
ha, i too appreciated jazmin's 'dear ev' post on wisdom teeth. i have to go to the dentist soon to see what's up with mine, since oh hey, it seems like the thing to do. plus, i don't want them to knock out my teeth or anything, ya know. but yeah, i was gonna leave u a comment ev, but alas, ur comment jive seems to have disappeared. i'm sure you'll do fine! ppl will feel sorry for u & poor on lots of care. don't fret. ur existing teeth will thank u for not causing them to loose their homes.

i got a letter in the mail from school today congratulating me on being named the perennials scholar of the year. i hadn't realized i was THE one. that's cool. it's from old ppl, so ya gotta love that. i heart old ladies, after all... & apparently they heart me as well even though we have never met. i shall have to write them a letter and thank them for showing me some love.

ay, so i've been driving myself relatively crazy with school jive. i talked to kim the other night, so then i got to thinking about australia again. just when i had managed to peace out on the idea of LA, in comes another distraction. oh bother. if only i weren't always such a scatter brained overachiever.

also, i came across this site
http://stats.bls.gov/home.htm which tells ya all about professions in the US... what the need for them will be in the future, what u'll do, the sort of money u'll be making. kinda neat.

the fair is coming soon =) i don't think there's much else to share. cupcakes for all!

oh wait, nothing to share, that's right. later kids.


Blogger Struggling Runner said...

Well, i disabled the comment thingy on my blog. cause this way i can pretend i am talking to myself...haha..like i don't do that enough. well, the procedure was very simple...much more so than i had anticipated...so, i am doing alright. thanks for thinking of me!

7/31/2004 11:05 PM  

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