
happy 4th of july ...i guess.

it urkes me that for the first time in the history of my being an american, and thus, my being alive, that i am feeling a bit indifferent about the holiday. if one has ever scrolled to the bottom of this page, then surely they will have taken note of my being less than pleased with our current presidential situation. i went to see farenheit911 with rachel the other night, & i can't say that much of the information presented was particularly new or surprising. i'm not exactly a michael moore fan. although i feel that the points he raises are worth considering, i feel that he himself can be quite the douchebag. nonetheless, the film doesn't exactly make those who are not bush fans to begin with any less the wiser, if i may say. after catching some fireworks down at the lake, & having both security & the local popo get all huffy about it, i came back here to catch some of kerry on cspan from a rally in wisconsin a few days back. will america make me proud to be an american again? will the next holiday's lights shine brighter? oh sigh.

but seriously kids, u need to fucking vote. i'm not even trying to coerce u to see things my way, or saying that u must vote for kerry, but merely encouraging all of u who are of the legal age to utilize ur rights as an american citizen. so many of them are being put into jeopardy these days. make urself informed, and help shape our futures. only about 1/4 ppl chose bush 4 years back. that's absolutely pathetic. granted, i'm a former politics major, so yeah, i may care a bit more than the average joe on such topics, but seriously, i'm not as crazy into as u think. i just have a sense of awareness, & both appreciate & recognize the rights american citizens fought for so many years ago so that we may live in freedom. men died to give u the right to say what u want in this country, the right to vote. don't disgrace them by sitting on ur lazy potato chip chomping ass.

*takes a breath*

i kinda wish everyone got so peeved.


Blogger RPM said...

I thought there were some points in the movie that were shocking, to say the least. Like that Congressman who bluntly said that no one ever reads the bill in its entirety. That's ridiculous. Are these guys for real?

Check out my thoughts on the movie on my blog at http://usctrojan98.blogspot.com.

7/07/2004 6:38 PM  

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