
saw garden state this evening with ben, jeff, & jules. hmm... it was good, i guess... but i expected it to be different somehow, more offbeat. i feel as if it was marketed differently than it actually came across. oh bother. still glad i saw it.

so gorgeous out today... got to rock the pool & all. just 2 classes tomorrow... & then hello wked. i'm having lunch with jess (yay!). so far, things have been getting better already with this whole isolated living thing. i have classes with a lot of awesome ppl, my profs seem interesting, & i've had someone to eat with at every meal, despite the lack of meal plan fun. i'm so thankful for all of the friends i have here. u guys are what make this place home. *sigh*

ANY OF U GALS MY SIZE GOT A SUIT JACKET I COULD BORROW? i'd appreciate it, i'm in need of looking professional. lemme know asap, thnx =)

i signed up to be a copy editor for zee paper. yep, the quest to be chronically over involved girl continues... but then i'll get to see the stace more, & oh hey, find out if i actually enjoy legit editing work. woo woo!

allllright, i must get ready for slumber. ima try not to go to bed past 2 for at least this first half of a wk... ha, oy. g'n loves.


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