
oof... so tired :/

didn't get in till after 2 last night from babysitting. bleh. cat came down with me today, got to witness the joy i shall be bidding g'b to in 3 wks. -can't help but not smile at the thought of that one. the boys managed to belch a record number of times. oh how terribly charming.

still no word on my dc app... grr

ay, ya know what gets tiresome? politics. last night i was watching bill maher, who i find to be quite intelligent, i was rather disgusted. he & michael moore got down on their hands and knees to beg ralph nader not to run for president. maher gave nader a picture of oj simpson & said i just wanted to give u this picture of oj to remind u that a person can be a hero all his life, and then remembered for one mistake now granted, i understand the motivation in not wanting nader to run... taking away votes that would otherwise go to kerry, blah blah blah... but i found this action to be quite troubling. why have we limited ourselves into a 2 party system like this where there is but one winner & millions of dollars and hours are in vain for the inevitable losers? i'm not proposing multiple presidents, oh no. but let's at least give everyone a fair shot. this country was supposed to be a democracy, that's what i read in my 5th grade social studies text, at least. if ralph nader wants to run for president, then good for him. he's a smart man, with some good thoughts. although it would be unfortunate for another election to be scrambled up "because of him," let us recognize that he has every right to run. why shouldn't he? it's not exactly a job just anyone would want, the guys got balls. respect him for that, if nothing else. of course he knows that he's not gonna win, he just wants to show ppl that there are other options out there, and the folks behind them should be given voice. so yes, i wasn't surprised by moore stooping to such a level, but i was quite disappointed with maher's presentation of this man. while it's no secret that maher is a political man, and his views are hidden about as well as a pink elephant in an empty theatre. i feel that he ridiculed nader by this action, and made a mockery of himself as a respectable host. get off ur knees & to the polls. that's the way to make things right, not by crying to a fellow american exercising his rights.

and with that said, i must sleep...


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