
ThatsASin: sorry, got kicked off earlier. and cheese sandwiches still rule

Auto response from noel762: 'tis alright, i'm but a few feet away...


mac & cheese is better anytime. anyplace. anyday. so there.

so apparently hours needed to be cut at work... yet, dana gets 37? *confusion reigns* oof

oceanica83: but there are a few good ones out there
noel762: perhaps they only say that for reproduction purposes
oceanica83: hahah what do you mean?
noel762: well if we lost faith in that idea
noel762: there would be an excessive amount of depression & homosexuality going on
noel762: not that those things r connected, but they'd b the reprecussions of such a realization, one could assume
oceanica83: wow
noel762: so really
noel762: we hafta believe this
noel762: if we want to save the species
oceanica83: and yet why did your story just make the future look that much darker?
noel762: awh, i'm sorry
noel762: or
noel762: perhaps i was using a psychological maneuver in attempts to seduce u
noel762: now who can really say
oceanica83: now there
oceanica83: is the dana i know!
oceanica83: oh man
noel762: haha
noel762: that's what i do
oceanica83: haha and you do it so well

so miss col read my lawrence brothers jive & brought up the idea of my rocking the lame celebs for the show next semester. that could be hot yo. the show could be hot. watch the hot show. ooh... no! no don't touch sweetie! it burns...
but it's a good burn charlotte, i swear!

woingwghiwangrjhgwaoihnbgaurgthaoegnoaw!!!!!!!!! ...gah!


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