
Oh! Wanna dance with somebody I wanna feel the heat with somebody Yeah! Wanna dance with somebody With somebody who loves me
sing it, whitney. sing it.

and so the first wked back was survived, despite the intense levels of both humidity & mud present. oof.

so everything is fiiiinally in order for DC. what do ya know, my app was filed under another name, & it managed to take months to find it. sooo now all there is to do is wait... and if after all this, i dont get in. ha, look out.

i feel very flat line today. hadda read a billion pages on democracy before... and now my head is just like bahhhh no more! i'm supposed to have an audition in a couple hours... but i dont think i can even do the show... let's see if i feel like wandering down there...

my schedule is so erratic... i look at it, & wonder if i'll ever be able to not scramble for that lil' piece o' paper whenever someone asks me when i'm free. i have to write everything down, post it on the walls.

i need tacs.

was that crack, did u say?

no man- T-A-C-S tacs.

oh okay.


saw garden state this evening with ben, jeff, & jules. hmm... it was good, i guess... but i expected it to be different somehow, more offbeat. i feel as if it was marketed differently than it actually came across. oh bother. still glad i saw it.

so gorgeous out today... got to rock the pool & all. just 2 classes tomorrow... & then hello wked. i'm having lunch with jess (yay!). so far, things have been getting better already with this whole isolated living thing. i have classes with a lot of awesome ppl, my profs seem interesting, & i've had someone to eat with at every meal, despite the lack of meal plan fun. i'm so thankful for all of the friends i have here. u guys are what make this place home. *sigh*

ANY OF U GALS MY SIZE GOT A SUIT JACKET I COULD BORROW? i'd appreciate it, i'm in need of looking professional. lemme know asap, thnx =)

i signed up to be a copy editor for zee paper. yep, the quest to be chronically over involved girl continues... but then i'll get to see the stace more, & oh hey, find out if i actually enjoy legit editing work. woo woo!

allllright, i must get ready for slumber. ima try not to go to bed past 2 for at least this first half of a wk... ha, oy. g'n loves.


this is relatively amusing

ps i hate scheduling & such. i'm so tired of this required courses bit... & i so wish that i knew about DC. i really don't want to take uses & methods of criticism this semester, i wanna take magazine writing instead. oh bother.
i'm all too good at thinking myself crazy instead of surrending to slumber. oy.


1st day of classes... ooh baby. thanks to the monotany of the c&c newbies program, i know mucho people-o in my classes so far. the first was taught by a petite asian woman with a dry sense of wit & thick accent. i knew like a bajillion ppl in there.
yeah, it's true.
THEN my next class features cortney! that made me oodles of happy. but then kim & matt & emily showed up too & i was like whoah buddy... the class itself doesnt seem violently invigorating. but it was good to see some love in the room. cortney & i offered the class different viewpoints on bananas. it was completely necessary.

sometimes when profs ask for ur interests, i just wanna be like... uhm, i'm into being a slut. that'd get a reaction, no? now how's THAT for participation, eh? eh?


i need u to put ur ass on my dick, i'm just gonna say it -mike

yep, when ur cramming ppl into a car (hence that lovely mention, ha, not as x-rated as i'm sure u thought) & riding down a crowded street blasting montell jordan & getting beer poured inside... u know ur back at college aiight. saw a lot of faces... albeit very briefly... rockstar style ;)

oh jr yr... what do u have in store for me this time?


all packed...

it is fairly inevitable that no matter what, i will always bring more clothes than necessary... & yet i'm getting better at cutting down. oh bother. said my goodbyes to the girls tonight, will say hello to sbx & my other assorted loves tomorrow. i have such this apprehension of this yr being different in a not so good way. :/ oy. & then there's the fun of trying to come up with a new way to decorate a single with the same stuff for the 3rd yr in a row... uber jealous of all the apartment folk. why couldn't we have just gotten ours? granted, i work better alone, but it just feels so mundane at this point. but whatever, all will settle in soon enough.

watched 13 going on 30 last night which i was very much looking fwd to. it was quite cute, & ay, i want her job... minus the being a bitch part.

i would throw in a quiz... but i don't so much like any of them right now. my apologies.


ayyy... & so the world is about to dance upon its head once more. back to ic on monday, getting tons of IMs asking when, there is ur answer. i'm not so sure how i feel about going back this time. feelin' kinda here nor there. oh sigh. i wanna be able to change my sched up a bit, but oy, i don't know if i can yet. & still no word on the dc sitch = not cool. ugh. ---- this comp is aggrivating & is once again protesting against the use of paragraphs. ----- no more babysitting =) ay. they asked me back for next yr, & it will certainly take all those months in between to forget about the annoyances, & all the putting up with their crazy & inappropriate father. aiesh. ----- alright, gotta pack tomorrow... more clothes than necessary, as always. later my loves.


last day of work tomorrow =)
'tis bittersweet though...
1- i won't be bringin' in the dough any longer
2- last wked at home
3- packinggg

got new jeans today though. that's always a hassle alright. oof.


yay!! my aunt had her baby today!! holding a newborn baby has got to be one of the most joyous events life has to offer. happy birthday to elizabeth! 8 lb 1 oz, & delivered in 10 minutes, snap! awh, so cute... so cute. & so glad to have been home to have gotten to see her.

chocolatey or chocolaty? apparently, they both work. but why the latter, why?

sigh... sleep is of great necessity right now. mind = sludge.

ps what is 7 layer cake supposed to taste like? anything specific? like say, old ladies, perhaps?


today sucked. that's about all i can offer right now. there was good pizza though... & a replacement puka shell necklace from smarcdawg... & i dyed cat's hair, & tomorrow we're seeing the brits again. oh sigh. these r the things which i am trying to think of. oof, make it better world. today was not deserved :/


millertime5546 : ya you are sexist...i can never tell either who you hate more, girls or boys
wahaha, i am a hater.

went to the flea market today with the fam... didnt get much. whenever i see all the fun body piercings, however, i am tempted to get my belly button done. ...but then i remember that i am a wuss, & that my stomach would then look weird after poppin' out them babies. oh bother. i would theoretically like to pierce my nose though. but then again, we all theoretically wanna do a lot of things.

if you've never seen the "dishonest dubya" lying action figure doll before, then this could be an amusing experience.

last wk of work... & one wk before returning to school. oy vey. i currently don't have much feelings on the issue. oh life, tear at me so.


apparently, pierre is slang in english english for very. hey mate, that new football is pierre good. zany brits.

so how do i know this? miss cat & i went to hang out with johnny & company in nyc last night.... he's uh, from london... so he knows. splendid young men. & i'm lame, so i adore pretty much everything they say. we hung out at his friend's amazingly fabulous house in manhattan, then went to some pub where a middle aged drunk man named gary decided to befriend us. he told johnny that they had to get rid of their monarchy, & that "handsome ppl" like me & him should be running the country. so ha, i'm the new queen of england! according to gary, that is. gary also showed us a scar which was allegedly caused by police brutality, but his explanation definitely made him sound as if he were not only a drunk, but a perv. so anyhow, he said that it was his birthday, & kept wandering away & coming back again to tell cat & i that we had a "handsome friendship." yay. cat & i took pictures of random things with one of the guy's cameras. he smiled a lot, ha, & said, "jive with me, girl!" silly brits... after an early morning subway adventure in which we encountered some devilishly drunk folks from montreal, i got home when my dad was getting up for work. score! feeling like ur 16 is always awesome. we hope to see them again before they peace out. cat wants me to make out with them so she can take pictures. <--*psst* i wouldn't mind. ha! oh accents... sigh, they make me such a girl alright.


ps- this is one of the greatest songs ever. period. why is there a lame cover of it on the radio now? fie! fie, i say.

in your eyes- peter gabriel

love I get so lost, sometimes

days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
when I want to run away
I drive off in my car
but whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are

all my instincts, they return
and the grand facade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete
in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eyes
oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light
the heat I see in your eyes

love, I don't like to see so much pain
so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away
I get so tired of working so hard for our survival
I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive

and all my instincts, they return
and the grand facade, so soon will burn
without a noise, without my pride
I reach out from the inside

in your eyes
the light the heat
in your eyes
I am complete
in your eyes
I see the doorway to a thousand churches
in your eyes
the resolution of all the fruitless searches
in your eyes
I see the light and the heat
in your eyes
oh, I want to be that complete
I want to touch the light,
the heat I see in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes
in your eyes in your eyes

simply awesome. way to go, peter.

kate's away message, earlier this evening: my governor is gay and all i got was this lame tshirt

so hey, mcgreevey is gay. huh. as much as everyone is all *gasp* about it, & the newscasters r calling it "stunning" and "surreal," ppl interviewed from his home town are like "yeah... and?" i just feel awful for his wife... standing there by his side as he announced his being a gay american... talk about heart wrenching. then they walked out together, holding hands. that's love kids. apparently the guy he had an affair with is about to press charges for sexual misconduct, & that's why he made this so called scandalous confession. ppl r talking about how this was diversion, & that he wouldn't have been elected if he were openly gay. well ha! in ur face conservatives. good for him for being true to himself. as for the resignation aspect, which seems to be getting overshadowed by the shock value of the announcement itself, i respect his decision. he is putting the state first, which is what he is paid to do. i do not believe that he should have to resign for coming out. def not. what he is resigning for, is because he believes that his full attention will not be able to be devoted to his job, & THAT is a noble thing to do, no matter how u slice it. yes, the guy had an affair, but oh hey, so did former us pres & best selling author bill clinton. mr clinton's behavior should by no means declare a precedent for such poor choices in judgement. mcgreevey is taking full responsibility for his actions. why chastise the guy?

what do u think? was his resignation necessary?

(and for those of u who have no clue as to what i'm ranting about this time. check it out here.)


fucking shit ass. i hate hate HATE when ya push one wrong button, not even meaning to & BAM! the entry ur working on just peaces out. GAHHHH.... so annoying considering that i was sooo done with it. ayyy now there shall be but remnants

applause r in order for miss jazmin. that gal done registered to vote! woo woo! way to go, sexy lady ;)

possibly taking the kids to the fair tomorrow... oh yes, i'm sure it will be glorious.

the wayside school books r still awesome... even when ur not 8 yrs old anymore. plus, the short chapters r A.D.D. adaptable. score!

how did ur parents explain thunder & lightening when u were younger? my mom would say that the angels were bowling... the thunder was the sound of the pins crashing. the lightening was a good thing, it meant that one got a strike, she explained. ha, but then again, she also told me that the garbage truck was an elephant... just wondering how other folks explained it.


anyone else out there watching last comic standing? ay, i find gary gulman to be devilishly attractive. tall, dark, & big nosed. ha, ooh baby. oh yeah, & the funny part doesn't hurt... although he seems to be a bit obsessed with cookies. oh bother. if ur watching, who's got ur vote?

another fun day of staying late at work tomorrow. just a wk and a half left, just a wk & a half left...

dude, for me, i am so tan right now. i realize that when i return to school, u'll all find me to be a gd liar, but ay. i get freckles on my knees. this is the only time i have found freckles to be endearing. ppl keep telling me that i 'look good with some color.' while i appreciate this notion, it also makes me wonder if ppl r terrified by my natural skin tone. oh ivory... what do u do?

my aunt is about to have her baby 'any minute now.' that's gotta be a whacked out feeling alright. ha, i mean, thinking as a girl, it only means that she won't be able to see her feet for a little longer, but as far as the popping out the baby part goes, oh man. i can't even imagine that sort of anticipation/fear/excitement. babies? yes... ha, but not any time soon.

oh, & this just in- dave grohl endorses finger nails as both pretty, & good. sleep well with that one in mind yo.

& here's a terribly random quiz to quench that late night summer thirst:
you are tiberius
Tiberius was the second emperor of Rome. His
mother wanted it more than he was. He had to
leave his wife to marry Julia, the daughter of
Augustus. He never really cared much for
politics. Later on in life, he moved to the
island of Capri, turning it into an island of
depravity and sex.

What Julio-Claudian Roman Emperor are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


millertime5546: you like breasts? .............the enter key is not working....................... there should be a space here......... grrr.................. oh bother, i think i'm gonna address every IM as WHAT UP BIATCH for a wee bit. because come now, what's a good reason not to? the end.


so i took one of those quizzes hotmail throws at ya when ya go to ur email...
Why Are You Still Single?
Independent Spirit

The way you deal with yourself and the men in your life is extremely healthy. You don't harbor bitterness toward your exes or toward men in general, nor are you projecting a too-eager vibe to your dates. That's because you like your life, and you're not in any particular rush to change it. It could be that you're cherishing your time alone and using it to explore new sides of yourself. Or it could simply be that you haven't met the right person yet. Kathleen Woodward Thomas, a psychotherapist and author of Calling in "The One": Seven Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2004) points out that it's crazy for women to feel like failures just because they've stayed single into their 30s and 40s. Our mothers may have all been wedded by age 24, but they were looking for very different kinds of relationships. "Women are looking for soulmates now. We want a deep friendship and meaningful connection. This was not true 40 years ago," says Woodward Thomas.

i took this after hearing a 'there's a guy for u' schpiel from an unnamed friend. can't say that i was particularly worried... being single is a-ok. it's a different kind of fun than being in a relationship. while yes, sometimes it would be nice to have someone, it's totally okay to not. i get so tired of the notion that one needs a bf to be totally happy. this is an excellent time in ur life to be single, ladies.


ok, so everyone knows the schtick with fortune cookies, right? ya add in bed to the end. hilarity shall ensue, on occassion. check the one i got this evening:
Our first love and last love is...
what's not to love about a cookie which suggests masterbation? ha, ay. i was out to eat with my fam, so i couldn't share this gem. but whoah now, aren't u lucky?

so do children possess an inherent sense of sexuality? the older boy i babysit was being weird today. he's eating cheese-its, & proceeds to moan at every bite cuz they're just too good. okay, innocent enough... minus him sounding as if he's about to gyrate off his chair. and it kept getting louder & louder... just made me wonder if they have knowledge of such sexual ridden behaviors.
another example, i took them to a craft class the other day. the kids were playing with clay, & jen (craftmaster flex, might i remind u) points out this one boy's sculpture of mountains & valleys. "it's very phallic, isn't it?" dude, extremely. it was as if he had made 3 penises & just called them mountains for the sake of humility. "i wouldn't be surprised if he grows up to be gay. i'm serious, a lot of the things he makes are phallic."
now on one hand, one could say that it's merely the minds of myself, and others, that are in the gutter. while this may be true at times... ha, not when i'm on nanny time. let me assure u that that there's nothing sexually stimulating to be found in a chorus of belches or making pizza rolls for the 27th time in one week. but yeah, i dunno. that's my big ol' pseudo philosophical thought for the day.

today (well now yesterday) is (was) my dad's birthday. hooray for him alright! ha, but hooray for him not reading this as well, hooray!

& last but not least, a PSA: ladies, don't be afraid to feel urselves up. breast exams are important. lend ur support.

ok, i'm done.


oof... so tired :/

didn't get in till after 2 last night from babysitting. bleh. cat came down with me today, got to witness the joy i shall be bidding g'b to in 3 wks. -can't help but not smile at the thought of that one. the boys managed to belch a record number of times. oh how terribly charming.

still no word on my dc app... grr

ay, ya know what gets tiresome? politics. last night i was watching bill maher, who i find to be quite intelligent, i was rather disgusted. he & michael moore got down on their hands and knees to beg ralph nader not to run for president. maher gave nader a picture of oj simpson & said i just wanted to give u this picture of oj to remind u that a person can be a hero all his life, and then remembered for one mistake now granted, i understand the motivation in not wanting nader to run... taking away votes that would otherwise go to kerry, blah blah blah... but i found this action to be quite troubling. why have we limited ourselves into a 2 party system like this where there is but one winner & millions of dollars and hours are in vain for the inevitable losers? i'm not proposing multiple presidents, oh no. but let's at least give everyone a fair shot. this country was supposed to be a democracy, that's what i read in my 5th grade social studies text, at least. if ralph nader wants to run for president, then good for him. he's a smart man, with some good thoughts. although it would be unfortunate for another election to be scrambled up "because of him," let us recognize that he has every right to run. why shouldn't he? it's not exactly a job just anyone would want, the guys got balls. respect him for that, if nothing else. of course he knows that he's not gonna win, he just wants to show ppl that there are other options out there, and the folks behind them should be given voice. so yes, i wasn't surprised by moore stooping to such a level, but i was quite disappointed with maher's presentation of this man. while it's no secret that maher is a political man, and his views are hidden about as well as a pink elephant in an empty theatre. i feel that he ridiculed nader by this action, and made a mockery of himself as a respectable host. get off ur knees & to the polls. that's the way to make things right, not by crying to a fellow american exercising his rights.

and with that said, i must sleep...


stayed in & watched 'last comic standing' this evening. i caught every episode last season, this one i basically just started watching & oh sigh, it's the end. good times though. this one guy, john heffron, did a bit about what he called the 'we gotta go girl.' she's the one you should be boozing up all night. when they have their little meeting in the bathroom, her vote's gonna be the one that says if you're gettin' laid or not. he was talking about how that's something guys would never do, but that girls just won't leave troops behind. ha, too true.

ay, tomorrow i'm gonna be at babysitting foreverrrrrrrrrr. literally. zee rents are going to a concert tomorrow, & i have the pleasure of taking zee kiddies to a swim meet. yeah, i don't know where it is, aaand i'm gonna be bored outta my mind at the same time. too cool! today, the younger one got hit in the head with a bat. a plastic one, by accident. ha, no worries. stuff like that is always kinda funny though. i was thinking about that today when i saw a baby screaming & everyone laughing at how cute it was. dude, that's gotta piss u the fuck off. it's like, i'm crying cuz i've got crap in my pants, ya really wanna start with me? oh bother.

then i came home, & my brother hit his head on the counter. that too, was comical. silly ol' pain.

less than 3 wks now... aiesh.

ps u may have noticed that i added even more politics to the blog. why the hell not? it's no secret who i'm voting for, and i'm not afraid to defend it. REGISTER KIDDIES! if ur not registered, use the link in the left column. vote for who u believe in... & if ur from florida, here's a second chance ;) either way, JUST MAKE SURE THAT YOUR VOICE IS HEARD! we live in a democracy- please respect that.

father tells son to move some sticks. son is scared of bugs & subsequently drops sticks to get away from said bugs. son scratches leg with the sticks. son whines.
father inquires, when did you become a girl?