and as one of the longest days ever unwinds, i have but simple thoughts.
i bring my own grief. i have no excuses.
thank you for loving me regardless.
and as one of the longest days ever unwinds, i have but simple thoughts.
Auto response from LolaAnn816: and when the 5lb jar of change was full, a little light would go off and id know it was Cargo Pant Day, and the land would rejoice. and id just throw the change in my pockets and buy a car alarm, not the whole car just the alarm and id tie it to my chest and go walking and then the first homeless man that said 'hey man you got some change' the alarm would go off and the lights would go off and itd be like DINGDINGDING you just hit the JACKPOT and id start throwing the change at him and itd hurt but he wouldnt care bec he WON and when its Cargo Pant Day everybody wins
ok, sooo over 3200 visits, yet none of u fuckers leave me comments? what up with that?
I choose Vodka. And Chaka Khan. -bridget jones
so i had some really whacked out dream last night. tell u about it? why surely!
lauryn on having kids-
Harry: You know, I have a theory that hieroglyphics are just an ancient comic strip about a character named Sphinxy.
ThatsASin: drunken god punching somebody repeatedly is always comedy
so i was reading a thread on advice to college freshmen on granted, freshmen yr has come & gone, but i feel that some of them serve true & have purpose nonetheless.
today at work, a small asian girl peed her pants as she waited with her mother in line. "i gotta go, mommy! i gotta, i gotta go!" she cried. but then alas, no longer than 10 seconds later, she could not hold it.
2 fabulously gay men entered my work around 20:15 this evening. bleach blond side parted hair, polo shirts (collars up, of course), knit sweaters over their shoulders, khaki shorts, & wads of cash to boot. oh yes, fabulous indeed. they bought a bunch of pillows & a collage picture frame.
-You totally ripped off my Malibu Barbie idea!
Ksherwi: i miss you, daughter dana!