
fat women have cleavage everywhere -oh man

alright, today didn't suck quite as hard. the sun *almost* came out, but no.

i hung out with good ol' sarah today. her mum got us some pizza, so that was swell. on the way over there i saw some crazy sights. for instance, right after the general store, on a frickin' curve, some lady had stopped her car literally in the middle of the road. she was yelling at cars & she had some papers in her hand. ppl were honking at her. it sounded like she said there's bear in the wood! but i'm not entirely sure. i slowed down, thinking that perhaps she needed help or something, but alas, she seemed like a crazy. oh yes, good to be home...

yep, so then later on i got my hair cut *finally* my hair dresser said now it looks like i chopped ur head all up. ha, oh she's a treat... then me mum & i raided taco bell. word.

yep, so then i came home & had some IM magic. victoria & i decided it'd b cool to rekindle communication. laura told me about some zany dream. ben asked me to harass kim about how much the yankees suck. tony told me i beat out a monkey. cat sang britney spears. oh yes, magic

BenNRoxie: i spend every waking moment missing you
noel762: u mean, u don't dream of me?
BenNRoxie: yeah that too
noel762: so i take it ur family & friends know all about me then. i'd imagine it'd b hard for u to supress such adoration
BenNRoxie: yeah
BenNRoxie: i have a shrine to you
BenNRoxie: my mom caught me worshipping your picture
noel762: oh yeah?
noel762: what'd u tell her?
BenNRoxie: to go away
noel762: did she suggest counciling? or was she inspired to join in?
BenNRoxie: she just yelled at me to get a job
noel762: oh ben's mom...

good times. ima peace yo... PAYCE!!


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