
all packed...

it is fairly inevitable that no matter what, i will always bring more clothes than necessary... & yet i'm getting better at cutting down. oh bother. said my goodbyes to the girls tonight, will say hello to sbx & my other assorted loves tomorrow. i have such this apprehension of this yr being different in a not so good way. :/ oy. & then there's the fun of trying to come up with a new way to decorate a single with the same stuff for the 3rd yr in a row... uber jealous of all the apartment folk. why couldn't we have just gotten ours? granted, i work better alone, but it just feels so mundane at this point. but whatever, all will settle in soon enough.

watched 13 going on 30 last night which i was very much looking fwd to. it was quite cute, & ay, i want her job... minus the being a bitch part.

i would throw in a quiz... but i don't so much like any of them right now. my apologies.


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