
Lactaid Lady: Dana is HOT -colleen, my lactose intolerant admirer

yeah, so i slept for ohhhh 3 hours. i suppose one could say i'm a bit tired. if i make no sense, i'd like to attribute it to this fact, however that could very well b a BLATANT LIE

ok, so let's get this straight. yvone is one cool cat. i just wanna get that out there. oh, & for anyone is not "down" with my voice message can suck it cuz she's frickin' asian. speaking of which...

tony: i like asians
tony: they're cool
me: amen to that
tony: half of them are ninjas and the other half are samurai

yeah, so apparently tony thinks that i make him sound "mean" in this thing. psha man, i don't think i do. but if anyone was under such an impression, let it b known that i think he's like, the coolest thing since sliced bread... SLICED!

so the weather seems to b getting nicer. perhaps it was that lovely letter colleen penned. *check out her blog for details*


What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla

check it out ben- i can attract GIRLS it says- cra-zy

yeah, ok, i'll talk later, ima eat yo... PAYCE!


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