
& it has been too long my dearest friends...

alright, now that i'm home- shakin' it jersey style, rest assured that there will b grandma quotes up in here. ow ow!!

already there has been such grandma fun. yesterday brought us such gems as u just give me a time & i'm ready . oh grandma, she just cracks me up.

hmm... so what *has* been going on...well good byes were sad. i love guys. they're all see ya in a few months? aiight, peace. meanwhile girls r like *sob sob* omg... i'm so glad i met u this yr *tear tear* truly i am. yeah, i was a girl, what can i say. i'm just sorry that the last some ppl had to see me was all teary eyed & jive. cheers to an experience though, i'll say that much. i am forever grateful for the experience, for the ppl i've met & grown to love... it boggles my mind to think that the freshman yr experience is complete & that HEY life went on outside of our ithaca bubble but alas, 'tis true. i've met ppl from allover the world, allover the country... it's really something when u think about it.

they say that u change when u go away to college... i know i have, but i can't exactly make a list of the ways. i've just learned a lot about my own ideals, independence, acceptance... even my T2 family, i can't stress how thankful i am that u all let me break in. it truly wouldn't have been the same without u. this yr i met tons of new ppl, gained some awesome friends, gotten my heart stolen, been teased relentlessly about bananas, mocked for my ever changing laugh patterns, learned to appreciate not having to wear shoes when u shower... ha, without getting *too* mushy, i just really wanna say that every single person added to the experience, & i'm glad for every moment. word up to my ithaca loves. u guys... man oh man

woo, alright, so on a lighter note... ha, on the way home- we saw an old couple on bicycles. they were amazing! first off, we were in traffic & they kept PASSING US, but secondly, the old woman's bike was decked out yo. she had a little flag on the back... one of them big bobby pole things with the plastic flag? yeah, i dunno... & a lambskin seat cover. hot damn. my dad told me not to bust on them cuz i'm gonna b an old lady too one day. i clarified & told him that this old lady was awesome.

rah, i'm supposed to go job hunting tomorrow. oh joy. as a cashier, i used to say that with every chunk of change i gave away went a little bit of my soul. jeepers, i can't wait.

for my web development project i made this website about grandmas & candy. it's hot. unfortunately, the server was full & i didn't get to upload it. sooo i'm gonna try & post some of it on here. look out kiddies, it's coming...

i want a brownie.

ha! speaking of food... yeah, so in coming to college i was adament that i could do absolutely nothing as far as exercise goes, eat anything i wanted, & not gain the infamous freshman 15. OH! guess who rocks it. yeah that's right. i actually lost weight while at school. we live on a hill hello, that's exercice enough. i mean, i'm sure my make pasta at 2am strategy isn't the best, but it's good to know that i won't b one of those ppl that every whoahhhhs at as they roll back in town... literally. if the 15 did hit u, i'm sorry. i'm not trying to rub it in by saying this, but that was a goal of mine so i thought i'd share cuz i'm proud of this fact

alright, i've yet to see x2, but in the spirit...

You are Storm!

You are very strong and very protective of those
you love. You are in tune with nature and are
very concerned with justice and humanity.
Unfortunately, certain apprehensions and fears
are very hard for you to overcome, and can
often inhibit you when most need to be strong.

Which X-Men character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla


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