
yo yo yo...

alright, i currently have more styling products on me head than a bad 80s hair band. laura decided that she could make my hair do the whole scrunch/wave thing. yeah... uhm, that didn't work out so hot, even though she got this new curl stuff that she wants to run away to tahiti with. well good for her, he treats her better than i it seems

word, so let's see... yesterday i went to the drive in wit my girls yo. finding nemo- cute, but after a while it's like ok kid, find yo daddy... ellen's character was pretty amusing though, ahh yes, & the sea gulls. the in-laws- hmm... how bout don't see it. argh, not a good movie. no no not at all... just trust me on that, 6 girls said no man. 6

so last night i didn't get to bed till like 315 even though i hadda get up at 8 only to work 9-5. oh she works hard for the money, so hard for it honey... yeah, i'm an idiot. i'm also a jerk for not having had an actual conversation wit ma boy in... i dunno, too long. fie on u work, fie on the evils of ur time consumption & sleep inducing nature. *shakes a fist* yep.

yeah, so i've been listening to evanescence like it's my j-o-b. i enjoy them, however now i'm trying to decide if they're depressing or not. cuz after all the fiona apple bans, i dunno if i'm gonna b allowed to continue on like this. argh

hurrah, not even tomorrow yet & i'm ridiculously tired... wth

yeah, so this wk, i wanna b a magazine columnist. i'm looking to the future yo. this way, after i have my asian babies i can work at home & b a good little susie homemaker. oh, & i wanna bake cakes on the side. that'll b hot yo. my kid's parties will b hot. perhaps i'll write for a teen magazine & teach all them bihotches about r-e-s-p-e-c-t, thank u aretha. seriously, those things r ridic. i was absolutely mortified!!

laura & i got free iced coffees at dunkin donuts today. bitchochin' yo. free is coo. ha, remember those animated schticks with the almighty jtt? drug free's the way to b SCORE!

ook. i'm afraid it's time for me & my bowling alley wax to say g'n.... ciao kiddies

this is old, but why not. 'tis like a moment of zen or uh, something... ha, & yet... not
Earlier this week, Saddam Hussein was giving a speech to his people and he said that president Bush wants to capture the Arab people and use them to do their cheap labor. After hearing this, president Bush said we would never do that, we're too close to Mexico. -Conan O'Brien

btw, yesterday was dana carvey's birthday! ow ow!! i loves me some funny man


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