
ok, so everyone knows the schtick with fortune cookies, right? ya add in bed to the end. hilarity shall ensue, on occassion. check the one i got this evening:
Our first love and last love is...
what's not to love about a cookie which suggests masterbation? ha, ay. i was out to eat with my fam, so i couldn't share this gem. but whoah now, aren't u lucky?

so do children possess an inherent sense of sexuality? the older boy i babysit was being weird today. he's eating cheese-its, & proceeds to moan at every bite cuz they're just too good. okay, innocent enough... minus him sounding as if he's about to gyrate off his chair. and it kept getting louder & louder... just made me wonder if they have knowledge of such sexual ridden behaviors.
another example, i took them to a craft class the other day. the kids were playing with clay, & jen (craftmaster flex, might i remind u) points out this one boy's sculpture of mountains & valleys. "it's very phallic, isn't it?" dude, extremely. it was as if he had made 3 penises & just called them mountains for the sake of humility. "i wouldn't be surprised if he grows up to be gay. i'm serious, a lot of the things he makes are phallic."
now on one hand, one could say that it's merely the minds of myself, and others, that are in the gutter. while this may be true at times... ha, not when i'm on nanny time. let me assure u that that there's nothing sexually stimulating to be found in a chorus of belches or making pizza rolls for the 27th time in one week. but yeah, i dunno. that's my big ol' pseudo philosophical thought for the day.

today (well now yesterday) is (was) my dad's birthday. hooray for him alright! ha, but hooray for him not reading this as well, hooray!

& last but not least, a PSA: ladies, don't be afraid to feel urselves up. breast exams are important. lend ur support.

ok, i'm done.


Blogger kalor the destructor said...

dude, i can tell you loads of stories about the sexual beasts of my pre school. they were primitive id-driven freaks. but i loved them more that way.

8/08/2004 8:34 PM  
Blogger kalor the destructor said...

oph, ps- my favorite fortune in the world was this--- you are the greatest person in the world. (in bed) OIWWWWWWWWW

8/08/2004 8:44 PM  

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