
ha, i too appreciated jazmin's 'dear ev' post on wisdom teeth. i have to go to the dentist soon to see what's up with mine, since oh hey, it seems like the thing to do. plus, i don't want them to knock out my teeth or anything, ya know. but yeah, i was gonna leave u a comment ev, but alas, ur comment jive seems to have disappeared. i'm sure you'll do fine! ppl will feel sorry for u & poor on lots of care. don't fret. ur existing teeth will thank u for not causing them to loose their homes.

i got a letter in the mail from school today congratulating me on being named the perennials scholar of the year. i hadn't realized i was THE one. that's cool. it's from old ppl, so ya gotta love that. i heart old ladies, after all... & apparently they heart me as well even though we have never met. i shall have to write them a letter and thank them for showing me some love.

ay, so i've been driving myself relatively crazy with school jive. i talked to kim the other night, so then i got to thinking about australia again. just when i had managed to peace out on the idea of LA, in comes another distraction. oh bother. if only i weren't always such a scatter brained overachiever.

also, i came across this site
http://stats.bls.gov/home.htm which tells ya all about professions in the US... what the need for them will be in the future, what u'll do, the sort of money u'll be making. kinda neat.

the fair is coming soon =) i don't think there's much else to share. cupcakes for all!

oh wait, nothing to share, that's right. later kids.

witnessed a whole bunch of young girls quabbling amongst eachother & gossiping at the beach today. girls r stupid.

i sure as hell hope that when my boy named asian daughter has friends, she isn't such a priss ass bitch.

that is all.


and so as the wk draws to a close, what is on thy mind?

oh, & how about that they fucking LOST MY APPLICATION TO DC.   yeah, yeah that's right.  i randomly emailed the guy in charge of the program to see when the decisions on the early apps would be announced or whatever & he's all... uh, ya sure ya handed one in?  say whaa?  *shakes a first at the administration once again*  i love that this is precisely why i handed it in early.  first they try to give away my housing, then they try to take away my internship before it has even begun.  oh bother.  so i email him back, somewhat freaking out, but trying to sound collected.  he assures me that it will be found.  wtf.

meanwhile, goin' back in about 3 wks now.  dude, where did the summer go?  oh that's right, i was busy getting paid to waste my time.  sick sad world alright... but at least there's a beach.


i can't wait to beat my children  -random guy at the beach


thanks so much to ev & jazmin for ur input. i really do appreciate it, & u've made some great points. as they say, advice is what u already know but want to hear. i just wish that i knew about DC nowwww... but meanwhile, i'm def gonna look into the writing minor. what can i say, i've just always had a knack for complication.

& ev- argentina? that's awesome. as if ur living in brazil wasn't already to be envied...

ps everyone else is laaaaame

pps am i lame because '50 first dates' made me cry? i thought it was ever so touching. ay. girl.

& now for today's out of context quote:

grandma- i brought down the forty


decisions, decisions... every so often when i post, i genuinely desire your feedback.
this would be one of those times.

i've been wondering a lot lately if i should change up my schedule or not. i have a 400 seminar on latin american politics. now no offense to my latin amigos but uh, i don't exactly have a strong interest in the subject. i feel pressured to take the 400 now though to make sure that i'll get one. i've been trying to keep fall of sr yr open for study abroad purposes, but today i began to think otherwise. currently, i'm minoring in politics & legal studies. now i loves me some law, but the 2 classes i have left to complete the minor aren't high on my list of fun list. i don't want to be having too many upper level courses at once, basically. so yeah, i started thinking about writing. forever ago, freshmen yr, when i was asking everyone what they thought i should be majoring in, nearly everyone said they saw me as a writer... even those who had never read anything i had written. i've always loved editing things, & research & such, so today i got to thinking, why not minor in writing? i would only need 4 more courses, & they all seem like a good time. things like writing for a magazine, or writing as a critic. considering that i don't aim to be a lawyer, taking these classes instead of the law courses seems sensical.

okay, so what's the dilemna? if i ax legal studies, & minor in writing, then i can no longer go abroad fall of sr yr. let us remember that i will *hopefully* be going to DC in the spring, so it's not like i'll be at IC forever. on the plus side, however, i wont have to take the 400 sem this semester, nor will i have to take 18 credits. my schedule won't be as do or die, the required courses will be ones i actually want to take, & writing is something i'd rather do with my life above law.
& what's with LA anyway? sometimes i wonder if it's the hype of having a slew of TVR folk around me all the time that gets me . yes, i enjoy doing ICTV, but really, it's because i get to write & perform my own ramblings. that's the part that i enjoy. but at the same time, living on the west coast would be awesome. if only i could win the lottery without even buying a ticket & be able to do LA for the summer...
granted, majors & minors only mean so much. but still. i also want a job that will let me have a family. ha, everyone knows i want to have a bunch of babies & be able to work from home & bake cakes. but yeah, thoughts? should i keep considering LA (which i could have gone to this semester)? should i minor in writing? oy vey.
i realize that this very post is inevitably more biased than i personally have the ability to realize in my indecision, ha, so perhaps u folks can help me define what it is that i should be doing.

thanks kids ;) any thoughts on the subject would be most appreciated.


a little boy at the beach finds a snail shell with the snail still intact, a rare find. he shows it to a little girl who says: u can sell it on ebay. he responds: snail. 25 cents.

say hello to america's capitalistic little youth.


anyone ever see 'the secretary'? well for one thing, it's a strange feature, but secondly, i just came to the realization that maggie gyllahaul's box of cutting supplies can be compared to my tin of chocolate. don't worry though chocolate, i won't go droppin' u in a river. oh no, mama like.

behold! other pictures. here's em, katie, & i feelin' the sbx love a la last night a escuela.

& this one? ahh, i just love how cute everyone looks. happiness seems tangible when i look at this picture. but yeah, ben, myself, kim, & matt- also on the last night.

how fabulously charming!


showin' mom some love =)

ya can't eat death for breakfast

& so now my vaca is through...

for the most part, i didn't do a whole super lot with the wk. it was nice to just have some time to sit around & not worry about where i had to be or whatever. i like having some 'me time' & such. emily called me around tuesday though to see if i wanted to go to a lil' concert with some somewhat notable canadian artists playing. perhaps u've heard of them...

barenaked ladies


ALANIS morissette. so yeah, exciting. went to emily's friday night, watched "how to deal" (a definite post for when i'm not as tired) that night, then went to the shore saturday. we went a rich beach with cabanas, & a lil' dude to retrieve the rich folk's beach chairs when it rained. oh bother. there were no wealthy young men to woo at this beach, just white (although quite tan) families.

after this hard day of rockin' the shore, we went to the concert, only to discover that our seats were terribly good. we were like anxious little kiddies as one usher after another told us that our seats were even closer to the front than we had imagined. BAM! 9th row. quality alright. the bnl were amusing, of course. they put on a good show, even for someone like me who isn't a huge crazy fan. i was looking fwd to alanis though, who let me say, is much smaller than she seems on tv. i had always thought of her as somewhat tall, but no man, she's rather tiny, yet her body is like real ppl size. hips and all. it was really odd to have her walk out & be like damn, i've seen you on tv for years. there were only like 2 songs that i didn't know, which must have been from her most recent album. other than "hands clean," the 3rd album got no love yo. she was very big into playing the old school stuff, much to em's delight. it was awesome... although her long locks & intense rage would have helped out the showmanship on "you oughtta know" more so than her god bless you! attitude which she currently sports, but what can ya do, the gal is happy. ha, yet somehow, it manages to feel like a betrayal of sorts. 2 encores. GOOD STUFF.

me: they have shirts that say i love the ladies.
em: those r ur kind of shirts.

sunday, we went to visit kim, which was of course lovely. seeing school ppl's homes is like what? this is the wrong scenery. ha, it's strange to see their families, middle schools, & such. as if that wasn't enough ic lovin', joe called me to ask me to be in their movie. the shoot fell through, but we all got to eat dinner together, and i also got to see cortney, marc, & john. it was a lovely time, esp considering that i didn't get to see any ic folk last summer. it's only like a month till we go back *craziness* but it was good to get a dose of everyone. *sigh* friends. hugs. good times.

so yes, splendid wked is essentially the moral of the story. i also got some pics from em which r ultra cute, (see above) but alas, i must post the rest later... work tomorrow.
(don't worry mom, i won't let u down ;) )

but yeah, i should go. kisses for all & a merry g'n.


ThatsASin (1:18:59 AM): your grandma rocks

so cat has this cosmo mag that's supposed to be all hardcore on the zodiac & jive... love matches & what not. apparently, another sag is where it's at for me. also, i'm tactless, pushy & long winded... but on the plus side, cheery, party lovin', & a joy to have around. guys dig my 'great smile & ballsy personality.' cat's sign is so terribly boring, virgos over the world, i'm sorry for u. but hey, at least u've got clean hands.

oh cosmo, what would we ever do without u?

i also had an idea for break up chocolate. it'd say things like, "you're better off without him," and, "he hogged the covers" to make you feel better as u eat off that break up. i mean, come on, we all know that gals flock to chocolate. this seemed like a fabulous marketing idea to me. cat on the other hand responded with, "you're awful."

man, i do suck at being a girl.

LOVING ONE. You need safety in your relationship.
You want to be sure in his/her arms, knowing
that he will protect you and you can be totally
devoted to your other. At this point you are
very vulnerable. You open yourself and dont
even think that he/she could cheat you. You
totally trust your partner in every single way.
SO if you find out that she/he lied to you or
played a game this trust is broken. You may try
to forgive your other but this will be very
difficult.He/She has to be friendly and

~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
brought to you by Quizilla


so is it terrible that i've had "pieces of you" in my head for several days? go here if ya wanna check out ashlee's whole album... for guilty pleasure purposes of course. i was less than impressed though, i must say. but i suppose one can also question why i would have possibly anticipated otherwise. oh bother.

oh, ha, & hotmail greeted me with this article. oh street lamps...

According to Leonard "Baps" Cole, a voluble open-air rum shop patron in downtown Ocho Rios, a kilometre from the cruise ship docks, "Overproof rum is like fuel in the morning for Jamaica's working man. No Jamaican household is without a bottle of white rum for emergencies."

& yet douglas will wonder why we bust on him... check this out

all that sun must be drivin' them folk mad yo


mom & dad are gardening. dad gets a woodchip in his eye. mom says to use a shot glass to help wash it out.

it's good to be irish.

oof. i've literally been spending hours trying to get my financial schtuff straightened out. here's something i learned kids- if all of ur student loans r from the same lender, then u can only consolidate with that lender. meanwhile, i have gotten buttloads of offers from other companies, all in vain. psha, such a waste of paper... i'm glad i recycle alright. so after sorting all this out, i found that if i were to consolidate, i would lessen my interest rate by a whopping .02% hot damn! but on the plus side, i rather fancy the idea of online banking. this makes it much easier for those of us whose cars have konked out. oh sigh. i find it fascinating that i was able to open a new account without even offering up any $ to the table. oh america, land of creditors and debtors, what next?

i really do love these cartoons:

hmm... so today was the first day of everyone being home. (my parents are also on vaca this wk, a freak occurrence.) no one was killed! so far so good.

yesterday i felt like quite the calamity. i injured myself a couple of times, all within like a half hour, & all on the back porch. as i was calling our isp to check up on some thangs, i ever so innocently bent my leg at the knee. a relatively simplistic motion, no? but OH look out with there is a wooden railing of a deck right next to ya! that sonovabitch ate my knee alright. it slid in ever so effortlessly, but then yeah man, my leg was stuck in our deck. what the hell. my mom laughed at me, & thought i was joking. no mom, i was a part of a tv sitcom... like that episode of full house when stephanie gets her head stuck in the railing & they put butter allover her in an attempt to free that cranium. she & my brother tried to push it out, but this only hurt & helped to cut off circulation. of course, this is when i finally encounter a real live person on the phone, & i've gotta hang up cuz my mom is busy trying to use oil to shimmy my leg out. oh mom. my dad ended up having to unscrew part of the deck since he couldn't get me out otherwise either. how the hell did u do that? gee dad, who the hell knows. the whole incident went down in under 3 minutes, but ay. they laughed at me... and how could they not have? children, do not do as the flamingo does. keep them legs barbie style alright. aiesh.

Who's Your Inner Music Industry Diva? Find out @ She's Crafty
awh, & how did the quiz now that baby got back?
it just must be that big.


i am the queen of the gines -sarah

i got the chance to talk to lucia the other day. we exchanged stories of debauchary, & anticipated the yr to come. oh how we laughed. then, she told me that she stole marina from my floor... & the clouds came in. no more marina in ma t? 'tis true. :(
lucia, ur lucky ur a sexy asian alright, cuz u robbed me of my love.

when addressing the board of directors, try to avoid using the phrase "dumber than kwanzaa" to describe potential business moves.

i started out just looking at monkeys, & then i stumbled upon even more propoganda. silly silly primates...


when one is going to japan, it's customary to send back souveneirs...
noel762: there r twins in my family. having red haired twin boys is like, on my top 5 fears list
ThatsASin: eep
ThatsASin: maybe you should adopt
noel762: well i do want an asian baby
ThatsASin: that's perfect
ThatsASin: maybe i'll send you one
ThatsASin: i'm going to be near the yakuza capital of japan, i'm sure they have a few babies going for cheap
noel762: hmm
noel762: i think it'd be funnier to go to the post office & try to mail an 8 yr old
ThatsASin: haha
noel762: the mail man is all confused
noel762: the kid keeps ripping the address label off of his forehead
noel762: oh how the hilarity ensues as he screams out in foreign tongues
noel762: silly lad
ThatsASin: ha, i like where this is going
noel762: perhaps u could lure him into a box with american pizza
ThatsASin: hmm, all the more reason for my american friends to attempt to send me pizza through the mail
noel762: yeah, put rice on it or something
noel762: cuz as everyone knows, that's all asian ppl like to eat
ThatsASin: ha, well, they do like that rice

Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
i'd rather not shave my head though thanks.

gettin' paid tomorrow... party tomorrow night... vaca awaits. granted, i have no concrete plans for it. but oh yes none the less =)


a common dilemna:

oh, & ha! to the ny post. silly press...

take care loves ;)


here's an email from one of my mom's friends, actually.
"The other night I was invited out for a night with "the girls".I told my husband that I would be home by midnight, "I promised". Well, the hours passed and the champagne was going down way too easy. Around 3 a.m., drunk as a skunk, I headed home. Just as I got in the door,thecuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed 3 times. Quickly, realizing that he'd probably wake up, I cuckooed another 9 times.I was really proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution(even when smashed), in order to escape a possible conflict with him.

The next morning my husband asked me what time I got in, and I told him 12:00. He didn't seem disturbed at all. Whew! Got away with that one! Then he said, "We need a new cuckoo clock." When I asked him why, he said, "Well, last night our clock cuckooed 3 times,then said "Oh shit", cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat, cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and then tripped over the cat and farted."

i love this article. not because it's so well written or anything, oh no. but because howard stern is so awesome for fighting back like this. ppl can say what they want of the man, but i am certainly not a hater. i listened to his press conference live, & let me tell u, i cheered as i drove about in my car. oh yeah.

heck, there hasn't been a quiz in a few... ha, here's one with BLOOD & GORE!! wahaha!

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

back to work tomorrow after a not too terribly eventful 3 day wked. NO WORK the 10th-18th though, so if anyone ever wanted to visit or get together, this would be a splendid time kids. lemme know. ha, afterall, i actually have a room now. & ur welcome to stay with me as long as the color orange doesn't make u yak.

...because if it does, ur gonna yak. & that wouldn't make for the best visit.

i've been into saying yak lately. when i was 3 i fed the yaks at the zoo. now i don't like zoos... or yak(ing). funny how it all works out, no?


happy 4th of july ...i guess.

it urkes me that for the first time in the history of my being an american, and thus, my being alive, that i am feeling a bit indifferent about the holiday. if one has ever scrolled to the bottom of this page, then surely they will have taken note of my being less than pleased with our current presidential situation. i went to see farenheit911 with rachel the other night, & i can't say that much of the information presented was particularly new or surprising. i'm not exactly a michael moore fan. although i feel that the points he raises are worth considering, i feel that he himself can be quite the douchebag. nonetheless, the film doesn't exactly make those who are not bush fans to begin with any less the wiser, if i may say. after catching some fireworks down at the lake, & having both security & the local popo get all huffy about it, i came back here to catch some of kerry on cspan from a rally in wisconsin a few days back. will america make me proud to be an american again? will the next holiday's lights shine brighter? oh sigh.

but seriously kids, u need to fucking vote. i'm not even trying to coerce u to see things my way, or saying that u must vote for kerry, but merely encouraging all of u who are of the legal age to utilize ur rights as an american citizen. so many of them are being put into jeopardy these days. make urself informed, and help shape our futures. only about 1/4 ppl chose bush 4 years back. that's absolutely pathetic. granted, i'm a former politics major, so yeah, i may care a bit more than the average joe on such topics, but seriously, i'm not as crazy into as u think. i just have a sense of awareness, & both appreciate & recognize the rights american citizens fought for so many years ago so that we may live in freedom. men died to give u the right to say what u want in this country, the right to vote. don't disgrace them by sitting on ur lazy potato chip chomping ass.

*takes a breath*

i kinda wish everyone got so peeved.


why do dvds cost so much? if cds cost pennies to make, then i can't imagine dvd technology really putting them out much more. vhs? now cheaper than ever, however. oh sigh.

so yeah, i made it through the first week of being a nanny alive. i was disappointed to find that my bank was closed today, however, & thus i could not deposit zee bling bling. oh bother. they're good kids overall. i mean, ya don't expect perfection from a pair of young boys, ya know?

...to be continued...

getting up at 730 makes me tired. oh sigh.

here's a quiz. i can't think.

Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty

sing it.
alright. next time kiddies, next time...