
argh, tired. once again, this saddens me.

ok, so behold the trauma of the almighty fish buddy. kinda long, but triumphant goodness... ha, informative if nothing more:
ThatsASin: we had a near-tragedy yesterday
noel762: oh?
ThatsASin: i was carrying fishbuddy out of the car in his little plastic cup, and my mom came to the door and offered to hold the cup because i had a lot of other stuff in my hands
noel762: uh huh
noel762: was it a red plastic cup?
ThatsASin: ha, no, clear...he came in it
ThatsASin: so it's being disputed whether i let go too early or she didn't have a good enough grip on it
ThatsASin: but at any rate, it ends up being dropped, the cup breaks, and the fish falls out onto the floor
noel762: oh oh oh!
ThatsASin: luckily, we had some spring water nearby and i managed to get him back into his aquarium before he suffocated
ThatsASin: but he definitely was hurt or in shock and we had to cancel some plans for a post-graduation lunch so i could try nursing him back to health...plus i was pretty angry with my mom because i felt like it was her fault
noel762: awh
noel762: ya cancelled plans for fish buddy?
noel762: how sweet
ThatsASin: yeah, i had to drive over to the pet store and buy some "stress coat" to help fend off the shock
ThatsASin: i can't remember ever driving that fast before
noel762: haha
noel762: oh man
noel762: what's stress coat?
ThatsASin: haha
ThatsASin: well, fish generally produce a slight coating of algae (or an algae-like substance, i dunno) when they're healthy...it helps fight off diseases and other things
ThatsASin: when they get sick or really stressed out, they lose the coating...so this is basically just some liquid algae stuff you put in the water to replace it
noel762: ahh, i c
noel762: wow, ya really did get all up on it
ThatsASin: my mom couldn't understand why i was so mad... although i guess it's possible in retrospect that it was at least partially my fault, so i feel bad about it now
noel762: did u scream obscenities at her wildly?
noel762: did u push her down some steep stairs?
ThatsASin: haha, no
noel762: did u glare into her eyes with the burning fury of a thousand suns?
noel762: cuz if not, i'm thinking she'll get over it
ThatsASin: i guess i just got kind of hostile, then i got even more angry because she refused to apologize
ThatsASin: i did sort of glare at her a lot
noel762: haha
noel762: ahh, that's delightful
noel762: so the fish is ok?
ThatsASin: well, for the first few hours afterward he barely moved at all and was really pale...so that was scary
noel762: pale? interesting
noel762: i didn't know they could b
ThatsASin: he seems to have recovered now, though...
noel762: i think the whole incident would b a great short & silent film
ThatsASin: haha...y'know, you're right
ThatsASin: maybe i can tell my mom that to lighten up the situation
noel762: yes. tell her that she should b proud that she raised a young man with such compassion & dedication
noel762: turn it into a compliment of her somehow
ThatsASin: haha
noel762: she'll get distracted
ThatsASin: good thinkin'
noel762: hey, i do what i can
ThatsASin: i guess i feel bad because my mom said everyone was proud of me for graduating or whatever, then when i got mad at her it "ruined the day"
ThatsASin: and i'm like, dude, you nearly killed my fish

and then later, i hadda go jeff style (i know, i know...):
noel762: ha, i so thought like a dad for a second- i was like heh, well that's one heck of a fish tale ahahaha!
ThatsASin: hahaha
ThatsASin: oh man
noel762: yeah, i'm sorry, i hadda

*whew* kudos to ryan for protecting his dear sweet scaley friend

hmm... not much can top that yo. here's an ultra cheery quiz. joy!

you have chosen to hang yourself
Hanging: Grab daddy's neck tie you want out: Gag!
oh i hate to see you when the ceiling fan can
hold the weight of your fat ass and your neck
is just sore in the morning!
(dont do it)

What Method of Suicide Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
i love the little don't do it disclaimer. thanks pal, thanks a lot


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