
omg, i'm vibrating -girl on the elevator. she meant that her cell phone was vibrating, that is. oh honey, don't make the elevator friend thing any more awkward than it need be...

a bunch of stuff happened today that made me think ooh! blog! ha, let's see if i remember any of it... i just... i just don't wanna let u kids down, ya know? *wipes eyes... tries to compose herself*

Ben: so i guess i missed the nakedness, huh?
me: seems like it
me: ya gotta b on these things *snaps fingers*
Ben: we got off on this whole tangent
Ben: and you've inspired us to start a buisness
me: oh really now?
Ben: basically people can buy their friends attractive people that randomly walk in and get in the shower with them
me: interesting...
Ben: what do you think?
Ben: imagine on your b-day if two random hot guys walked in naked and got in the shower with you
Ben: and you had no idea what was going on
Ben: and later found out that it was a present from your friends
Ben: it would be great
me: well as long as they weren't 2 naked gay guys, i suppose
Ben: no, these guys would most likely have sex with you
Ben: although it would be "against company policy" since it's illegal
me: well, at least it'd b shower fresh
Ben: yeah

it rained today. the worms came out. i made a concious effort to not smash any. as i was walking home i was thinking about picking them up & saving them, but then i remembered that they're trying to escape the flooded grass, so what would i do with them? it briefly flashed in my mind that if i were a bio major this would somehow b more acceptable. but shorty there after i realized that no dana, anyone picking up the worms would b strange, even if they were into bio. poor little worms. this troubles me so.

ToeKnee2times : i can't believe you did that to me
ToeKnee2times : you harlett
ToeKnee2times : you used me to get to my mom
ToeKnee2times signed off at 12:30:51 AM.
noel762: nice dramatic effect on that one
ToeKnee2times: yeah

happy earth day, foo

defenestration (dee-feh-nuh-STRAY-shun) noun : a throwing of a person or thing out of a window
now tell me how the mere fact that such a word even exists is not awesome?

wow. i have done waaay too much spanish these past few days... good things have been happening though. my big project got pushed back an entire wk AND i don't have my first class thursday or friday. niiice. abby said that this is a reward of sorts for not being a ho. oh jeepers, i knew moral standings would pay off in the land of academia at some point...

yeah, so who says yoink? kim, marjani, & i were pondering this earlier. i'm sorry kids, but if ur not animated, ya just can't say it.

2.5 wks of school left.. this is crazy

beatin old women for pills

what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla

now this... is amazing


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