
so i had some really whacked out dream last night. tell u about it? why surely!

i was in a dance recital with 3 other girls, i have no idea why. one of the girls made up the dance, & katie was in it too. well she got nervous right as we were going on stage, & peed her pants. yes that's right. i had a dream in which katie peed her pants. we had these leotards & flowy dance skirts on, & since she was standing at the time, no one really noticed that it happened. so blah blah blah, we're dancing, & we have to lie on the floor at one point. and oh sigh, sorry for the graphic nature, but when i lay down, i get all wet. can't imagine why :/ oof. so i'm like oy vey, so i make it as if i'm still dancing & go off stage to try & think of what i should do. so the dance is almost done, & then this guy appears on the other side of the stage, backstage. he's very agent esque, eating a sandwich, & he's all what happened?! & the girl who choreographed the dance, who mind u, is still on stage, says that I got scared & peed MY pants. so i come back out to strike a final pose, wet spot & all, & the girl is all huffy, & everyone is looking at me like i ruined whatever this big opportunity was. so i tell the audience, just so u know, I didn't pee my pants. but i didn't want to tell them that it was katie, cuz ya know, we're sbx. & they were like yeah, we know, get off the stage. but i tell them that they must imagine how i feel, & they nod sympathetically as good choruses in theatrical works should do.
so then i run into katie off stage, & she's all glassy eyed & seems to have no idea what's going on, somewhat moving in slow motion. then suddenly walter calls her, on her nonexistant cell phone of course, & tells her that we should come to the general store cuz he & some others are "chillin'". ha, which for whatever reason this store he claims to be at is in my hometown, & katie was like come on, let's walk, still somewhat incoherant. i pointed out that this was hundreds of miles, & she changed her mind.
so then suddenly i realize that i have on this i was in the recital sort of tshirt on, so oh heck, i can go watch the show. so way in the back i see rachel & meghan. they said that they knew i didn't pee. rachel said, "i like the way u looked like u loved everything."

and there u go. the moral of the story? don't wear a new top hat in the rain.

ps- i figured out how to post some of my own pictures. oh gasp! here's an old one, but still HOT. ha...

me & lucia... circa de halloween

good times yo


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