
you don't have an ass. daddy doesn't have an ass. -my mom

so i'm back a la escuela! *teeheehee* internet's not working in my room though :/ so no AIM. sorry kids. it's odd to be back here... same faces, same fun... yet different. oy, the boys have an awesome apartment. we didn't wanna tell em, cuz ya know, they're them... but it's nice alright. ben said he loves me! let's hold onto that one. he also said that we can come over whenever we want... ha, as long as we help cook. he enjoyed the fact that kim & i were barefoot in his kitchen. oof.

ha, i have yet to unpack my clothes yet. i should really do that... sigh sigh sigh. we have a meeting tonight. i'll finally get to meet the new T2. holla. we shall see... we shall see indeed...

peace out cubscouts


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