
a la simpsons-
lisa: why does jesus have a lasso?
homer: because he's a real man

wow, many quotable instances these past few days... we'll see what i actually remember.

hmm... so what's in the news... well, i got a raise at work, not as much as i'd like to see though, hurrah. of course my car needs to b fixed... score! cuz that's what i wanna spend $ on... why oh why does this always happen. the car seems to b jealous of the green stuff yo. i put my paycheck in the console, it likes the feel of it on its vinyl. then suddenly, i'm shelling out hundreds of dollars to get the old boy jazzed up. what the h. what. the. h.

a commercial on the radio speaks of a contest to win $100,000
meghan: a hundred thousand, is that like a million?
me: is that like a million?
meghan: yeah
me: a million would b a million. a hundred thousand would b a hundred thousand
meghan: ohh... that's right.

uhm?!? wow. just wow.

so yesterday zee girls & i went on an escapade to the palisades mall. big frickin' mall yo. ha, this was when sarah had *her* moment to shine. to set the scene- seeing as that we are passing an outdoorsy sort of store, cat & i r talking about how we should go camping. mike, sarah's bf, has a brochure on some cabins which she keeps speaking of, though we have yet to see.
cat: we should go someplace
me: yeah, like that thing that mike has
sarah: oh what, the chairs?

the chairs u say? ha, what chairs? no one said a word about chairs. dude, i could have fallen over. perhaps the effect of this can't truly b captured in blog form but wow. then everyone started mocking me for my laugh. oof.. not a day goes by, i swear to u... one day, one day it shall evolve again...

i made a quality omelette today. with cheeeeese, chimes mel b. oh yeah, go me.

so of course we got lost on the way back home. we ended up on the tapanzee. that's hot yo. in the foodcourt some thug style brotha spilled his extra large soda from bk & then just kept walkin' all it don't mattuh. chill yo, chill

and ha! so as if yesterday's quotability compacity couldn't get any better- also in the food court, there was this huge sign which read food, fun, and JEEPERS! a monkey is that not AMAZING? & jeepers a monkey. no freaking way. man... i love monkeys. in vicky's, which we of course hit, they had a bra with monkeys. there were also bananas though, *and* it was pink. 2 against one yo, i passed.

ever find letters or diaries from years ago? ya know, i remember back when i kept a diary thinking about how it'd b so cute for a future daughter to read. i think i got the idea from ghostwriter (gabby's dad gave her a copy of her deceased mother's "harriet the spy"- she had written in the columns so it was 'like she could talk to her'). yeah, uhm, how bout stupid idea. sorry 5th grade self, but no one gives a crap if ur locker wouldn't open. i think i just liked writing in colored pens or something. plus, for the most part, all ya write about r the cabbage head boys ya fancy. so like omg, he like, exhaled in my general direction today! ahh!! he is soooo cute!! *shakes head in disgust* ugh, why? why oh why

i wish i had jr mints. last summer i was addicted to them in the worst way. i'm not sure quite how that came about or concluded but whoah buddy, i want some freakin' jr mints.

today i got to b on the register all bloody day. oy, ya know what really gets me? when u ask a customer if they'd like a bag for, let's say, their poster board, & they say if u have one or if u have one big enough. dude, seriously, why the hell else would i ask? why not just say yes, sure, please, no thank u, i'm allergic to plastic? one day i just wanna b like really? yeah... & just sorta zone out for a while. sweet nature of holiness

the other day we came across a shirt that said jesus is my homeboy. everyone deemed it my shirt. sometimes, i get frightened.

ya know that 10,000 maniacs song 'because the night'? ...i believe it's called... well it just randomly occurred to me today what the hell she's even saying. because the night BELONGS TO LOVERS. ha, who know. i hadn't known if it were lasting lovers or and i'm still lovas... & dammit now i forget the following line. oh well, i'm sure one of u gems will IM me on this one. but come now, isn't the mystery fun? & am in the only one with this problem? one must question... oh well, whatever... it's called diction. natalie merchant, take note.


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