
decisions, decisions... every so often when i post, i genuinely desire your feedback.
this would be one of those times.

i've been wondering a lot lately if i should change up my schedule or not. i have a 400 seminar on latin american politics. now no offense to my latin amigos but uh, i don't exactly have a strong interest in the subject. i feel pressured to take the 400 now though to make sure that i'll get one. i've been trying to keep fall of sr yr open for study abroad purposes, but today i began to think otherwise. currently, i'm minoring in politics & legal studies. now i loves me some law, but the 2 classes i have left to complete the minor aren't high on my list of fun list. i don't want to be having too many upper level courses at once, basically. so yeah, i started thinking about writing. forever ago, freshmen yr, when i was asking everyone what they thought i should be majoring in, nearly everyone said they saw me as a writer... even those who had never read anything i had written. i've always loved editing things, & research & such, so today i got to thinking, why not minor in writing? i would only need 4 more courses, & they all seem like a good time. things like writing for a magazine, or writing as a critic. considering that i don't aim to be a lawyer, taking these classes instead of the law courses seems sensical.

okay, so what's the dilemna? if i ax legal studies, & minor in writing, then i can no longer go abroad fall of sr yr. let us remember that i will *hopefully* be going to DC in the spring, so it's not like i'll be at IC forever. on the plus side, however, i wont have to take the 400 sem this semester, nor will i have to take 18 credits. my schedule won't be as do or die, the required courses will be ones i actually want to take, & writing is something i'd rather do with my life above law.
& what's with LA anyway? sometimes i wonder if it's the hype of having a slew of TVR folk around me all the time that gets me . yes, i enjoy doing ICTV, but really, it's because i get to write & perform my own ramblings. that's the part that i enjoy. but at the same time, living on the west coast would be awesome. if only i could win the lottery without even buying a ticket & be able to do LA for the summer...
granted, majors & minors only mean so much. but still. i also want a job that will let me have a family. ha, everyone knows i want to have a bunch of babies & be able to work from home & bake cakes. but yeah, thoughts? should i keep considering LA (which i could have gone to this semester)? should i minor in writing? oy vey.
i realize that this very post is inevitably more biased than i personally have the ability to realize in my indecision, ha, so perhaps u folks can help me define what it is that i should be doing.

thanks kids ;) any thoughts on the subject would be most appreciated.


Blogger Struggling Runner said...

Ok...This is what I think...LA is good if you plan on going to California after you graduate. I mean, I used to think it was a must for all Park kids, but if you want to major in anything Park-related and network in the area...It's a good deal. If not, I dunno. I chose not to go because I am not interested in the classes they offer, and it's a lot of money. Plus, I don't think LA is for me. As for changing minors...I think u can take one (maybe 2) of those writing classes as an elective to see how it goes, then make a decision. And...don't worry about 400 level classes. You'll see...400 level courses are not any different from 300 level ones. I swear. You only feel the difference if you keep reminding yourself that there is one. They are all the same, and as a junior it's best to get them out of the way if you can. Cause then you can have more fun senior year, and go abroad if you wish.
This is my thought only, though...and what do I know? I am from Brazil, anyway. hahaha...Let me know if there is anything else I can do. Toodles, darling!

7/25/2004 10:48 AM  
Blogger -dana- said...

thanks small asian. the thing is, i have my schedule quite regimented as it is, so electives aren't really, well, present. it just seems as if there's never enough time to make educated decisions... 4 yrs seems like a long time until u realize that oh hey, it's not.

7/25/2004 1:19 PM  
Blogger Struggling Runner said...

Oh I didn't know u were taking all required classes...No electives? Cause I thought maybe u could replace a class u don't need with this writing one...Now, I dunno. It's a tough call, man. I am sorry you have to make this decision...Yeah...I hate figuring classes out. I hope you figure out what you want to do, though...And, don't worry, no matter what you do, it WILL work out. That's the way things go. I never thought I would get my degree done, but somehow things are falling into place. It's like magic. And you are allowed to make some mistakes.

7/25/2004 8:02 PM  
Blogger jota said...

you really got me confused but here's what i think:

I would scratch LA because LA is really just offering a working experience, which you're already getting in DC.
It's also really cool cause its in LA and West Coast and all, but DC is awesome too. And why do the same thing twice, when once is sufficient?

If you're not very interested in law, I would scratch the Legal Studies minor and go for writing. Legal Environment Of Business II sucked balls. You'll have to really study and memorize, regardless of who you take it with....and why write about bankruptcy when you can write about other things or learn different writing techniques?

I'd do the writing thing. If you ever fall behind, there's always summer school. Sometimes taking risks like that work out.

And a degree is a degree. So, you're always better off with a degree of any kind than no degree at all.

Regarding babies and baking, just find a rich boy and marry.



7/25/2004 10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

see, girlie, i think you're just fixated on l.a., because hey - you got into the program & now it's like, the thing to do. you do all those tv shows, you can write, you're kinda-sorta a parkie, why not go to l.a. but you've made it quite clear a bunch of times that you really want to go to d.c. and you really don't want to go to l.a. so why go? i mean, if you can scramble some moolah together or figure something out, consider it for the summer, but i wouldn't take a semester out if it's gonna crunch your semester and it's something you're not 100% on and something you don't really want to do anyway.

as far as the writing minor goes. if you only need 4 courses left, that's only 1 a semester. i mean, you seemed to enjoy half-assing arg, but you know - it was arg., not like, writing as a critic, which i could see you being exceptionally good at. if you don't like law, it seems crazy to take 400s in it. this from the girl whose minoring in photo just 'cause i only have 2 courses left. so really, i'm in the same boat you are, except i like photo. but still. you like writing, you don't really like law. it's just that deal - you only need 2 more. but both are good skills to have under your belt. so if you decide to switch, you really wouldn't be causing yourself any trauamtic damage.

think i typed enough? just trying to help, of course... =o)

- em

7/27/2004 10:38 PM  

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