
ThatsASin (1:18:59 AM): your grandma rocks

so cat has this cosmo mag that's supposed to be all hardcore on the zodiac & jive... love matches & what not. apparently, another sag is where it's at for me. also, i'm tactless, pushy & long winded... but on the plus side, cheery, party lovin', & a joy to have around. guys dig my 'great smile & ballsy personality.' cat's sign is so terribly boring, virgos over the world, i'm sorry for u. but hey, at least u've got clean hands.

oh cosmo, what would we ever do without u?

i also had an idea for break up chocolate. it'd say things like, "you're better off without him," and, "he hogged the covers" to make you feel better as u eat off that break up. i mean, come on, we all know that gals flock to chocolate. this seemed like a fabulous marketing idea to me. cat on the other hand responded with, "you're awful."

man, i do suck at being a girl.

LOVING ONE. You need safety in your relationship.
You want to be sure in his/her arms, knowing
that he will protect you and you can be totally
devoted to your other. At this point you are
very vulnerable. You open yourself and dont
even think that he/she could cheat you. You
totally trust your partner in every single way.
SO if you find out that she/he lied to you or
played a game this trust is broken. You may try
to forgive your other but this will be very
difficult.He/She has to be friendly and

~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
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