
while watching "soul food"
kim: look- they're so worried about the black people around that they're protecting their bags from eachother
it's funny cuz kim is half black, get it! ahaha

12 days till i'll be home again. i've barely talked to anyone from home worth a damn. i am a jerk. i suppose i should have made some calls this wked, but i slept a lot. all life was sucked out of me. & oh hey, i almost passed out in the dining hall last night. wasn't that cool? oh yes, being a girl is awesome sometimes.

i have yet to find the joy in frat parties. and pumpkin beer is a bizarre yet not so unpleasant concept. hmm. yep. this is my synopsis of friday night. saturday we just sorta hung out. my body was not in a hey let's go out & rock it sort of mood. MIA was playing though =/ oh sigh.

jared: hi, this is agent wiener of the yiddish police. i have reason to believe that your away message was the site of an illegal goyish use of yiddish.

Auto response from me: big fat OY

so much to do, so tired :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

me: snagged by the yiddish police? oh u crazy jews...
jared: yeah....we are reclaiming our pseudo-language.....then we are going to have bagels....then pick up loose change on the sidewalk....
me: sounds terribly productive
jared: yeah, we might have to change that, then

i like making to do list. i like crossing things off even better.

alright, enough! g'n yo


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