
we should be there between 12 and 1... -my mom. yep, guess who's still here?

it's pretty nice out today. ic has a way of bringing on the blue sky when the parents are in town. oh you...

yeah, i'm done with my whopping one class today, pero mis padres son "mia". oh bother. as the aspect of going home is actually upon me, i mean, i'm not gonna hate on it. (we'll disregard that i hafta get a shot, eek) i hope to get my hair cut... no one has responded as to what color i should dye it.... freaks! (this means do it) oy. tomorrow i'm going to nyc with cat, then sarah's play is in the evening. it's always a good feeling to be with those who really know u. my mom could tell that i wasn't crazy excited to return... a part of me feels bad about that. i've decided that going home is kinda like a maintenance job for a car. in order to keep it running, ya gotta fix it up once & a while, add some new filters & fluids, & then BAM! back on the road. i like drivin' alright. holla.

anyone ever heard of/listen to justincase? or texas? musicmatch jukebox hooks me up alright. i rather fancy the radio feature. so much so, that i just gave them a plug. yeah buddy.

ok, i shall leave u... it's not like this is crazy interesting to read in the first place, but now i'm just rambling. have a good one kiddies ;)


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