busy. cortaca jug provided amusment for the masses... though cortland still sucks it hard. it's amazing the mass hatred that is instilled here. well, perhaps a part of it came out of everyone being somewhat beligerant before noon, but whatever. it was an experience alright. & oh yes, we got to sing hootie over breakfast- ha, always a good time...

my brain was working slowly saturday night. ha, i think there was some second hand action goin' on there. went to a party with kim, mojo, & company where a gagillion ppl were. it was cold, however, it didnt seem to matter. the whole thing just exemplified college. oodles of ppl i knew where there, it was hot. i've def been enjoying not taking myself so seriously. ur only here for so long kiddies, make it count.

didn't sleep till 730 am... got up around 2. thanksgiving at the boys'. it was a charming little gathering. i made stuffing and owen, the jew, said grace. awesome. the wked had some odd little moments, but it was a good one.

i'll be home friday... but i'm not exactly excited. oof... & so it continues.


i don't like the sounds of vibrators ...on phones! -miss kate

i know stuff happened...

OFFICIALLY SWITCHED MY MAJOR TODAY. whoah buddy. culture & communications up in herr. if i can do this, & still go to LA... academia would be so sweet

so... "love actually". ehh, this movie relies too much on the attractiveness of its characters. it's alright... but what do romantic comedies really succeed in doing? reminding the singles that they're alone? making ben question his heterosexuality? seriously now. there's a blurb about how chicks dig guys in bands though... aaand everyone looks at me. heh heh... sigh

list of conversations which frighten... well, everyone:
Jude713: you know... it's only 2:06... I'm not all that tired.... and I'm feeling a little energetic
Jude713: you wanna join me for a jog?
Jude713: Or perhaps a game of basketball?
noel762: ha, ooh baby
Jude713: or perhaps a game of tennis?
Jude713: Or maybe some hardcore sex?

michael buble won't get out of my head! kim sent me "kissing a fool" & it will not leave ma head. i'd put it in here, but i feel as if i already have...

You should be dating a Pisces.
19 February - 20 March
Your mate is loving and caring, trusting and
hospitable, and romantic. Though he/she can be
self-pitying, temperamental or dependent, the
fishes are quite romantic in bed.

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
brought to you by Quizilla

ha, then the boys want me to come over & cook... yes. it is because i'm a woman. oh well, i don't like shoes anyway...


yo insomnia, what's up? i really don't think i'm an insomniac though... i just loves me the night.

today the wind almost pushed me down the stairs, and friends was actually laugh out loud funny cuz ross got kicked in the face. yeah violence!

oh, & jeremy didn't die in the desert... BUT he did score some scratches. yeah buddy.

hmm... i was in a relatively good mood today. i don't know what else to offer up.

ETHIOPIA: is it food time? please? ha, watch ictv! that's what. good freaking times


i have no desire to sleep. has something bewitched me? i'm gonna try taking a shower in the morning tomorrow. just for kicks. well, actually, i didn't wanna go to bed with wet hair so it seemed like a good idea 2 hours ago when i intended to go to bed... not... at... 4... iii dunno

got to host "backstage" with kim tonight. good times! check it out tomorrow at 6:30, and wednesday at 10 ;)

hmm... i just might switch my major tomorrow. i just might...


what do i do with this? throw it away? nope, inhale it -kristin. ha, it's in reference to a balloon, no worries

& HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTIN! lauryn planned such a cute lil' gathering. awh, how pleasant.

OYYY!! registration in 4 hours. i'm gonna be royally fucked. none of the classes i want/need are open. not even in POLITICS. what the h. i intend on emailing zee dean de park at like 7:05 to be like hey, help me out, foo. I DON'T WANNA BE A POLITICS MAJOR! it sucks that freshmen get to register first when essentially, i'm acting as a freshmen, & it's more important for me to get those classes now since time/credits are running out. alexis knows man... we're all like GAH! not cool... not cool at all. i'd say wish me luck, but don't waste ur wishes.



David Gest is suing for divorce from wife Liza Minnelli for beating him. I believe this answers the question, 'What is the gayest thing you've ever heard?' -Conan O'Brien

random fact: Artist Xavier Roberts first designed his soon-to-be-famous Cabbage Patch dolls in 1977 to help pay his way through school. They had soft faces and were made by hand, as opposed to the hard-faced mass-market dolls, and were originally called "Little People."

from ben, this is certainly a compliment:
you are comparitively less dumb than most girls
ha, score!


while watching "soul food"
kim: look- they're so worried about the black people around that they're protecting their bags from eachother
it's funny cuz kim is half black, get it! ahaha

12 days till i'll be home again. i've barely talked to anyone from home worth a damn. i am a jerk. i suppose i should have made some calls this wked, but i slept a lot. all life was sucked out of me. & oh hey, i almost passed out in the dining hall last night. wasn't that cool? oh yes, being a girl is awesome sometimes.

i have yet to find the joy in frat parties. and pumpkin beer is a bizarre yet not so unpleasant concept. hmm. yep. this is my synopsis of friday night. saturday we just sorta hung out. my body was not in a hey let's go out & rock it sort of mood. MIA was playing though =/ oh sigh.

jared: hi, this is agent wiener of the yiddish police. i have reason to believe that your away message was the site of an illegal goyish use of yiddish.

Auto response from me: big fat OY

so much to do, so tired :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

me: snagged by the yiddish police? oh u crazy jews...
jared: yeah....we are reclaiming our pseudo-language.....then we are going to have bagels....then pick up loose change on the sidewalk....
me: sounds terribly productive
jared: yeah, we might have to change that, then

i like making to do list. i like crossing things off even better.

alright, enough! g'n yo


& then there was the time when ben sent me 40 messages...

noel762: ok ben who doesn't wanna talk to me
BenNRoxie: i do
BenNRoxie: i am talking to you
noel762: psha
noel762: later then
noel762: enjoy the asian
BenNRoxie: +

Auto response from noel762: wasabi, wasabi... i'm searching the city

BenNRoxie: screw you dana
BenNRoxie: the asian went to go shoot jeff with my nerf gun
BenNRoxie: and she just laughed loudly
BenNRoxie: so she must have done it
BenNRoxie: it's somewhat ironic that you bitch about me not wanting to talk to you when i do and am in the process of talking to you, then leave
BenNRoxie: you're a hypocrite
BenNRoxie: and you fail at life
BenNRoxie: i hope you die alone and unfulfilled
BenNRoxie: together
BenNRoxie: bitch
BenNRoxie: i hayte you forever
BenNRoxie: i hope you get pooped on
BenNRoxie: by an elephant
BenNRoxie: like that picture of that guy
BenNRoxie: who got pooped on by the elephant
BenNRoxie: except this time it wouldn't be just some guy
BenNRoxie: it would be you
BenNRoxie: being pooped on
BenNRoxie: by an elephant
BenNRoxie: and you would be crushed and killed
BenNRoxie: alone and unfulfilled
BenNRoxie: by poop
BenNRoxie: and you'd recieve a darwin award cause that is a lame way to die
BenNRoxie: and you will be forever remembered as that girl who got crushed by elephant poop
BenNRoxie: and we'd all be at your funeral
BenNRoxie: and the person giving the eulogy would be all like "she was a good person, until she got crapped on and died, and we'll miss her"
BenNRoxie: and we would be able to laugh
BenNRoxie: because we wouldn't be able to help it
BenNRoxie: cause it is funny in a sad way
BenNRoxie: and then some kids would come up to us thinking it was a party
BenNRoxie: and be like "dude, i totally know you. you were in my economics class. no? maybe it was my math class? no? well i'm sure i know you."
BenNRoxie: and they'd steal shit and leave
BenNRoxie: and we'd stop laughing becuase while your tragic and untimely death from poop would be funny, people stealing shit is not
BenNRoxie: and then we'd move on with our lives
BenNRoxie: and you'd just be that funny story we'd tell at parties
BenNRoxie: and sometimes other people would bring it up and be like "did you ever hear about the girl that got pooped on and died?"
BenNRoxie: and we'd be all like "wow, i totally knew her!"
BenNRoxie: think about that
BenNRoxie: just think



today i met w/ this rosenbaum dude from park who was most helpful. he gave me info on this new major, culture and communications which seems pretty cool. he helped me figure out what classes i should take next semester to give me the broadest options. very cool. getting into them of course, ha! well now that's another story. apparently, ima hafta beg to the dean. awesome. begging is cool. i am seriously so motivated on this one though. i'm getting these classes, dammit. & i ain't too proud to beg

i think the real cold is on the way...

yesterday, my mom called me & left me a message in which she tried to use some ghetto slang. she was unsuccessful of course, & then made a point to let me know that she was not my black mama, but my white mama. oh ok, thanks mom.

i can't find my evanescence =o i know no one else really likes them/cares... but i do. here's one of their songs that's *gasp* not on the album. cra-zy


My black backpack's stuffed with broken dreams
20 bucks should get me through the week
Never said a word of discontentment
Fought it a thousand times but now
I'm leaving home

Here in the shadows
I'm safe
I'm free
I've nowhere else to go but
I cannot stay where I don't belong

Two months pass by and it's getting cold
I know I'm not lost
I am just alone
But I won't cry
I won't give up
I can't go back now
Waking up is knowing who you really are


Show me the shadow where true meaning lies
So much more is made in empty eyes


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know the first cut is the deepest

oof. my head has been so full lately. i don't even know. i'm gonna be a psycho till after scheduling, & even then i might be fucked. it's all just so obnoxious... i am so not above begging to get the classes i need. cuz i will yo, i will.

killing me is not a problem- good ol' jim the theatre prof. today more than 8 ppl laughed at him. it was a good day for jim. i saw him with his wife tonight when i went to see edwin drood... a seemingly odd match for a seemingly odd man. later on he also said, i'm gonna get u alone, & i'm gonna get that tootsie roll from you. see what lengths he traveled to for those 8 ppl? sigh

oy, break is in 2 wks. i dunno how i feel about that. since i've been back i have only talked to cat briefly. i haven't talked to anyone else, on the phone that is. i'm not trying to be a bitch, i just haven't been inspired. i don't feel like i have anything in particular to share with home folks that is particularly valid either.

ugh, i wanna take a shower. but abby's in my shower, dammit. i know it's you abby. your away message hath betrayed thee

hmm... i'm gonna try & sleep before 4AM tonight. now how's that for an idea?

earlier today i got 'we need a little christmas' in my head. whoah buddy.

alright... yay


both my shows have to be reshot. what was up with this wk man? seriously... not a cool wk in the realm of communications. oy, "backstage" was to be 80s none the less. kim & i totally went to late night with our garb... & totally got stared at. good times. & oh hey, we get to do it again next wk. mark won't be around though. so i'll be filling in for him. woo woo! it'll be hot yo... it will be hot ;)

why am i still awake? cuz i can't stop thinking about scheduling. i need need NEED to get into intro to media prod to make my life work as we know it. kim helped me *thanks so much!!* go through everything to figure out what i'll need for the next 4 yrs. oof. i might just try for video prod... who even knows anymore. why must park be run by fascists? it's the most frustrating feeling... finally knowing what u want to do & having someone tell you u can't. i'm just gonna keep annoying ppl till i get in. dammit. i've been working a lot this semester. i've earned this. DAMMIT! gah!

& yvone, of course i'm gonna yell at you. TAKE A FRICKIN' BREAK GIRL! good god...

alright... i need to sleep... but i'm not even tired. oy vey... i won't be content till after scheduling i'm afraid :/ i don't do well with not knowing where anything is going... especially when i'm paying for it. AHHH!!

alright, peace out kids... peace out


gah! oy vey... i could so tear my hair out right now. academic dilemnas kiddies. *deep breath* yeah, so i didn't get into park because i applied under international communications which they're apparently getting rid of. why did they still have it as an option when there are only 7 kids in the whole school within the program? beats me. perhaps it's just funny to jerk dana around. so yeah, i had a meeting with the head of the department who told me that i'd have to develop my own concentration, but even that is no guarantee. i really don't understand why they have to be such nazis about it all when we fucking pay over $30,000 to go to this school. wtf. sooo now i'm trying to figure out what's feasible & what's not since every credit counts. meanwhile, i don't know if i'll be able to get into the classes i need. *shakes a fist* this is all too obnoxious for me to process.

and that is what has been making me ehh.

today when i was walking, i looked down to find a lady bug perched upon my breasts. i dunno how lucky things were for me, but hey, that was pretty damn lucky for the lady bug. i feel very ehh. not bleh, just ehh. today just kinda plopped on my mind. details tomorrow cuz i should sleep... should

but first- more coldplay, more!

Warning Sign

A warning sign
I missed the good part then I realized
I started looking and the bubble burst
I started looking for excuses
Come on in, I’ve gotta tell you what a state I’m in
I’ve gotta tell you in my loudest tones
That I started looking for a warning sign
When the truth is
I miss you
Yeah the truth is
That I miss you so

A warning sign
You came back to haunt me and I realized
That you were an island and I passed you by
And you were an island to discover
Come on in, I’ve gotta tell you what a state I’m in
I’ve gotta tell you in my loudest tones
That I started looking for a warning sign

And the truth is
I miss you
Yeah the truth is
I miss you so
And I’m tired
I should not have let you go

So I crawl back into your open arms
Yes I crawl back into your open arms
And I crawl back into your open arms
Yes I crawl back into your open arms.


dude, i'm lovin' this song right now. it randomly popped in my head yesterday. good stuff! & thnx to marina for sending it to me ;)

Shiver- Coldplay

So I looked in your direction,
But you paid me no attention, do you.
I know you don't listen to me.
'cause you say you see straight me, don't you.

On and on from the moment I wake,
To the moment I sleep,
I'll be there by your side,
Just you try and stop me,
I'll be waiting in line,
Just to see if you care.

Did she want me to change?
But I change for good.
And I want you to know.
But you always get your way,
I wanted to say,

Don't you Shiver? Shiver, Shiver

I'll always be waiting for you,
So you know how much I need ya,
But you never even see me, do you?
And this is my final chance of getting you.

On and on from the moment I wake....
Did she want me to change?...


Sing it loud and clear.
I'll always be waiting for you. (x3)
Yeah I'll always be waiting for you.

And it's you I see, but you don't see me.
And it's you I hear, so loud and clear.
I sing it loud and clear.
And I'll always be waiting for you,.

So I look in your direction,
But you pay me no attention,
And you know how much I need you,
But you never even seen me.

the last time i took this, months ago, i was naivete... perhaps that speaks for itself
You represent... anger.
You represent... anger.
Mad at the world, eh? You have a tendency to...
freak out easily. Overly emotional about
everything, you're most prone to bouts of
cruelty and moodiness. Other people may be
afraid of the fact that you explode so easily,
but at least you're honest... even if you're
honest about not liking anything.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla


white boys can't dance. go ahead, try & prove me wrong.

oof, so i dont think this wk shall be such a beast, but don't hold me to that. it's been a busy wked, i've got a presentation tomorrow so there have been lots of meetings. tonight shall be busy as well. oy. i dunno man

it smells like grilled cheese in a mad crazy way right now. ha, drunk girl. "no one gave me grilled cheese, & i mean, that's what i was really craving..."

oy, so last night some guy totally abandoned laundry for a number of hours. the washer was filled & the water was present. kim & i hypothesized that he forgot soap, went back to get it & never remembered. either that or he wanted them to soak & forgot about them. i dunno man, but the water was gray. not cool yo, not cool

ha, so in case it doesn't show through in that statement, not much happened last night, but it was ok. i didn't feel like going out or being stupid or whatever. hurrah hurrah.

& col- i thought it was "100% PURE love"... hmm

hmm, have to write in my real journal soon.... too many random thoughts



woo woo! ok, overall i was rather disappointed in the halloween representation. this evening kim, lucia, & i rocked a couple different places & met up with this chick molly who was amazing for walking in mad crazy heels. it was aiight, but everything died way too soon. i dunno man... & now we're waiting for dp dough with kristen, holla

so what was i for halloween? u might ask... well, i was HOT. what r u supposed to be? HOT ridiculously HOT. i borrowed kim's heeled black boots. then i hadda black skirt, black tube top, sunglasses, tan fishnets, & ma good ol' boa. HOT. yeah, yeah that's right boyz. HOT.

ha, ok... bring on the maui wowi. peace out ma loves ;)