
ayyy... & so the world is about to dance upon its head once more. back to ic on monday, getting tons of IMs asking when, there is ur answer. i'm not so sure how i feel about going back this time. feelin' kinda here nor there. oh sigh. i wanna be able to change my sched up a bit, but oy, i don't know if i can yet. & still no word on the dc sitch = not cool. ugh. ---- this comp is aggrivating & is once again protesting against the use of paragraphs. ----- no more babysitting =) ay. they asked me back for next yr, & it will certainly take all those months in between to forget about the annoyances, & all the putting up with their crazy & inappropriate father. aiesh. ----- alright, gotta pack tomorrow... more clothes than necessary, as always. later my loves.


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