
Are You a Ho? Find out @ She's Crafty
awh, so not only do i have mariah carey breasts, but ho-ness as well. good to know.

went to a tea party yesterday with the girls. it was cute. seems like a great place to have a bridal shower. though ps, i told my mom that no man is going to marry me cuz i mess up household chores. i got water allover trying to dry dishes (ironically enough). if only i had a massive rack like jessica simpson. why then, my domestication could do no wrong.

ha, long live the sexist. i could do just that & my husband would just be like awh, baby...

jazmin... that post was insane. i still wish i were born into a bilingual family though. that's a great & priceless skill alright.

happy father's day/longest day of the year/last day of spring for 2004

so can someone tell me what is up with the ghetto white tshirt? it's like if ya wanna be thug, ya gotta rock the extra long white tee. it's not oversized per se, oh no. just insanely, & what i find to be unecessarily, long. what is the benefit of this? it covers the boxers which one would surely otherwise be exposing, so i suppose for this, a mother can be proud. but oh hark! what if danger were to suddenly erupt? how would one attain one's "piece" in a timely manner with all that cotton befuddling the way? g's, i am at a loss alright. i am at a loss.
& i'm also wondering if u r familiar with this phenomenon. them crazy kids.


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