
& then there was the time when ben sent me 40 messages...

noel762: ok ben who doesn't wanna talk to me
BenNRoxie: i do
BenNRoxie: i am talking to you
noel762: psha
noel762: later then
noel762: enjoy the asian
BenNRoxie: +

Auto response from noel762: wasabi, wasabi... i'm searching the city

BenNRoxie: screw you dana
BenNRoxie: the asian went to go shoot jeff with my nerf gun
BenNRoxie: and she just laughed loudly
BenNRoxie: so she must have done it
BenNRoxie: it's somewhat ironic that you bitch about me not wanting to talk to you when i do and am in the process of talking to you, then leave
BenNRoxie: you're a hypocrite
BenNRoxie: and you fail at life
BenNRoxie: i hope you die alone and unfulfilled
BenNRoxie: together
BenNRoxie: bitch
BenNRoxie: i hayte you forever
BenNRoxie: i hope you get pooped on
BenNRoxie: by an elephant
BenNRoxie: like that picture of that guy
BenNRoxie: who got pooped on by the elephant
BenNRoxie: except this time it wouldn't be just some guy
BenNRoxie: it would be you
BenNRoxie: being pooped on
BenNRoxie: by an elephant
BenNRoxie: and you would be crushed and killed
BenNRoxie: alone and unfulfilled
BenNRoxie: by poop
BenNRoxie: and you'd recieve a darwin award cause that is a lame way to die
BenNRoxie: and you will be forever remembered as that girl who got crushed by elephant poop
BenNRoxie: and we'd all be at your funeral
BenNRoxie: and the person giving the eulogy would be all like "she was a good person, until she got crapped on and died, and we'll miss her"
BenNRoxie: and we would be able to laugh
BenNRoxie: because we wouldn't be able to help it
BenNRoxie: cause it is funny in a sad way
BenNRoxie: and then some kids would come up to us thinking it was a party
BenNRoxie: and be like "dude, i totally know you. you were in my economics class. no? maybe it was my math class? no? well i'm sure i know you."
BenNRoxie: and they'd steal shit and leave
BenNRoxie: and we'd stop laughing becuase while your tragic and untimely death from poop would be funny, people stealing shit is not
BenNRoxie: and then we'd move on with our lives
BenNRoxie: and you'd just be that funny story we'd tell at parties
BenNRoxie: and sometimes other people would bring it up and be like "did you ever hear about the girl that got pooped on and died?"
BenNRoxie: and we'd be all like "wow, i totally knew her!"
BenNRoxie: think about that
BenNRoxie: just think



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